Dr. Rob Tierney
Professor Emeritus
Rob Tierney is a Professor and former Dean of the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia (2000-2010), an Honorary Professor and immediate Past Dean of the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Sydney (2010-13), a Visiting Distinguished Scholar at Beijing Normal University and a conjoint Professor for the Wollotuka Centre at the University of Newcastle. He has served as a member of the Faculties at the Ohio State University, the University of Illinois, University of Arizona, Harvard University and University of California-Berkeley.
Rob has published numerous books and scholarly articles focused upon literacy education, teacher development, cross-national educational research, educational assessment and equity. His recent projects include research on global epistemologies and cross-cultural research, digital literacy and meaning making, the nature of educational scholarship across countries, teacher development projects in China and indigenous developments in Australia. He has served as editor of Reading Research Quarterly and an editorial board member to the American Educational Research Journal, Educational Researcher, the British Educational Research Journal, Journal of Literacy Research and Reading Research Quarterly. He has pursued funded research for various US government and Canadian agencies and been engaged in projects for UNESCO in Africa, Children’s Television Workshop, Apple Computer, the World Bank, various foundations and university consortium groups globally, across America and the Asia-Pacific region.
In Canada, Rob served as the President of the Association of Canadian Deans of Education where he guided the formulation of the General Accord, a National Accord on Teacher Education and a National Accord on Education Research. In Australia, he has been actively involved in national, state and local teacher education, educational research and indigenous efforts including with the Association of Australia Council of Deans of Education and affiliates.
During his tenure in the US, he was President of the Literacy Research Association and Chair of the National Assembly of Research for the National Council of Teachers of English. He was engaged with graduate level research and teacher education initiatives and responsible for oversight of the National Eisenhower Center for Science and Mathematics Education and the ERIC clearinghouse for Science and Mathematics Education as well as US Reading Recovery’s national office.. He has been the recipient of a number of international and national awards including the W. S. Gray Award for contributions to literacy education, American Council of Teacher Education Award for contributions to Teacher Education and Beijing Normal University Award for contributions to international research collaborations. In Canada he received an award and lifetime membership in the Association of Canadian Deans of Education for his work.
Selected Publications
Tierney, R. J. (2017). Populism and literacy consciousness in uncertain global times. Journal of Literacy Research, 49(3), 4–7.
Tierney, R. J., & Wei, K. (2016). Knowledge globalization within and across the People’s Republic of China and the United States: A cross-national study of internationalization of educational research in the Early 21st Century. American Educational Research Journal,53(6), 1759–1791. doi:10.3102/0002831216678320
Beach, R., & Tierney, R. J. (2016). Toward a theory of literacy meaning making within virtual worlds. In S. Israel (Ed.), Handbook of research on reading comprehension (vol. 2). New York: Guildford Press.
Tierney, R. J. (2015). Integrative research review: Mapping the challenges and changes to literacy research. Annual proceedings of the Literacy Research Association, 63, 20–35.
Ginns, P., Loughland, A, Tierney, R.J., Fryer, L., Amazan, R., & McCormick, A. (2015). Evaluation of the learning to teach for social justice – Beliefs (LTSJ-B) scale in an Australian context. Higher Education Research and Development, 34, 311–323.
Tierney, R. J. (in press). Investigating Australia’s inequities; the plight, promises and possibilities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in universities In R. Slee (Eds.), Researching Pedagogy and Learning . Sense Publishers of Rotterdam in The Victoria Institute book series – Innovations and Controversies: Interrogating Educational Change. https://independent.academia.edu/RobTierney/Papers
Beach, R. & Tierney, R. J. (2016) Toward a theory of literacy meaning making within virtual worlds. In S. Israel (Ed) Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension. Vol. 2. (pp. 135-164). New York: Guilford. https://www.academia.edu/16541033/Toward_a_Theory_of_Literacy_Meaning_Making_Within_Virtual_Worlds
Ginns, P., Loughland, A., Tierney, R. J., Fryer, L., Amazan, R. & McCormick, A. (2015). Evaluation of the Learning to Teach for Social Justice – Beliefs (LTSJ-B) Scale in an Australian Context. Higher Education Research and Development, 34(volume2), 311-323. http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/PxAWx5Z2FaAG4qUwxYKC/full
Tierney, R. J. (2015). Integrative Research Review : Mapping the Challenges and Changes to Literacy Research. In the proceedings of the sixty-third annual proceedings of the Literacy Research Association (pp. 20-35). https://independent.academia.edu/RobTierney/Papers
Tierney, R. J., Lawson, L. & Murray, E. (2013/2000). Learner-centered assessments for pre-service classroom teachers. In J. Many (Ed.), Handbooks of instructional practices for literacy teacher educators: examples and reflections from the teaching lives of literacy scholars (pp.251-260). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 2013 edition by Routledge,
Tierney, R. J. (2012). Changing histories changing literacies: making the case for Nigeria. In O. Emejulu & I Isiugo-Abanihe. Cross-disciplinary perspectives in literacy and language studies. Vol. 1 International Deployment Committee for Africa, IRA and Africa-Link Books, Owerri Nigeria (pp. 1-10). Location + Publisher?
Tierney, R. J. (2011) Multimedia digital engagements by readers and learners. Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. Publishing.
Hoffman, J. V., Rogers, T, Sailors, M. & Tierney, R. J. (2011) Multilingual practices, critical literacies, and visual culture: a focus on African Contexts. Reading Research Quarterly, 46(4) 389-398.
Tierney, R .J. (2009). Agency and artistry of meaning makers within and across digital spaces. In Susan Israel and G. Duffy (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Reading Comprehension, (pp. 261-288). New York: Routledge. https://independent.academia.edu/RobTierney/Papers
Tierney, R. J. (2009). Literacy education 2.0: looking through the rear view mirror as we move ahead. In J. Hoffman & Y. Goodman (Ed) A historical perspective on the future of reading research, public policy and classroom practices (pp. 282-300). New York: Routledge.
Tierney, R. J. (2009). Perspectives on assessment: reflections on and directions from Goodman. In P. L Anders (Ed.), Defying convention: Inventing the future in literacy research and practice (pp.204-213). NY: Taylor and Francis.
Tierney, R. J. (2009). Shaping New Literacies research. extrapolations from the Handbook of Research on New Literacies. Reading Research Quarterly, 44(3), 322-339.
O’ Flahavan, John F. & Tierney, R. J. (2008). Inquiry with and through literacies: rethinking our destination and journey. In D. Lapp, J. Flood, & N. Farnan (Eds.), Content Area Reading and Learning (pp. 537-552). New York: Taylor & Francis Group.
Tierney, Robert J. (2008). Learning with multiple literacies: observations of lives exploring meanings, identities, possibilities, and worlds. In J. Flood, S. B. Heath, & D. Lapp (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Teaching Literacy Through the Communicative and Visual Arts Volume II (pp. 101–108). New York: Taylor & Francis Group.
Tierney, R. J. (2008). Literacy comprehension and composing: Online strategies. In A. Berger (Eds.), Secondary School Reading—What Research Reveals for Classroom Practice. Urbana, IL: NCTE/NCRE.
Tierney, R. J. (2008). Reading and students with disabilities: searching for better guidance. Special Issue: Reading and Children with Disabilities. Journal of Balanced Reading Instruction, 15(2), 89-97 Fall, 2008 [Special Issue].
Tierney, R. J. , Butler, D., Heap, J (2010) Accord on research in education. Association of Canadian Deans of Education, Canadian Society for the Study of Education. http://www.csse-scee.ca/acde/accords
Tierney, R. J. , Butler, D., Heap, J (2010) Accord on research in education-background statement. Association of Canadian Deans of Education, Canadian Society for the Study of Education. http://www.csse-scee.ca/acde/accords
Tierney, R. J. , Allington, R. Carry, D. Karbon, J. (Technical advisor), Thome, C. (2008) Toward a Literacy Action Plan for Milwaukee Public Schools, Report of the External Literacy Review Team for Milwaukee Public Schools and Wisconsin State Department of Education. https://www.academia.edu/9690765/Toward_a_Literacy_Action_Plan_for_Milwaukee_Public_Schools_Report_of_the_External_Literacy_Review_Team
Association of Deans of Education (2005) General Accord Association of Canadian Deans of Education, Canadian Society for the Study of Education. http://www.csse-scee.ca/acde/accords
Association of Deans of Education (2005) Accord on initial teacher education. Association of Canadian Deans of Education, Canadian Society for the Study of Education. http://www.csse-scee.ca/acde/accords, http://www.csse-scee.ca/docs/acde/acde_teachereducationaccord_en.pdf
Tierney, R. J. Arua, A., Moanakwena, P. G., Rogers, T., & Lenters, K. (2005) Improving the quality of literacy learning in the content areas: situational analysis of secondary level education in Botswana, International Reading Association and UNESCO Section for General Secondary, Technical and Vocational Education. https://independent.academia.edu/RobTierney/Papers
Tierney, R. J. (2007). New literacy learning strategies for new times. In L. Rush, A J. Eakle, A. Berger (Eds.), Secondary School Reading—What Research Reveals for Classroom Practice (pp. 21-36). Urbana, IL: NCTE/NCRE.
Tierney, R. J., Bond, E. & Bresler, J. (2006). Examining literate lives as students engage with multiple literacies: the thread, the needle and the fabric. In Theory into Practice Issue on Literacies of and for a Diverse Society: Curriculum, Instruction and Multiple Literacies, 45(4), 359-367. https://independent.academia.edu/RobTierney/Papers
Tierney, R. J. (2006). Global/cultural teachers creating possibilities: reading worlds, reading selves and learning to teach. Pedagogies, (inaugural issue of journal) published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 77-87. https://independent.academia.edu/RobTierney/Papers
Tierney, R. J. and Thome, C. (2006) Is DIBELS leading us down the wrong path? In K. S. Goodman (Ed.), The Truth About DIBELS (pp. 50–59). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Tierney, Robert J. and Collins, Alice. (2006). “Teacher Education Accord: values and ideals of the teaching profession in Canada.” Education Canada, 46(4), p 73-75. http://www.cea-ace.ca/sites/cea-ace.ca/files/EdCan-2006-v46-n4-Collins.pdf
Tierney, R. J. & Rogers, T. (2004). Process/content/design/critique: Generative and dynamic evaluation in a digital world. The Reading Teacher, 58(2), International Reading Association. 218-221.
Rogers, T. & Tierney, R. (2002). Intertextuality. In B Guzzetti (Ed.), Literacy in America: An encyclopedia of history, theory, and practice (pp.258). ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.
Tierney, R. (2002). Portfolios. In B Guzzetti (Ed.). Literacy in America: An encyclopedia of history, theory, and practice (pp.443-333) ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.
Tierney, R. & T. Rogers. (2002). Reading comprehension instruction. In B. Guzzetti (Eds.) Literacy in America: An encyclopedia of history, theory, and practice. (pp.506-508). ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.
Tierney, R. (2002). Reading writing relationships. In B Guzzetti, (Ed.), Literacy in America: An encyclopedia of history, theory, and practice (pp.534-535). ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara, CA.
Tierney, R. J. & Sheehy, M. (2002). What longitudinal studies say about literacy development/what literacy development says about longitudinal studies. In J. Flood, J. Jensen, D. Lapp, & J. R. Squire (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching the language arts. Volume II. NY: Macmillan. https://independent.academia.edu/RobTierney/Papers
Tierney, R. J. (2001-2002). An ethical chasm: Jurisprudence, jurisdiction and the literacy profession. Journal of Adolescent Literacy, 46(4), 260-277.
Tierney, R. J. (2000). How will literacy be assessed in the new millennium? Reading Research Quarterly. 35(2), 244-245.