Faculty PD Funding

Term Available

April 1 – March 31
Does not accrue



Used For

Guest speakers, food for classes, updating equipment, professional development, conference registration, membership fees, books, GRAs, GAAs, honoraria…

Claim Procedure

Receipts and expenses to be submitted to Workday:

Expense Reporting: Create Expense Report – Out of Pocket
Used for the reimbursement of expenses and reconciliation of UBC VISA/P-Card transactions, including faculty and staff claims against a designated UBC Professional Development Fund (where applicable). Out of Pocket reimbursements and reconciliation of UBC VISA transactions can be done on a single Expense Report.

Expense Reporting: Workday Mobile – Enter Expense (Quick Expense)
Add an expense item using the Workday App on your phone. Quick Expenses can be accessed by the user and their delegate(s) and added to an expense report at any later date. An example of a Quick Expense is using the Workday App to take a picture of a receipt, so it is stored in Workday before reimbursement.

Expense Reporting: Workday Mobile – Create Expense Report
Create an expense report on the Workday mobile app. Add new or include existing expenses in the report.

Term Available

July 1 – June 30
Does not accrue



Used For

Expenses must relate to activities that enhance the performance, ability, or effectiveness of a faculty member’s work at the University which does not necessarily have to be for travel (eligible expenses would include registration fees, professional organizations, workshops, membership fees, subscriptions for journals, etc.)

Claim Procedure

Receipts and expenses to be submitted to Workday:

Expense Reporting: Create Expense Report – Out of Pocket
Used for the reimbursement of expenses and reconciliation of UBC VISA/P-Card transactions, including faculty and staff claims against a designated UBC Professional Development Fund (where applicable). Out of Pocket reimbursements and reconciliation of UBC VISA transactions can be done on a single Expense Report.

Expense Reporting: Workday Mobile – Enter Expense (Quick Expense)
Add an expense item using the Workday App on your phone. Quick Expenses can be accessed by the user and their delegate(s) and added to an expense report at any later date. An example of a Quick Expense is using the Workday App to take a picture of a receipt, so it is stored in Workday before reimbursement.

Expense Reporting: Workday Mobile – Create Expense Report
Create an expense report on the Workday mobile app. Add new or include existing expenses in the report.

Term Available

July 1 – June 30


FA collective agreement

Used For

Anything related to professional development. More information can be found here.

Claim Procedure

Receipts and expenses to be submitted to Workday:

Expense Reporting: Create Expense Report – Professional Development (PD Fund)
Used by eligible faculty and staff to make claims against their allotted UBC Professional Development Fund for out of pocket expenses or corporate credit card transactions (applies if the credit card is assigned PD Fund claimant).

Expense Reporting: Workday Mobile – Enter Expense (Quick Expense)
Create an expense using the Workday App on your phone. Quick Expenses can be accessed by the user and their delegate(s). An example of a Quick Expense is using the Workday App to take a picture of a receipt.

Term Available



Up to $6000

Used For

Following previous practice, seed grants of up to $6000 are available for individuals or teams who propose projects that meet the following criteria:1. The proposed project has long-range goals: as a seed grant, the funds are meant to establish the beginnings of an activity that is sustainable. Preference will be given to projects that specify where further funding (e.g., SSHRC), other resources (e.g., space, equipment), or sustaining partnerships (e.g., with established units) will be sought. Specifying outcomes (e.g., publications, presentations, symposia) would be helpful. The Rits Seed Fund is not to be used for research with human participants that requires BREB approval because those projects must go through the Office of Research Services with a RPIF.2. The project involves building partnerships within and/or beyond LLED: it expands networks, seeks new relationships, develops national or international teams, or otherwise extends the Department’s work and opens possibilities for innovation.

3. Applicants or co-applicants are normally tenure-stream or tenured members of LLED, and will be expected to provide updates and a final report on the project. The eligibility of potential applicants not in that category will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. At least one team member of all proposals must be an LLED graduate student whose participation will support their development as a scholar. Possible exceptions to the principle of hiring LLED students might include students who do not have a home department (e.g., students in interdisciplinary programs). Please provide a brief rationale for including non-LLED graduate students in such cases.

4. The project should not have received LLED seed grant funding previously, since this funding is meant to seed projects for which other sources of funding can then be sought.

Claim Procedure

Applications are accepted at any time, and should contain a two-page description of the project, a list of those involved, a timeline for use of the funds, and a budget. Only one award is allowed per faculty member (either as applicants or co-applicants) per year. New applications from faculty members who received awards from the previous year(s) will be reviewed after the (12-month) grant period and upon receipt of a project completion report with specific information on developments in seeking further external funding, other resources, or sustaining partnerships. All applications will be reviewed by the Head’s Advisory Committee. Successful applicants will be expected to present work-in-progress and final results to Department colleagues.