The Scholarship Stories is a video series created to highlight the distinctive and diverse research taking place within our department. These short video interviews are intended to provide a personal introduction to the research interests and teaching practices of our faculty and graduate students.
Dr. Anthony ParéGo to profile
Academic Writing in Doctoral Education, Discourse and Rhetoric, Teacher Education
Dr. Bonny NortonGo to profile
African Storybook, Digital, Identity, Indigenous Storybooks, International Development, Language Learning, Literacy, Open Access, Storybooks Canada
Dr. Derek GladwinGo to profile
Assistant Professor
Cultural Studies, Digital & Media Literacy, Environmental & Energy Literacy, Environmental Humanities, Food Literacy, Interdisciplinary Education, Literary Education, Sustainability Education, Writing & Rhetoric
Dr. George BelliveauGo to profile
Arts-Based Research, Drama Education, Interdisciplinary Arts, Research-Based Theatre
Dr. Kedrick JamesGo to profile
Senior Instructor
Arts-Based Research and Activism, Critical Media and Digital Literacies, Ecopoetics and Environmental Literacy, Secondary English Language Arts, Teacher Education Curriculum
Dr. Leah MacfadyenGo to profile
Data Literacy, Educational Technology, eLearning, Learning Analytics, Learning Design
Dr. Ling ShiGo to profile
Academic Writing, Second Language Writing, Teaching English as a Second Language Writing
Dr. Patsy DuffGo to profile
Adolescent Issues, Adult Education Issues, English as a Second Language, French and Second Languages, International Perspectives, Language Education, Literacy, Multiple Literacies
Dr. Ryuko KubotaGo to profile
Foreign/Second Language Education, Language Ideologies, Critical Pedagogies, Antiracism in Language Education
Dr. Victoria SurteesGo to profile
TESOL, Peer Language Sociaization, Language Learning in Study Abroad Contexts, English as a Lingua Franca, Ethnography, Mobile Technologies as Research Tools