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Negotiating ethical research engagements in multilingual ethnographic studies in education: A narrative from the field. In P. De Costa (Ed.), Ethics in applied linguistics research: Language researcher narratives (pp. 121–141). New York: Routledge.
Supervisor: Dr. Patricia Duff
Emotion labor, investment, and volunteer teachers in heritage language education. Modern Language Journal, 1–26.
Translator identity and the development of multilingual resources for language learning. TESOL Quarterly. Advance online publication.
COVID-19 and Heritage Language Learning. RSC COVID-19 Series, 67. The Royal Society of Canada.
Language, identity and education on the Arabian Peninsula: bilingual policies in a multilingual context. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2018.1466949 Supervisor: Dr. Andreea Cervatiuc
"I LOVE TO WRITE MY STORY": Storytelling and its role in seniors' language learning. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 30(2).
Enhancing Teaching English as an Additional Language Through Playfulness: Seniors (Ethno)Drama Club in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside. Tesol Journal.
Children’s images of HIV/AIDS in Uganda: What visual methodologies can tell us about their knowledge and life circumstances. Applied Linguistics Review, 9(2-3). [print version available 2018].
Past tensions and future possibilities: ARCYP and children's media studies. Journal of Children and Media, 10(1), 47–53.
Supervisors: Dr. Theresa Rogers and Dr. Monique Bournot-Trites
Digital literacies & multimodal learning. In R. J. Tierney, F. Rizvi & K. Erkican (Eds.) The international encyclopedia of education, 4th ed., pp 583-589.
[Review of the book Editing research: The author editing approach to providing effective support to writers of research papers, by V. Matarese]. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 29, 57–59. Supervisors: Dr. Ryuko Kubota and Dr. Sandra Zappa-Hollman
Social class and the inequality of English speakers in a globalized world. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 6(2), 287-311.
Language, identity and investment in the 21st century.In T. McCarty and S. May (eds.). Language Policy and Political Issues in Education, Encyclopedia of Language and Education, vol. 1. Springer.
Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
Language, ideology, and critical digital literacy. In. S. Thorne & S. May (eds.) Language Education and Technology, Encyclopedia of Language and Education, vol. 9. Springer.
Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
Digital storytelling and reconciliation. In P.Tortell, M. Young, & P. Nemetz (eds.) Reflections of Canada: Illuminating our opportunities and challenges at 150+ years, (pp. 200-205). Vancouver: Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies.
Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
Identity, language learning, and critical pedagogies in digital times. In J. Cenoz & S. May (eds.), Language Awareness and Multilingualism, Encyclopedia of Language and Education, vol 6. Springer.
Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
Investment and language learning in the 21st century. Langage et Société, 3, 19-38.
Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
Language and identity in the digital age. In S. Preece (ed.),Routledge Handbook of Language and Identity (pp. 523-540). Oxon: Routledge.
Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
Migrant and refugee background students learning through play. The Reading Teacher, 75(4), 453-462.
Storytelling through block play: Imagining identities and creative citizenship. Literacy, 56(1), 29–39.
Self-Immolation as Social Protest. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 3 (1), 53-68. Supervisor: Dr. Carl Leggo
A curatorial perspective on MOA’s ćəsnaʔəm, the City Before the City. Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art, 6 (1), 55–65. doi: 10.1386/vi.6.1.55_1
Supervisors: Dr. Carl Leggo and Dr. Kedrick James
Breathing from the Heart. In A. Fidyk, K. James, C. Leggo & P. Sameshima (Eds.), Poetic Inquiry III: Enchantments of Place (201-206). Wilmington, DE.:Vernon. Supervisor: Dr. Carl Leggo
An Entertaining Game-Like Learning Environment in Virtual World for Education. In S. D’Agustino, (Ed.). Creating Teacher Immediacy in Online Learning Environments. IGI Global. Supervisor: Dr. Carl Leggo
"Now he knows that there are two kinds of writing, two kinds of reading": Insights and issues in working with immigrant and refugee families and communities in a bilingual family literacy program. In J. Anderson, A. Anderson, J. Hare, & M. McTavish (Eds.), Language, learning and culture in early childhood: Home, school, and community contexts. New York: Routledge.
Supervisor: Dr. Jim Anderson
Looking back, looking ahead: Reflections at the intersection of language, culture and learning in early childhood. In J. Anderson, A. Anderson, J. Hare, & M. McTavish (Eds.), Language, learning and culture in early childhood: Home, school, and community contexts. New York: Routledge.
Supervisor: Dr. Dr. Jim Anderson
Test intensity, language testing experience, and the motivation to learn English in South Korea. In V. Aryadoust & J. Fox (Eds.), Current trends in language testing in the Pacific Rim and the Middle East: Policy, analyses, and diagnoses. London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Supervisor: Dr. Ling Shi
Mitigating risk in first-year Engineering: Post-admission diagnostic assessment in a Canadian university. In J. Read (Ed.), Post-admission language assessment of university students. New York: Springer.
Supervisor: Dr. Ling Shi
From academia to parliament – Small stories on witnessing sexual health knowledge mobilization. Emotion, Space and Society, 32, 100579. Supervisors: Dr. Theresa Rogers and Dr. Kedrick James
[Review of the book Navigating gender and sexuality in the classroom: Narrative insights from students and educators by Heather Killelea McEntarfer]. Sex Education, 17(4), 482-484.
Supervisors: Dr. Theresa Rogers and Dr. Kedrick James
Troubling the boundaries: Overcoming methodological challenges in a multi-sectoral and multi-jurisdictional HIV/HCV policy scoping review. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 12(2), 217–233.
Supervisors: Dr. Theresa Rogers and Dr. Kedrick James
Writing the Unwritable: Sebald, Haraway, and Creative Disobedience. Curricular and Architectural Encounters with W.G. Sebald: Unsettling Complacency, Reconstructing Subjectivity, 14, 240-253.
Enhancing relationality through poetic engagement with PhoneMe: Transmodal contexts and interpretive agency, Language and Literacy 25(2), 57-83.
Review of Writing for Peer Reviewed Journals: Strategies for Getting Published, by P. Thomson and B. Kamler. TESOL SLWIS News. Retrieved from
Supervisor: Dr. Ling Shi
Paraphrasing to transform knowledge in advanced graduate student writing. English for Specific Purposes, 51, 31-44. doi: Supervisor: Dr. Ling Shi
Graduate students’ modes of engagement in computer-assisted qualitative data analysis, International Journal of Social Research Methodology, DOI: 10.1080/13645579.2021.1879359
Digital Media Production of Refugee-Background Youth: A Scoping Review. Journalism and Media. Supervisors: Maureen Kendrick and Margaret Early.
“You’re the boss, yo!”: Role-Play in Digital Multimodal Composition of Newcomer Youth. Language and Literacy. Supervisors: Maureen Kendrick and Margaret Early.
Dynamic walking tour methodology for LL research: A case study in Jaffa, in Niedt G. & Seals C. A. (Eds), Linguistic Landscapes Beyond the Language Classroom.
Toward a New Multilingual Educational Policy in Israel: Attitudes and Perceptions of Teachers and Students. The Modern Language Journal, 104(3), 581-600.
Assessing YouTube science news’ credibility: The impact of web-search on the role of video, source, and user attributes. Public Understanding of Science, 29(4), 376-391.
Reframing the linguistic to analyze the landscape: The role of metaphor elicitation for the critical interpretation of multimodal advertising media. Linguistic Landscape, 5(1), 28-51.
Tag-naxon?(Tag-Right?) in instructional talk: Opening or blocking learning opportunities. Journal of Pragmatics, 137, 57-75.
Understanding heteronormativity in ELT textbooks: A practical taxonomy. ELT Journal, 74(2), 116–125.
“The term “all genders” would be more appropriate”: Reflections on teaching trauma literature to a gender fluid youth. Language & Literacy, 21(1), 57-74.
Alleviating anxiety through the abecedarian: On supporting new doctoral students. LEARNing Landscapes, 12(1), 171-182. Supervisors: Dr. Mary Bryson & Dr. Annette Henry
Interpersonal factors affecting queer second or foreign language learners’ identity management in class. Modern Language Journal, 103, 428–442.
We believe her: Sexual assault and friend/ally/ship in Exit, pursued by a bear. The ALAN Review, 46(1), 15-27.
“Blackboxing it”: A poetic min/d/ing the gap of an imposter experience in academia. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 3(1), 30-52.
[Review of the book Gender(ed) identities: Critical rereadings of gender in children’s and young adult literature, by H. Hassel & H. Clasen (Eds.)]. Gender & Education, 30(4), 550-552. DOI: 10.1080/09540253.2018.1445681 Supervisors: Dr. Mary Bryson & Dr. Annette Henry
[Review of the book Grounded theory in applied linguistics research: A practical guide, by G. Hadley]. System. DOI: Supervisor: Dr. Ryuko Kubota
Traumatic geographies: Mapping the violent landscapes driving YA rape survivors indoors in Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak, Elizabeth Scott's Living Dead Girl, and E.K. Johnston's Exit, Pursued by a Bear. Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures, 10(1), 58-84. Supervisors: Dr. Mary Bryson & Dr. Annette Henry
Eight events for entering a PhD: A poetic inquiry into happiness, humility, and self-care. Qualitative Inquiry, 24(8), 592-596. Supervisors: Dr. Mary Bryson & Dr Annette Henry
“Why would a dead girl lie?”: Hannah Baker as willful child ‘come to voice’ in 13 Reasons why. Papers: Explorations into Children’s Literature, 26(1), 43-60.
“I knew you were trouble”: Considering childism, shame resilience, and adult caretaker characters surrounding YA rape survivor protagonists. New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, 24(2), 144-166.
“The last block of ice”: Trauma literature in the high school classroom. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.
Supervisor: Dr. Mary Bryson and Dr. Annette Henry
Teaching sex education with poetry: An intimate coupling. English Education, 50(1), 90-95. Supervisors: Dr. Mary Bryson & Dr. Annette Henry
[Review of the book Critical content analysis of children’s and young adult literature, by K. G. Short, H. Johnson, & J. Mathis (Eds.)]. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 13(2), 1-6. Supervisors: Dr. Mary Bryson & Dr. Annette Henry
Editors Butler-Kisber, L., Guiney Yallop, J. J., Stewart, M., and Wiebe, S. ‘In the ER’, Poetic Inquiries of Reflection and Renewal. Lunenburg: MacIntyre Purcell Publishing.
Supervisor: Dr. Carl Leggo
What a Generalist Tutor Can Do: A Short Lesson from a Tutoring Session. Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie, 27, 58-68.
Confronting language myths, linguicism, and racism in English language teaching in Japan.In P. Bunce, V. Rapatahana, R. Phillipson & T. R. F. Tupas (Eds.), Why English? Confronting the Hydra (pp. 159-176). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Pop culture in teaching Chinese as an additional language: Theory, research, and practice. In V. Werner & F. Tegge (Eds.), Pop culture in language education: Theory, research, practice. New York: Routledge.
Pixualization: Glitch art and Data visualization. InfoDesign - Revista Brasileira de Design Da Informação, 14(1), 89–105.
Supervisor: Dr. Teresa Dobson
Humanidades digitales y la movilización del conocimiento: el caso de la alfabetización visual. VIRTUalis, 7(14), 206–221.
Supervisor: Dr. Teresa Dobson
A Glitch Pedagogy: Exquisite Error and the Appeal of the Accidental. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 14(1, 108–127.
Supervisor: Dr. Teresa Dobson
Calculating Line Length: An Arithmetic Approach. Visible Language, 50(1), 113–125.
Supervisor: Dr. Teresa Dobson
About Visual Acuity and Type Design: A Protocol. The Winnower. Retrieved from
Supervisor: Dr. Teresa Dobson
Seeking early literacy for all: An investigation of children’s librarians and parents of young children with disabilities’ experiences at the public library. Library Trends, 65(1), 65-91.
Supervisor: Dr. Jim Anderson
(In press, 2016). Promoting first language development and maintenance, and capitalizing on "funds of knowledge" in family literacy programs. In N. Kucirkova C. Snow, V. Grover & C. McBride (Eds.). The Routledge International Handbook of Early Literacy Education. New York, NY: Routledge.
A Research Agenda for English-Medium Instruction: Conversations with Scholars at the Research Fronts. Journal of English-Medium Instruction, 1(1), 124-136.
Towards critical translanguaging: A review of literature on English as a medium of instruction in South Asia’s school education. Asian Englishes.
Language ideologies, symbolic power, and social stratification: An ethnographic exploration of English medium instruction policy in Nepal’s public schools. In L. Adinolfi, U. Bhattacharya, & P. Phyak (eds.), Multilingual education in South Asia: At the intersection between policy and practice (pp. 50-68). Routledge.
English medium instruction as neoliberalism endowment in Nepal’s higher education: Policy-shaping practices. In N. Galloway & J. McKinley (eds.), English-medium instruction practices in higher education: International perspectives (pp. 71-83). Bloomsbury.
“Your English is so good”: Linguistic experiences of racialized students and instructors of a Canadian university. Ethnicities.
Teacher preparation for primary English education in Nepal: Missing agenda of diversity and inclusion. English Teaching & Learning.
Elite appropriation of English as a medium of instruction policy and epistemic inequalities in Himalayan schools, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2020.1789154
Critical pedagogy for preservice teacher education: An agenda for a plurilingual reality. In S. Steinberg, & B. Down (Eds.), The Sage handbook of critical pedagogies (pp. 884-898). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
English-medium instruction in South Asian’s multilingual schools: Unpacking the dynamics of ideological orientations, policy/practices, and democratic questions. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. doi: 10.1080/13670050.2020.1718591
Reproduction of nationalist and neoliberal ideologies in Nepal’s language and literacy policies. Asia Pacific Journal of Education. DOI:
Translanguaging or unequal languaging? Unfolding the plurilingual discourse of English medium instruction policy in Nepal’s public schools, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2020.1849011
Critical literacies in South Asia. In J. Z. Pandya, R. A. Mora, J. H. Alford, N. A. Golden, & R. S. de Roock (eds.), The handbook of critical literacies (pp. 289-296). New York, NY: Routledge.
Immigrant and refugee language policies, programs, and practices in an era of change: promises, contradictions, and possibilities. In S. J. Gold & S. J. Nawyn (2nd Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of migration studies (pp. 325-338). London: Rutledge. Supervisor: Dr. Guofang Li
Academic Discourse Socialization, Scaler Politics of English, and Racialization in Study Abroad: A Critical Autoethnography. The Qualitative Report, 24(1), 174-192. Retrieved from
Education, English language, and girls’ development: Exploring gender-responsive policies and practices in Nepal. In S. Douglas (Ed.), Creating an inclusive school environment. London: British Council (pp. 105- 114). London: British Council. Supervisor: Dr. Guofang Li
Using the first language (L1) as a resource in EFL classrooms: Nepalese university teachers’ and students’ perspectives. NELTA Journal, 22(1).
[Review of the book Linguistic diversity and social justice: an introduction to applied sociolinguistics, by Ingrid Piller]. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies. doi: 10.1080/15427587.2018.1434930
[Review of the book, Plurilingualism in teaching and learning: complexities across contexts, edited by Julie Choi and Sue Ollerhead]. Journal of Family Diversity in Education, 3(1), 95-98. Supervisor: Dr. Guofang Li
Programs, policies, and processes for immigrants’ host language acquisition: An international review. In S. Nawyn & S. Gold (Eds.), International handbook of migration studies (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. Supervisor: Dr. Guofang Li
[Review of the book, Discursive approaches to language policy, edited by Elisabeth Barakos and Johann W. Unger]. Language Policy. doi: 10.1007/s10993-018-9490-6. Supervisor: Dr. Guofang Li
English Medium Instruction (EMI) as Linguistic capital in Nepal: promises and realities. International Multilingual Research Journal. Supervisor: Dr. Guofang Li
[Review of the book English language education policy in Asia, by Robert Kirkpatrick]. The Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2017.1307046.
Supervisor: Dr. Guofang Li
Establishing the localization and indigenization of Indian English: A case study. Journal of English as an International Language, 11 (2), 39-49.
Supervisor: Dr. Guofang Li
Identity. In Li Wei (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Applied Linguistics (2nd Ed., pp. 137-150). Routledge.
Identity, language learning, and teacher education. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (2nd edition). Wiley.
Translanguaging and identity across global sites. In R. Tierney, F. Rizvi, & K. Erkican (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education (4th Ed., pp. 148-158). Elsevier.
Plurilingualism, equity, and preservice teacher identity: Centring (linguistic) diversity in teacher education. TESL Canada Journal, 38(2), 114–139.
Neoliberalism, transformation, and educational imperatives in tension: A duoethnography of collaboration and contestation in a Tanzanian community library. In A. Gagné, A. Kalan, & S. Herath (Eds.), Critical action research challenging neoliberal language and literacies education: Auto and duoethnographies of global experiences (pp. 231-246). Peter Lang. Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
Teaching and teacher education in an era of superdiversity: Challenges and opportunities. In G. Li, J. Anderson, J. Hare, & M. McTavish (Eds.), Superdiversity and teacher education: Supporting teachers in working with culturally, linguistically, and racially diverse students, families, and communities. New York: Routledge.
Translanguaging, multimodality, and authorship: Cultivating creativity and critical literacies through multilingual education in Tanzania. In E.J. Erling, J. Clegg, C.M. Rubagumya, & C. Reilly (Eds.), Multilingual learning and language supportive pedagogies in Sub-Saharan Africa. London: Routledge.
Literacies and translanguaging in Africa: A critical review of sociocultural perspectives. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 39(2), 210-224. DOI: 10.2989/16073614.2021.1934051
Language ideologies in multilingual Tanzania: Parental discourses, school realities, and contested visions of schooling. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.
Ubuntu translanguaging and social justice: Negotiating power and identity through multilingual education in Tanzania. In N. Avineri, L. R. Graham, E. Johnson, R. Riner, & J. Rosa (Eds.), Language and social justice in practice. New York: Routledge. Supervisors: Dr. Marlene Asselin and Dr. Bonny Norton
[Review of book Making signs, translanguaging ethnographies: Exploring urban, rural and educational spaces, edited by Ari Sherris and Elisabetta Adami]. Applied Linguistics, amz042,
Power, literacy engagement, and polyphonic identities: Translanguaging in a Tanzanian community library. Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 36(2), 133-146. DOI: 10.2989/16073614.2018.1495569. Supervisors: Dr. Marlene Asselin and Dr. Bonny Norton
Inventing a language online: The practice of edutainmentin English teaching Instagram posts. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 34(4), 1-12.
"Admit me Chorus to this history": Staging Contact!Unload and digital literacy. In G. Belliveau & M. Westwood (Eds.) Soldiers Performing Self in Contact!Unload: Innovation in Theatre and Counselling Psychology. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, pp. 89-96.
Supervisor: Dr. George Belliveau and Dr. Kedrick James
Retroprojection virtual reality: Shakespeare on stage. TEXT Special Issue 36.
Supervisor: Dr. George Belliveau and Dr. Kedrick James
“Canada 150: Reimagining a Multilingual Canada in the Digital Era”. In: Tortell, Ph. (Ed.) Canada 150. Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies, Vancouver, Canada.
Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
The African Storybook and language teacher identity in digital times. The Modern Language Journal, 101(S1), 45–60.
Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
The African Storybook, teachers’ resources, and pedagogical practices. International Journal of Educational Development, 52, 26–36.
Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
Digital stories and the African Storybook: Teaching English in the digital age. In M. Carrier, R. M. Damerow, & K. M. Bailey (Eds.), Digital language learning and teaching: Research, theory, and practice (pp. 116–126). New York: Routledge.
Supervisor: Dr. Bonny Norton
Beliefs about language learning in study abroad: Advocating for a language ideology approach. Frontiers, 27, 85–103.
Supervisor: Dr. Patricia Duff
Culture clubs in Canadian higher education: Examining membership diversity. Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education, 7(1), 66–73.
Supervisors: Dr. Patricia Duff and Dr. Ruyko Kubota
Using mobile surveys to share experiences from beyond the classroom. InterCom, The Newsletter of the Intercultural Communication Interest Section. Retrieved from
Supervisor: Dr. Patricia Duff
Translanguaging pedagogy in EAP writing: A multilingual Qazaq instructor’s perspective. Journal of Second Language Writing, 63, 101075.
To digital or not to digital: How mothers are navigating the digital world with their young children. Language & Literacy: A Canadian Education E-Journal, 19(1), 63-76. doi:
Supervisor: Dr. Jim Anderson
Poem as literature review: Poetic rumination on the history of Poetic Inquiry. Transformative Dialogues, 13 (2).
I was there, they were there: A poetic rumination of familial history, place and the concept of self. In Lyle, E. (Ed.), Identity Landscapes. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Sense. doi:
The poetry of fieldnotes in Burkholder, C., & Thompson, J. (Eds.). Using fieldnotes in educational research: approaches, practices, and ethical considerations. London: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429275821-12
Is there a definition? Ruminating on poetic inquiry, strawberries and the continued growth of the field. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 3(2), 48-76. doi:10.18432/ari29356 Supervisors: Dr. Anthony Pare and Dr. Kedrick James
MirrorCameraRoom: The multi (in)stabilities of the selfie. Feminist Media Studies, 17(1), 77-92.
Supervisor: Dr. Theresa Rogers
Im(matter)ial Bodies: a critical discourse analysis of a Canadian digital literacy resource. Language and Literacy. X(X)
Supervisor: Dr. Theresa Rogers
Writing the body of the paper: Three new materialism methods for studying the socially mediated body. In Zizi Papacharissi (ed): A Networked Self: Human Augmentics, Artificial Intelligence, Sentience. Routledge.
Supervisor: Dr. Theresa Rogers
Making the cut: An agential realist examination of selfies and touch. Social Media + Society, 1(4), 1-10.
Supervisor: Dr. Theresa Rogers
Introduction: Selfies: #Me-diated bodies and inter-‘faces’. Social Media + Society, 1(4), 1-5.
Supervisor: Dr. Theresa Rogers
Picture, position, map, emplaced assemblage: A genealogy of the body via social media. In H. Friese, M. Nolden, G. Rebane, & M. Schreite (Eds.), Handbook of social practices and digital life-worlds. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Supervisor: Dr. Theresa Rogers
Stitch the bitch: #girls#socialmedia#bodies. In N. Mandell & J. Johnson (Eds.), Feminist issues: race, class, sexuality (6th ed.). Toronto: Pearson Canada.
Supervisor: Dr. Theresa Rogers
Klangfarbenmelodie: Learner Identity and the Creative Arts. LEARNing Landscapes, 12(1), 259-270.
Multimodal Academic Discourse Socialization: Examining Geoscience Students’ Disciplinary Knowledge Construction and Socialization at a Canadian University, Applied Linguistics, 2024,
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