
Learn more about our internal departmental committees, Faculty of Education committees, and UBC committees:

For more information about LLED faculty and staff, and their various roles within the department:

Departmental Committees

This is a list of internal departmental committees, whose membership is decided between faculty members and the Head.

The Curriculum Committee reviews proposals for new courses and changes to existing courses, including general recommendations on TEO programmatic needs. The CCASA rep also assumes responsibilities as chair of the LLED Curriculum Committee. The Curriculum Committee Chair is in this way best positioned to take forward LLED proposals to CCASA.


Accurso, K. (Chair)
Berger, I.
Early, M.
Moore, A. (CCASA Rep.)
Wong, M.


Kumpulainen, K. (Co-chair)
Wong, M. (Co-chair)

GAC makes recommendations about all graduate student matters.


Kubota, R. (Chair)
Darvin, R.
Gladwin, D.
Kendrick, M.
Zappa-Hollman, S.

The HAC makes recommendations about budget, general policy issues, and nominations of faculty for awards.


Kumpulainen, K. (Chair)
Bryson, M.
Deschambault, R. (Rits Director)
Jenson, J. (LITR Coordinator)
Kendrick, M.
Kubota, R. (Grad Advisor)
McEachern, F. (GPA)
Susnjara, A. (Admin Manager)
Talmy, S. (ALSED Coordinator)


D'Silva, R. (Chair) (On leave July 2024-Feb. 2025)
Moore, A.
Kumpulainen, K.

The Merit Committee reviews submitted faculty Summary of Activities (SoA), and makes recommendations regarding faculty merit and PSA. The Head then brings these recommendations to the Dean.


Kumpulainen, K. (Chair)
Belliveau, G.
Duff, P.
Gladwin, D.
Jenson, J.
Kendrick, M.


Wong, M. (Chair)
Berger, I.
Darvin, R.
Moore, A.
Rajagopal, H.
Rogers, T.
Wernicke, M. (On leave Jan-June 2025)

Terms of Reference

The Committee will normally consist of the TESL MEd program coordinator, the ALSED coordinator, and an LLED-faculty instructor in the program. The committee will convene a minimum of 2 times per academic year in order to:

  • Provide academic oversight of the Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Masters of Education online program for matters related to:
    • Staffing: Make recommendations to the Workload Committee (Fall)
    • Curriculum: Review and discuss updates provided by the coordinator (Spring)
    • Admissions: Review and discuss updates, including procedures and outcomes, provided by the coordinator (Spring)
  • Identify needs, problems and solutions related to the TESL MEd program curriculum, courses, enrolments and graduate student matters;
  • Discuss changes in course offerings and scheduling. Proposals for changes can come from the Advisory Committee;
  • Provide academic oversight in administration of admissions and student progress.


Cervatiuc, A. (Chair)
Accurso, K.
Ahmed, A.
Deschambault, R.
Kowkabi, N.

Terms of Reference

The Committee will normally consist of the MLED (FRM) MEd program coordinator and two LLED-faculty instructors in the program, where possible. The committee will convene a minimum of 2 times per academic year in order to:

  • Provide academic oversight of the Masters of Education in Modern Languages/French online cohort program for matters related to:
    • Staffing: Make recommendations to the Workload Committee (Fall)
    • Curriculum: Review and discuss updates provided by the coordinator (Spring)
    • Admissions: Review and discuss updates, including procedures and outcomes, provided by the coordinator (Spring)
  • · Identify needs, problems and solutions related to the MLED (FRM) MEd program marketing and communication, curriculum, courses, enrolments, use of technology, and graduate student matters;
  • Discuss changes in course offerings and scheduling. Proposals for changes can come from the Advisory Committee;
  • Provide academic oversight in administration of admissions and student progress, including reviewing admissions files.


Ruest, C. (Chair)
Kunnas, M.
Wernicke, M. (On leave Jan-June 2025)

Terms of Reference

  • Identify and schedule courses for the upcoming academic year;
  • Review faculty workload requests and finalize workloads for the upcoming academic year;
  • Manage workload and scheduling changes throughout the year;
  • Consists of the Administrative Manager, all Area Coordinators, and up to 2 more faculty members;
  • Workload and Scheduling year run from May 1 – April 30.


Accurso, K. (Curriculum)
Jenson, J. (LITR)
Susnjara, A.
Talmy, S. (ALSED)

The Scholarship and Awards Committee makes recommendations regarding some internally and externally funded student awards (both graduate and undergraduate).


Gunderson, L. (Chair)
Ahmed, A.
Early, M.
Kunnas, M.


Whitehead, G. (Co-Chair)
Kumpulainen, K. (Co-Chair)
Jenson, J.
Ruest, C.
Susnjara, A.
Zappa-Hollman, S.

The Social Committee arranges social events, and supervises the use of any ‘social’ funds.


Susnjara, A. (Chair)
Gladwin, D.
Shoemaker, K.


Moore, A. (Chair)
Beaudry, R.
Delvecchio, J.
Rogers, T.
Wernicke, M. (On leave Jan-June 2025)


Deschambault, R. (Chair)
Kumpulainen, K.
Kowkabi, N.
Susnjara, A.


Moore, A. (Coordinator)
Rajagopal, H. (Coordinator)


Corella, M. (Coordinator)


Rajagopal, H. (Facilitator)
Wernicke, M. (Facilitator) (On leave Jan-June 2025)


Darvin, R. (Coordinator)

Faculty of Education Committees

This is a list of committees within the Faculty of Education that currently have an LLED presence.


Cervatiuc, A.
Kowkabi, N.
Ruest, C.


Rajaopgal, H.

Advise and make recommendations to the Dean pertaining to the Faculty especially around matters of programmatic initiatives, policies, academic integrity, strategies, goals, budget and oversight.


Hare, J. (Chair)
Ahmed, A.
Deschambault, R.
Kumpulainein, K.

Advise and make recommendations to the Dean and Faculty of Education departments/units. Explore, discuss and disseminate information regarding research initiatives and issues within the Faculty, University and wider community.

Li, G.
Moore, A.


Kumpulainen, K.


Corella, M.


Berger, I.
Corella, M.
Dobson, T. (On leave July 2024-Feb. 2025)


Ahmed, A.
Zappa-Hollman, S.


Li, G.
Duff, P.

Advise departments and Dean on graduate policy within the Faculty. Administer all graduate program and curriculum changes within the Faculty. Coordinate and disseminate information on research methods courses offered throughout the Faculty.

Kubota, R.

Gladwin, D.


Cervatiuc, A.
Dobson, T. (On leave July 2024-Feb. 2025)

Provide academic oversight of the Masters of Educational Technology (MET) program academic matters such as staffing, curriculum, admissions. Assure the academic integrity of the program. Provide financial and management oversight regarding budgetary issues. Identify needs, problems and solutions related to MET program curriculum, courses and graduate student matters. Review curriculum proposals; course revisions; course schedule; peer reviews of teaching and student evaluation of teaching data. Provide academic oversight in administration of admissions and student progress, including reviewing admissions files. Make recommendations and participate in design of advertisements for new positions and instructional hiring.

Dobson, T. (On leave July 2024-Feb. 2025)
Jenson, J.
Macfadyen, L. (On leave July- Dec. 2024)


Macfadyen, L. (On leave July- Dec. 2024)


Dobson, T. (On leave July 2024-Feb. 2025)


Darvin, R.

University Committees

This is a list of university-wide committees within UBC that currently have an LLED presence.