LLED Policies & Procedures
Academic Forms
Visiting Appointments
Faculty & University Policies
- Faculty entertainment expense policies [PDF]
- Faculty of Education policies, procedures, guidelines, and forms
- UBC wide policies
- Tri-council guidelines
- UBC IT services
Supervision and advising:
- Graduate student/supervisor expectations
- Tracking graduate student progress
- Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies supervision & advising
- PhD supervision and committee membership:All LLED faculty members may supervise MEd students. Research-stream faculty members or Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS) members may also supervise MA and PhD students. Pre-tenured faculty members are encouraged to co-supervise PhD students with senior research-stream faculty members.
However, educational leadership-stream faculty members or non-G+PS members need special approval to supervise MA and PhD students or to serve as committee members for PhD students. The request for approval must be made before or when the committee is formed (click HERE to access the approval form). To be eligible, the non-G+PS member should be actively engaged in research. In most cases where a non- G+PS member is granted supervisory privileges the student is co-supervised by a G+PS member. G+PS approval usually grants the applicant a five-year period to supervise any graduate students in LLED. Non-G+PS members can serve on master’s committees with the approval of the Graduate Academic Advisor or Department Head.
Retired faculty members, pending good standing with the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GP+S), may continue to supervise students, but must identify an appropriate co-supervisor for all doctoral and thesis-based master’s students, subject to Department Head approval.
Academic Integrity
The Department of Language and Literacy Education values academic integrity and expects students to inform themselves about the standards required to maintain that integrity. Information can be found at these sites:
For instructors, information for handling infringement of academic integrity (i.e., cheating, plagiarism) can be found here:
Instructors who wish to use Turnitin (plagiarism detection software) should consult the UBC Learning Technology Hub