Dr. Theresa Rogers
Arts-Based Research
Critical literacies/pedagogies
Digital literacies
English language arts
Literacy education
Multiliteracy and multimodality
My current interests include working with youth on critical literacies, arts and media production in school and community settings.
A second area of interest is literary theoretical perspectives in relation to contemporary adolescent literature. I participate in MACL, the UBC multidisciplinary children’s literature program (English, Creative Writing, SLAIS, LLED).
- Youth, Literature, Mobilities, and Civic Engagement (SSHRC Insight Grant, 2019-2023)
- Researching a Unique Community Program for Eliminating Financial Barriers to Education and Training among Youth and Young Adults (UBC FoE Andrews Grant, 2019-2020)
- Connecting international and Canadian scholars, teachers, and community educators to address digital equity: Access, ethics and engagement in digital language and literacy research and practice (SSHRC Connection Grant) 2016-2017
- Low income kids falling through the digital divide: A cross national study of social and cultural literacies (Collaborator, Brock University SSHRC IDG 2016-201)
- Digital literacy among women in rural Botswana (Hampton Fund 2011-2013)
- Informal literacy and learning among street youth (Andrews Grant 2010)
- The YouthCLAIM project: Critical literacies and arts-integrated media practices of youth in school and community settings.http://www.theresarogers.ca (SSHRC fund 2007-2010)
- Critical perspectives on adolescent literature: An exploration of issues related to Holocaust writing and teaching for young adults; analyses of space and place in Quebecois young adult literature. See ubc.academia.edu/TheresaRogers for publications and full texts.
Awards & Honours
UBC Killam Teaching Award
CSSE Graduate Student of Education Association Mentoring Award
Finalist, Outstanding Dissertation Award, International Reading Association
Two Year Postdoctoral Fellowship, Postdoctoral Fellowship, Ohio State University
Community Work
Board member, poetry in canada
Spencer-Creo Impact Award Committee, Family Services of Greater Vancouver, 2015-present.
Board of Directors, Family Services of Greater Vancouver, 2014-2017
Selected Publications
Ford, C. Ed. (2015) with Rogers, T. (production editor). Words from the Street II. Writings from Another Slice. Vancouver, East Van Graphics.
Sanford, K., Rogers, T. & Kendrick, M. (2014). Everyday Youth Literacies: Critical Perspectives for New Times. Singapore: Springer. Series Editor, Victoria Carrington.
Rogers, T., Schroeter, S., Wager, A and Hague, C. (2014). Public Pedagogies of Street-entrenched Youth: New Literacies, Identity and Social Critique. In Sanford, K., Rogers, T. & Kendrick, M. (Eds) Everyday Youth Literacies: Critical Perspectives for New Times. Singapore: Springer.
Rogers, T. (2012). Foreword. Adolescent Literacies and the Gendered Self. Guzzetti, B. and Bean, T.W. (Eds). New York: Routledge.
Brisson, G. and Rogers, T. (2012). Reading Place: Bodies and Spaces in Québécois Adolescent Literature. Children’s Literature in Education
Rogers, T. and Marshall, E. (2012). On the Road: Examining Self-Representation, Youth, and Discourses of Homelessness in Young Adult Literature. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literature, 55 (8) (May, 2012)
Perry, M. & Rogers, T. (2011). Meddling with “drama class,” muddling “urban”: Imagining aspects of the urban feminine self through an experimental theatre process with youth. In Research in Drama Education: the Journal of Applied Theatre, special issue: Drama and Theatre in Urban Contexts, 16 (2) 197-213.
Rogers, T., Winters, K., LaMonde, AM. and Perry, M. (2010). From image to ideology: Analyzing shifting identity positions of marginalized youth across the cultural sites of video production. Pedagogies: An International Journal (Volume 5, Issue 4, October)
Kendrick, M., Rogers, T., Toohey, K., Marshall, E., Mutonyi, H., and Hauge, C. (2010). Experiments in visual analysis: (Re)Positionings of children and youth in relation to larger socio-cultural issues. 59th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference/Literacy Research Association, Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
Rogers, T. et al (students in the MACL program) (2010). “Looking for Canada: Places and cultural spaces in recent fiction for adolescents. Jeunesse: Young People’s Texts, Cultures, Volume 2, 1.
Rogers, T. and Winters, K. (2010). Textual play, satire, and counter discourses of street youth zining practices. In Alvermann, D. (Ed)Adolescents’ Online Literacies. New York: Peter Lang.
Mills, E., & Rogers, T. (Eds.). (2009). Words from the Street. Writings from Another Slice. Vancouver, SPN Publishing.
Rogers, T. (2009). Theorizing media productions as complex literacy performances among youth in and out of schools. In D.L. Pullen and D. Cole (Eds). Handbook of Research on Multiliteracies and Technology Enhanced Education. Philadelphia, PA: IGI Publications.
LaMonde, A.M. and Rogers, T. (2007). Infusing arts and media into a secondary pre-service course in language and literacy across the disciplines as imaginative and critical practices. Language and Literacy, 9 (2). See archives for Autumn 2007.
Soter, A, Faust, M. and Rogers, T. (Eds) (2007). Interpretive Play: Using critical perspectives to teach young adult literature. Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon.
Rogers, T., Marshall, G., & Tyson, C. (2006). Narratives of literacy, teaching and schooling: Preparing teachers for diverse settings. Reading Research Quarterly, 41(2)
Dressman, M., O’Brien, D. Rogers, T., Ivey, G., Wilder P., Alvermann, D., Moje, E. and Leander, K. (2006). ‘Problematizing Adolescent Literacies: Four Instances, Multiple Perspectives’. In Schallert, D. et al (Eds). 55th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference. Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
Schneider, J., Crumpler, P. & Rogers, T. (Eds). (2006) Process drama and multiple literacies. Portsmouth, N.H. Heinemann.
Marshall, E. and Rogers, T. (2005). Writing back: Rereading adolescent girlhoods through women’s memoir. The ALAN Review, 33 (1).