Caroline Hamilton’s Dissertation Defence
Caroline Hamilton will have her dissertation defense at 12:30 PM on Monday, March 11, in Room 203 of the Graduate Student Centre (6371 Crescent Road). All are welcome to attend. Please arrive 5 minutes early so the exam can begin promptly. The Supervisory Committee:Supervisor: Dr. Theresa Rogers (LLED)Committee Members: Dr. Mona Gleason (EDST) and Dr. […]
Ryosuke Aoyama’s PhD proposal presentation
Ryosuke Aoyama will be defending his dissertation proposal on Wednesday, February 28 from 10:30AM to 12:30PM in PCN 1306A, with the option to attend online via Zoom. Supervisors: Drs. Ryuko Kubota & Meike WernickeSupervisory Committee Member: Dr. Anwar Ahmed Dissertation Title: Co-Constructing Critical Language Awareness Pedagogy: Participatory Action Research Among Japanese EFL Teachers Abstract: Previous research has […]
Esteban Morales’ Dissertation Defence
Esteban Morales will have his doctoral defence at 12:30PM on Monday, January 29, 2024 in Room 200 of the Graduate Student Centre (6371 Crescent Road). All are welcome to attend. Please arrive 5 minutes early so the exam can begin promptly. The Supervisory Committee comprises:Supervisor: Dr. Leah Macfadyen (LLED)Committee Members: Dr. Mark Turin (Department of […]
Senyao Shen’s Dissertation Proposal Defence
Senyao Shen will be presenting her PhD proposal on Monday, January 8th, 2024 from 9:00AM to 10:30AM in PCN 1306A, with the option to attend online via Zoom. Supervisor: Dr. Guofang Li Committee Members: Drs. Patsy Duff and Iris Berger Dissertation Title: Navigating among Home Language Varieties: An Ethnographic Case Study of Chinese-Canadian Children with Chinese […]
Jonathan Ferreira’s Dissertation Proposal Presentation
Jonathan Ferreira will be presenting his PhD proposal on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 from 1:00PM to 2:30PM in the Multipurpose Room (PCN 2012). Supervisor: Dr. Maureen Kendrick Committee Members: Drs. Margaret Early and Kathryn Accurso Dissertation Title: Assessing Digital Multimodal Composition: A Justice-Oriented Approach with Secondary School Youth Abstract: Digital multimodal composition (DMC) is a textual practice […]
Congratulations to Yuya Takeda on the successful defence of his doctoral thesis
Please join us in congratulating Yuya Takeda on the successful defence of his doctoral dissertation and completing all PhD graduation requirements! Dissertation title: Illuminating (Dis)enlightenment: Critical Media Literacy and/or Conspiracy Theories? The Supervisory Committee comprises: Supervisor: Dr. Ryuko KubotaCommittee Members: Drs. Kedrick James (LLED) & Claudia W. Ruitenberg (EDST) The Examiners are:University Examiners: Drs. Theresa Rogers (LLED) & Samuel […]
Yuya Takeda’s Dissertation Defence
Yuya Takeda will have his doctoral defence at 12:30PM on Thurday, September 14, 2023 in Room 200 of the Graduate Student Centre (6371 Crescent Road). All are welcome to attend. Please arrive 5 minutes early so the exam can begin promptly. The examination committee comprises: Supervisory Committee: Dr. Ryuko Kubota (Supervisor), Drs. Kedrick James & […]
Rosie David’s Dissertation Proposal Presentation
Rosie David will be presenting her dissertation proposal on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 from 9:00AM to 11:00AM online via Zoom. Zoom link: Supervisors: Drs. Meghan Corella and Ryuko Kubota Committee Member: Dr. Michelle Stack Dissertation Title: LangDisCrit: Counter-storytelling of postsecondary English-as-an-additional-language users with learning disabilities Abstract: Research about learning disabilities (LDs) and students who […]
Congratulations to Asma Afreen on the successful defence of her doctoral thesis
Please join us in congratulating Asma Afreen on the successful defence of her doctoral dissertation and completing all PhD graduation requirements! Dissertation title: TRANSCULTURAL IDENTITY AND BANGLA HERITAGE LANGUAGE TEACHING The examining committee included:Supervisory Committee: Dr. Bonny Norton (Supervisor), Dr. Margaret Early and Dr. Maureen Kendrick (Committee members)University Examiners: Dr. Samson Nashon (EDCP) and Dr. Sandra Zappa-Holman (LLED).External Examiner: Dr. Gary Barkhuizen […]
Maya Gal’s Doctoral Proposal Defence
Please join us for Maya Gal’s doctoral proposal defence on Wednesday, June 28, 10:00am-12:00pm online via Zoom. Zoom invite link here. All are welcome! Supervisor: Dr. Teresa Dobson Committee members: Drs. Penney Clark and Theresa Rogers Dissertation Title: Investigating Postmemory Relationships with the Holocaust Abstract: In speaking of Holocaust education, Adam Brown (2013) suggests educators […]