Application Information

If you haven’t submitted all your documents by the program application deadline, we will consider the application as incomplete and therefore won’t review it.

Admission start date is every September only for Phd and International Applicants.

Program / Concentration Program Start Date Program Application Deadline
PhD in Language and Literacy Education (all applicants) September December
PhD in Teaching English as a Second Language (all applicants) September December
MA in Modern Languages Education (all applicants) September December
MA in Teaching English as a Second Language (all applicants) September December
MA in Literacy Education (international applicants) September December
MA in Literacy Education (domestic applicants) September February
M.Ed. in Modern Languages Education (all applicants) September December
M.Ed. in Modern Languages Education (online) (all applicants) July February
M.Ed. in Teaching English as a Second Language (all applicants) September December
M.Ed. in Teaching English as a Second Language (online) (all applicants) September March
M.Ed. in Literacy Education (international applicants) September December
M.Ed. in Literacy Education (domestic applicants) September February
M.Ed. in Literacy Education (online) (all applicants) September March

All applications are done through the Faculty of Graduate Studies Online Application. Please note that your online application will not be processed until you have completed payment online and electronic reference notification will not be sent to your referees unless you have completed the application. Scan and upload digital files (.pdfs) of the documents below in the application system and you will be advised later on whether paper documents are required.

Document Upload Guidelines

How to scan, format and label files.

    1. Scanning:
      • Scan the front and back of each page of the document.
      • If the document contains multiple pages, all pages must be contained in a single file and the pages must be scanned in the correct order.
      • For transcripts – ensure the scanned document includes the institution’s name, grading scheme, your full name, the names of your courses and the grades you have received.
      • Ensure the orientation of the scanned document matches the original document. For example, a transcript that is printed vertically (or portrait) should be scanned so it appears in the portrait format.
      • Scan in black and white.
      • Scan using 300 dpi resolution.
      • Scanned documents must be legible and must include all identifying marks and information. If scanned documents are not legible, it may delay processing of your application.
    2. File size and type:
      • File size cannot exceed 10 MB.
      • Documents are preferred in PDF form. BMP, GIF, JPEG & JPG files are also accepted.
      • To reduce the size of a file, reduce the height and width of the image and lower resolution as required.
    3. File Name and Features:
      • Keep the file name brief and relevant to the content. If possible, avoid using non-English characters in the file name.
      • Do not use brackets ( ) or quotation marks (“) or other non-alphanumeric characters in the file name.
      • Separate words with a dash ( – ).
      • PDF files cannot include a digital signature.
      • PDF Files cannot include Document Assembly restrictions.
      • Do not include password protection as we will not be able to view the file.

This format is recommended for the file name of each document:
For example:
Transcript-University of British Columbia.pdf
Statement -of -Intent Kelly -Smith.pdf

Scanning Transcripts and Degree Certificates

Please ensure your transcript includes the following:

  • Scans should be of your official university documents, such as official transcripts and diplomas, not other forms of grade sheets.
  • If not on the transcript, the grading scale must also be provided. Usually this information is found on the reverse of your transcript document.
  • If your transcript and/or degree certificate is issued in a language other than English, upload a scanned copy of your official, original language documents and English translations.
  • Please do not upload your syllabus, course schedule, or any other documents along with your transcripts. If these documents are needed to support your application, you will be asked for them in another section of the application.

Transcripts Required

A record of study is required from each post-secondary institution you have attended.

  • Scans should be of your official university documents, such as official transcripts and diplomas, not other forms of grade sheets.
  • All transcripts uploaded as part of your application submission are considered unofficial by UBC.
  • If you are offered admission and you wish to accept the offer, you will also need to provide official transcripts. To be considered official transcripts must arrive at UBC in envelopes which have been sealed and endorsed by the issuing institution. If the official transcript does not indicate the degree name and the degree conferral date, then two official copies of the degree certificate are required.
  • Current and former UBC students – you may not need to submit official UBC transcripts as part of your graduate application. Please check with the program to which you are applying for more information. However, please be aware that you are still responsible for submitting transcripts from all other post-secondary institutions that you have attended (e.g., exchange year, transfer year, etc.).

Reference Letters

A minimum of three references are required for application to graduate programs at UBC. References should be requested from individuals who are prepared to provide a report on your academic ability and qualifications.

There are three possible formats for references:

Electronic references: Many graduate programs utilize an electronic reference (“e-ref”) system. In the online application system, applicants are asked to provide an email address for each referee. (Please note, that we are unable to accept e-mails from Hotmail, Yahoo, GMail, MSN or other free e-mail accounts for referees.) A unique link will be emailed to each referee, allowing them to log in to a secure site and submit an online reference or upload a reference document as an attachment.

Paper letters of reference: Your referee may wish to send a paper letter. Paper letters of reference should be on referee’s official letterhead and must be mailed directly to the relevant program in a sealed and endorsed envelope. We cannot accept e-mailed reference letters from applicants or referees.

Paper reference forms: UBC provides a general reference form. Your referee may fill out this form and mail it directly to the relevant program in a sealed and endorsed envelope.


If you have questions or are having difficulty with the application form, please email: Include your full name and the program to which you are trying to apply, and a description of the problem.

See the Faculty of Graduate Studies Application and Admission

Applicants who received a degree from a North American university are not required to submit their English test scores. Similarly, applicants who completed their degree outside North America from an institution in which English was the primary language of instruction of the entire university (not just a program) are not required to provide English test scores as part of their application.

Please note that we can only accept your English test scores if the test has been taken within the last 24 months at the time of submission of the application. An official test score report ordered from the testing agency has to be sent to UBC. Acceptable English language proficiency tests for applicants to UBC Grad School are:

TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language, minimum score 580 (paper-based) or 237 (computer based), or new minimum TOEFL score of 92 (with a minimum of 22 for each component).


MELAB – Michigan English Language Assessment Battery. Minimum overall score 85.


IELTS – International English Language Testing System – Academic. Minimum overall band score 7, with no component less than 6.5.


PTE – Pearson Test of English – Minimum overall score of 66, with no component less than 61.

Score submission for IELTS:

UBC requires an official score to be sent to us electronically from the test centre.

On the IELTS application form you will be asked to specify institutions where you would like the results being sent to. To ensure UBC receives your results correctly, you have to use the following details on the application:

  • Name of institution: The University of British Columbia
  • Name of person/department: Graduate School Admissions
  • Address: 170-6371 Crescent Road, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z2, Canada

Score submission for TOEFL:

  • use the University of British Columbia’s institution code 0965
  • give the reason for taking TOEFL “to enter a college or university as a graduate student”

UBC accepts either an official paper score report sent directly to the university from the testing centre or electronic submission.

For more information regarding English Requirements please here.

If you are sending your official documents, please note that all courier costs are to be borne by the applicant. The department is unable to accept application documents unless the delivery cost is prepaid. Until your supporting documents are received by the department, you are responsible for the delivery of your supporting documents. If you have questions with regards to your couriered documents, check with the courier company.

  • If you are offered admission and wish to accept the offer, you will be required to submit official transcripts and degree certificates. One set of official transcripts and degree certificates from all colleges and universities previously or currently attended in official, sealed envelopes of the issuing institution (photocopies are not acceptable), to be sent directly from the issuing university to the Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies Department:

    Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
    University of British Columbia
    170-6371 Crescent Road
    Vancouver, BC V6T1Z2

    Applicants who previously attended UBC may request the Department to obtain a copy of their transcripts from Student Services and these will be forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Transcripts from other institutions already on file in the Registrar’s Office are the property of the Registrar’s Office; therefore, new transcripts must be ordered for the use of the Department.

  • Three letters of reference must be received by the Department. There are three possible formats: electronic references, paper letters of reference, or paper reference forms (see Letters of Reference). We strongly encourage electronic references through the online application system, in which case a paper version is not required. If sending paper references, the reference letters must be received in a sealed envelope, signed and endorsed by the referee. Photocopies and scans of reference letters, or those received without the sealed, endorsed signature of their referee are not acceptable.
  • English Test Requirement. Please see “English Requirement” tab for instructions and test score information.

For the documents below, you are able to upload in the Online Application.

  • A brief statement of intent (~500 words) that outlines the applicant’s academic strengths and the specific interests he or she would like to pursue within Language and Literacy Education. The statement of intent is required from all applicants (both PhD and Master’s) and can be uploaded in the online application.
  • Resumé/Curriculum Vitae, a short summary of relevant professional and academic background. The CV/resume can be uploaded in the online application. See the following suggested items with a CV_Sample.

The following is required for all Ph.D. and M.A. applicants:

  • Writing Sample – An example of scholarly writing, such as a portion of a master’s thesis or a short scholarly paper (maximum 30 pages; please do not send books or hardbound copies). Please upload your writing sample as an electronic file (doc or pdf) in the online application.

For supporting documents, please send to the Graduate Department Address mailing address below:

Department of Language & Literacy Education
Graduate Program Assistant
Room 2013
Ponderosa Commons
6445 University Boulevard
Vancouver, BC
Canada V6T 1Z2