Mary Bryson

Dr. Mary Bryson


Co-Director of the Public Humanities Hub

Research and teaching areas:

Critical literacies/pedagogies

Decolonizing pedagogies and knowledges

Digital literacies

Gender/sexuality/queer inclusion


Online pedagogies

Place-based literacies

Race and antiracism

Storytelling & Narrative Inquiry


Dr. Mary K. Bryson is Professor, Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia ( Dr. Bryson is the author of multiple publications concerning the social, cultural and educational significance of networked media technologies and publics that make significant contributions to theoretical accounts of gendered and sexual marginality, knowledge mobilization and resilience. Dr. Bryson chaired the UBC Vice-Presidential Trans, Two-Spirit and Gender Diversity Task Force and is a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Global Education Initiative. They are the recipient of multiple awards for their interdisciplinary scholarship, including the American Educational Research Association Significant Body of Research award (2013), a Senior Fellowship (2011) at Stanford University’s Clayman Institute for Gender Research, and in 2000, the Canadian Women in the Spotlight, Wired Women Pioneer in New Media award. Their CIHR-funded Cancer’s Margins project is the first nation-wide Canadian research study designed to advance our understanding of how sexuality and gender shape breast and gynecologic cancer health knowledge access, and its mobilization in health and treatment decision-making and implications for the design of care that is both medically and culturally competent.

Selected Publications


Gahagan, J., & Bryson, M. (Eds.). (2021)
Sex and gender-based analysis and public health. New York. NY: Springer Nature.
de Castell, S, & Bryson, M. (Eds.). (1997)
Radical inventions: Identity, politics, and difference/s in educational praxis. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Scholarly Journals

Bryson, M., Rail, G.,Taylor, E., Boschman, L., Hart, T., Gahagan, J., & Ristock, J. (2021) Chorégraphies difficiles dans les « Marges du cancer ». Minorités sexuelles et/ou genrées et incommensurabilité des savoirs biographiques et biomédicaux. In A. Alexandrin & A. Meidani (Eds.), Cancers, masculinités, féminités. Toulouse: Éditions Érès.
Rail, G., Bryson, M., Hart, T.L., Gahagan, J. & Ristock, J. (2020) Artivisme lesbien et queeren marge du cancer: de l’importance des savoirs subjugués. In D. Bourque & J. Coulombe (Eds.), ARTivismes lesbiens à l’ère de la mondialisation (pp. xx-xx). Montreal: Les Éditions sans fin/Never Ending Press.
Rail, G., Bryson, M., Hart, T.L., Gahagan, J., Ristock, J. & Boschman, L.(2020) « Queerir »le cancer. Subjectivités, savoirs, soins du cancer et justice sociale. In A. Alessandrin, J. Dagorn, A. Meidani, G. Richard & M. Toulze (Eds.), Santé LGBT (pp. xx-xx). Paris: Éditions des Archives Contemporaines.
Taylor, E., Bryson, M., Boschman, L., Hart, T., Gahagan, J., Rail, G., & Ristock, J. (2019) Cancer’s margins: Knowledge ecologies, access to knowledge, and knowledge mobilization by sexual and/or gender minority cancer patients. Media and Communication. 7(1), 102-113.
Basson, R., & Bryson, M. (2019) Sexuality and sexual disorders. In American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Updates in Women’s Health (1-19). DC, Washington: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
Rail, G., & Molina, L., Fusco, C., Norman, M., Petherick, L., Moola, F., & Bryson, M. (2018) HPV vaccination discourses and the construction of “at-risk” girls. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 109(5-6), 622-621.
Bryson, M., Taylor, E., Boschman, L., Hart, T., Gahagan, J., Rail, G., & Ristock, J. (2018) Awkward choreographies from cancer's margins: Incommensurabilities of biographical and biomedical knowledge in sexual and/or gender minority cancer patients’ treatment. Journal of Medical Humanities. 40(2), 1-21.

Rail, G., Bryson, M., Gahagan, J., & Ristock, J. (2016). Projecte Cancer’s Margins: Minories sexuals, assistencia oncologica, informacio, subjectivitats. In A. Parroche-Escudero, G. Coll Planas & C. Riba (Eds.), Cicatrius (In)visibles: Cancer de pit and perpectives feministas) (45–61. Vic: Eumo Editorial, Universitat de Vic.
Taylor, E., & Bryson, M. (2016). Cancer’s Margins: Trans* and gender nonconforming people’s access to knowledge, experiences of cancer health, and decision-making. LGBT Health, 3(1), 79–89.
Beagan, B., Fredericks, E., & Bryson, M. (2015). Family physician perceptions of working with LGBTQ patients: Physician training needs. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 6(1), 421–429.

Bryson, M., & Stacey, J. (2013). Cancer knowledge in the plural: Queering the biopolitics of narrative and affective mobilities. Journal of the Medical Humanities. 34(1), 197-212.

Hermida, A., & Bryson, M. (2010). Complexities of networked media within the transitive spheres of globalization. New Media & Society. 12, 855-861.

Bryson, M., & MacIntosh, L.(2010). Can we play ‘Fun Gay’?: Disjuncture and difference, and the precarious mobilities of millennial queer youth narratives. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. 23(1), 101-124.

MacIntosh, L. & Bryson, M. (2008). Youth, MySpace, and the interstitial spaces of becoming and belonging.Journal of LGBT Youth: The Interdisciplinary Quarterly of Research, Policy, Practice, and Theory. 5(1), 133-145.

Bryson, M. (2006). New media and sexual subcultures: Critical perspectives on research problematics, possibilities, and practices. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education, 3(4), 109-118.

Bryson, M., MacIntosh, L., Jordan, S., & Lin, H.L. (2006). Virtually queer?:Homing devices, mobility, and un/belongings. Canadian Journal of Communication, 31(3), 791-815.

Bryson, M. (2005). Virtually queer: Conjuring the quotidian. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Issues in Education, 2(4), 83-92.

Bryson, M. (2004). When Jill jacks in: Queer women and the Net. Feminist Media Studies. 4(3), 239-254.

Bryson, M., Petrina, S., Braundy, M., & de Castell, S. (2003). “Conditions for Success”?” Sex-disaggregated analysis of performance and participation indicators in technology-intensive courses in B.C. secondary schoolsCanadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology. 3(2), 185-194.

Jenson, J., de Castell, S., & Bryson, M. (2003). “Girl Talk”: Gender, equity, and identity discourses in a school-based computer culture.Women’s Studies International Forum. 26(6), 561-573.

Faber, S., de Castell, & Bryson, M. (2003). Renal failure: towards a sociocultural investigation of an illness. Mind, Culture and Activity. 10(2), 143-167.

Bryson, M. (2002). Me/no lesbian: The trouble with “troubling lesbian identities”. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 15(3), 373-380.

de Castell, S., Bryson, M., & Jenson, J. (2002).Object lessons: Towards an educational theory of technology. First Monday, 7(1), Available at:

Bryson, M., de Castell, S., & Kobayashi, M. (2001). Essay Review: Children’s engagement in the world: A sociocultural perspective (A. Goncu). Mind, Culture and Activity, 8(4), 310-320.

Thompson, S., Bryson, M., & de Castell, S. (2001). Prospects for identity formation of lesbian, gay, or bisexual persons with developmental disabilities. International Journal of Disability Development and Education. 48(1), 53-65.

Bryson, M. & de Castell, S. (1998).  New technologies, gender, and the cultural ecology of primary schooling:  Imagining teachers as Luddites in/deed.   Educational Policy, 12(5), 542-567.

Bryson, M. & Scardamalia, M. (1996).  Fostering reflectivity in the argumentive thinking of students with different learning histories.  Reading and Writing Quarterly, 12(4), 351-384.

Bryson, M. & de Castell, S. (1996). Learning to make a difference:  Gender, new technologies, and in/equity.   Mind, Culture and Activity,2(1), 3-21.

Lonka, K., Joram, E. & Bryson, M. (1996). Conceptions of learning and knowledge.  Contemporary Educational Psychology, 21, 240-260.

Bryson, M. & de Castell, S. (1995). A chip on her shoulder?: New technologies, gender and in/equity. Women’s Education, 11(3), 15-23.

Bryson, M., & de Castell, S. (1994). Telling tales out of school: Modernist, critical, and postmodern “true stories” about educational technologies.  Journal of Educational Computing Research10(3), 199-221.

Bryson, M., & de Castell, S. (1993). Queer pedagogy: Praxis makes im/perfect. Canadian Journal of Education18(2), 285-305.

Bryson, M. (1993).  School-based epistemologies?:  Exploring conceptions of what, how and why students know.  Learning Disability Quarterly16(4), 299-315.

Bryson, M., & de Castell, S. (1993).  En/Gendering equity. Educational Theory43(4), 341-355.

Joram, E. Woodruff, E., Bryson, M., & Lindsay, P. (1992).  The effects of revising with a word processor on written composition.  Research in the Teaching of English26(2), 167-192.

Joram, E., Lindsay, P., Bryson, M., & Woodruff, E. (1990). Students’ editing skills and attitudes  towards word processing.  Computers and Composition: An International Journal 7(3), 55-72.

Shafrir, U., Ogilvie, M., & Bryson, M. (1990).  Attention to errors andlearning:  Across-task and across-domain analysis of the post failure reflectivity measure.  Cognitive Development, 5, 405-425.

Bryson, M. (1987).  Towards a cognitively-based analysis of the processes and products of reading disabled student-writers.  The Pointer,32(1), 24-28.