Kristiina Kumpulainen

Dr. Kristiina Kumpulainen


Department Head

she / her / hers 604-822-5733 PCN 2017 English, Finnish, Swedish
Research and teaching areas:

Critical literacies/pedagogies

Digital literacies


Multiliteracy and multimodality

Place-based literacies

Storytelling/narrative inquiry


Dr. Kristiina Kumpulainen is a Professor and Head of the Department of Language and Literacy Education in the Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia. She received her PhD in education from the University of Exeter, UK. Prior to joining UBC, Dr. Kumpulainen has served as Associate Dean, Academic and Faculty Development at Simon Fraser University, Canada and Associate Dean, Research at University of Helsinki, Finland. She has also worked for the Finnish National Agency for Education, and as a Visiting Professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Warwick, UK, and University of British Columbia.

Dr. Kumpulainen’s research scholarship is grounded on relational and cultural-historical inquiries into communication, learning and education to better understand how social, historical, political, cultural and material contexts open and/or disclose educational opportunities for diverse learners. Her research has generated knowledge on how knowledges, agency and identities are valued and negotiated across space and time. Her research has also illuminated how digitalization is transforming young people’s communication and learning in formal education and informal settings, such as in museums, science centers, libraries, outdoors, and homes as well as in digital and immersive worlds. She has actively engaged in interdisciplinary research with academic, industry and community partners to co-develop playful, imaginative and participatory pedagogies and curricula for early childhood, K-12, and teacher education that affirm human, linguistic, and epistemological diversity and equity. She has researched and developed pedagogies for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) learning, multiliteracies, health literacies and for children’s ecological literacies and climate change education. She has also developed methods for visual, participatory, and multimodal research, and researching with children and teachers, increasing knowledge of democratic and ethical forms of inquiry.

Dr. Kumpulainen is the Co-Editor of Elsevier’s journal Learning, Culture and Interaction.


Children’s ecological imagination with augmented storying (2023-2025)
SSHRC Insight Grant (PI)

Re-storying community: Arts-based digital storytelling for community inquiry (2023-2025)
SSHRC Canada New Frontiers in Research Fund (co-PI)

Understanding and assessing learning in makerspaces (2022-2024)
SSHRC Insight Development Grant (co-PI)

Children’s ecological imagination and its pedagogical enhancement at the intersection of cultural stories and augmented reality technologies (2022-2025)
Academy of Finland (PI)

Widening and diversifying citizen engagement in science, ALLINTERACT (2020-2023)
Horizon 2020, SwafS-20-2018-2019 (co-PI)

An interdisciplinary, international and collaborative research approach to developing critical digital health pedagogies for teachers of physical education (2020-2022)
UNA Europa (co-PI)

Designing a place-based app for multimodal research into children’s relations with nature: A literature review and pilot study (2020-2022)
SSHRC Explore grant (co-PI)

Digital mediation of children’s interactions with the more-than-human world: Perezhivaniya and literate practices (2020-2023)
Australian Research Council (co-PI)

Nordic research network on digitalising childhoods, DigiChild (2019-2021)
The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (PI)

Learning by making: The educational potential of school-based makerspaces for young learners’ digital competencies (2017-2020)
Academy of Finland (PI)

Makerspaces in early years: Enhancing digital literacy and creativity, MakEY (2016-2019)
EU HORIZON RISE program (co-PI)

A comparative study of early childhood education in selected high performing countries (2016-2018)
National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE)/Teacher’s College, Columbia University (co-PI)

The joy of learning multiliteracies: A national research and development programme (2015-2020)
Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture (PI)

Playful Learning Center (2014-2016)
Business Finland (PI)

The digital literacy and multimodal practices of young children, DigiLitEY (2014-2018)
EU COST-program ISCH COST Action IS1410 (co-PI)

Social ecologies of children’s resilience among young children starting school in South-Africa and Finland: A visual participatory study, SISU (2013-2017)
Academy of Finland (PI)

Children’s efficacious agency in formal and informal contexts (2010-2013)
Academy of Finland (PI)

Virtual Intelligent Space for Collaborative Innovation (2008-2011)
Academy of Finland (PI)

Learning Bridges: Teaching and learning at the intersection of formal and informal learning environments (2008-2012)
Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture (PI)

The ecology of young learners’ science learning and thinking (2006-2009)
Academy of Finland (co-PI)

Mathematics teacher learning in the information society (2002-2005)
Academy of Finland (PI)

The social construction of scientific understanding in a community of learners (2000-2005)
Academy of Finland (PI)

MILE-International: Multimedia interactive learning environment for primary mathematics educators (1999-2002)
EU Comenius 3.1. program (PI)

Community of learners in science and mathematics (1998-2001)
Academy of Finland (PI)

Functional analysis of children’s classroom talk (1995-1998)
Academy of Finland (PI)

Classroom talk, interaction and learning: a cross-cultural study (1994-1995)
Academy of Finland (PI)

Awards & Honours

Fellow of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 2019

Top Cited Article, recognition by Wiley for a 2021-2022 published article in the journal of Literacy “Children’s emotional experiences in and about nature across temporal–spatial entanglements during digital storying” (co-authored by Byman, Kumpulainen, Wong, & Renlund, 2022)

Immersive Learning Pedagogy Award granted by the Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN 2022) (co-recipicient with doctoral student Quincy Wang, Simon Fraser University)

Shortlisted by UKLA for the 2021 Academic Book Award: “Enhancing digital literacy and creativity. Makerspaces in the early years” (co-edited by Blum-Ross, Kumpulainen & Marsh, Routledge, 2020)

BJET Editors’ Choice Award for the article published in the international journal British Journal of Educational Technology “Teacher interventions in students’ collaborative work in a technology‐rich educational makerspace” (co-authored by Kajamaa, Kumpulainen & Olkinuora, 2019)

Semi-finalist for Helsinki Challenge, PLAY-LEARN-HEAL children’s hospital project, University of Helsinki, Finland, 2015

Best Paper Award, the Power of Media in Education Conference, Rovaniemi, Finland, 2007

Outstanding Publication Award ganted by the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) for the article published in the journal of Learning and Instruction”Collaborative inquiry and the construction of explanations in the learning of science” (co-authored by Kaartinen & Kumpulainen, 2002)

Selected Publications


Kumpulainen, K., Kajamaa, A., Erstad, O., Mäkitalo, Å., Drotner, K., & Jakobsdóttir, S. (Eds.) (2022)
Nordic childhoods in the digital age: Insights into contemporary research on communication, learning and education. Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K., & Sefton-Green, J. (2020)
Multiliteracies and early years innovation: Perspectives from Finland and beyond. Routledge.
Blum-Ross, A., Kumpulainen, K., & Marsh, J. (2020).
Enhancing digital literacy and creativity: Makerspaces in the early years. Routledge
Whitebread, D., Grau, V., Kumpulainen, K., McClelland, M. M., Perry, N. E., & Pino-Pasternak, D. (2019)
The SAGE handbook of developmental psychology and early childhood education. SAGE Publishing.
Kumpulainen, K., Hmelo-Silver, C., & Cesar, M. (Eds.) (2009)
Investigating classroom interaction. Theories in action. Sense Publishers.
Erstad, O., Kumpulainen, K., Mäkitalo, Å, Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, K., & Jóhannsdóttir, T. (Eds.) (2016)
Learning across contexts in the knowledge society. Sense Publishers.
César, M., & Kumpulainen, K. (Eds.) (2009)
Social interactions in multicultural settings. Sense Publishers.
Kumpulainen, K., & Wray, D. (2002).
Classroom interaction and social learning. Routledge.

Edited Special Issues in Journals

Hughes, J. M., & Kumpulainen, K. (2021). Maker education: Opportunities and challenges. Frontiers in Education, 6, [798094].
Kumpulainen, K., Burke, A., & Ntelioglou, B. (2020) Young children, maker literacies and social change. Education Sciences, 10(10), 265.
Kajamaa, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2019) Young people, digital mediation, and transformative agency, special issue (Part 2). Mind, Culture, and Activity.
Kajamaa, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2019) Young people, digital mediation, and transformative agency, special issue (Part 1). Mind, Culture and Activity.

Kumpulainen, K. & Erstad, O. (2017). (Re)Searching learning across contexts: Conceptual, methodological and empirical explorations. International Journal of Educational Research, 84.

Rajala, A., Martin, J., & Kumpulainen, K. (2016). Agency and learning: Researching agency in educational interactions. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 10, 1-3.

Rajala, A., Ritella, G., Kumpulainen, K., & Wilkinson, L. (2016). Expanding conceptualizations for the study of learning. Frontline Learning Research4(4), 1-6.

Kumpulainen, K., & Renshaw, P. (2007). Cultures of Learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 46(3-4), 109-115.

Kumpulainen, K., & van der Aalsvoort, G. (2001). Negotiating meaning in a community of learners. Introduction to a special theme issue. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 36(2), 1-3.

Journal Articles
Wong, C. C., Kumpulainen, K., Renlund, J., & Byman, J. (2024) The materiality of children’s imaginative sense-making in climate change education. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 1–14.
Renlund, J., Kumpulainen, K., Byman, J., Wong, C. C., & Sintonen, S. (2024) Aesthetic flux: inquiring into the sensuous dynamics of children, matter and environments with a more-than-human lens. Environmental Education Research, 1–17.
Byman J., Kumpulainen K., & Renlund J. (2024) Lingering with multispecies kin: Re-turning to encounters between children, invertebrates and amphibians. Australian Journal of Environmental Education. Published online 2024:1-15. doi:10.1017/aee.2024.20
MacIsaac, S., Gray, S., Camacho-Miñano, M. J., Rich, E., & Kumpulainen, K. (2024) Critical engagement with digital health: A socio-material analysis of physical education teachers’ digital health mind maps. Health Education Journal, 0(0).
Leskinen, J., Kumpulainen, K., & Kajamaa, A. (2024) The boundary crossing of knowledge and the emergence of relational expertise in a school makerspace. Education. Sciences, 14, 169.
Renlund, J., Kumpulainen, K., Byman, J., & Wong, C. C. (2023) Rhizomatic patchworks: A postqualitative inquiry into the aesthetics of child-environment relations. Digital Culture & Education, 14(5), 107-126.
Leskinen, J., Kajamaa, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2023) Learning to innovate: Students and teachers constructing collective innovation practices in a primary school's makerspace. Frontiers in Education, 7.
Koyuncu, S., Kumpulainen, K., & Kuusisto, A. (2023) Teaching English as a second language in the early years: Teachers’ perspectives and practices in Finland. Education Sciences, 13(12), 1177.
Ahson, K., Kumpulainen, K., Gray, S., Minano, M. J. C., & Rich, E. (2023) Exercising space: re-examining young people's use of digitised health and physical education (HPE) technologies through a spatial lens. Learning, Media & Technology, 48(4), 581-595.
Toivola, M., Kumpulainen, K., & Rajala, A. (2023) Pedagogical rationales of flipped learning in the accounts of Finnish mathematics teachers. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 18(4), 767- 787

Koyuncu, S., Kumpulainen, K., & Kuusisto, A. (2023) Scaffolding children's participation during teacher-child interaction in second language classrooms. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research,
Leskinen, J., Kajamaa, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2023) Learning to innovate: Students and teachers constructing collective innovation practices in a primary school's makerspace. Frontiers in Education, 7.
Burke, A., Kumpulainen, K., & Smith, C. (2023) Children’s digital play as collective family resilience in the face of the pandemic. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 23(1), 1-27.
Byman, J., Kumpulainen, K., Renlund, J., Wong, C.-C., Renshaw, P. (2023) Speculative spaces: Children exploring socio-ecological worlds with mythical nature spirits. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood,
Ahson, K., Kumpulainen, K., Gray, S., Camacho-Miñano, M. J., & Rich, E. (2023) Exercising space: re-examining young people’s use of digitised health and physical education (HPE) technologies through a spatial lens. Learning, Media and Technology,
Kumpulainen, K., Wong, C.-C., Byman, J., Renlund, J., & Vadeboncoeur, J. A. (2023) Fostering children’s ecological imagination with augmented storying. The Journal of Environmental Education, 54(1), 33-45.
Kangas, R. S., Rajala, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2022) Exploring empathy performativity in student's video artworks. International Journal of Education Through Art, 18(2), 145-160,
Sairanen, H., Kumpulainen, K., & Kajamaa, A. (2022) An investigation into children's agency: Children's initiatives and practitioners' responses in Finnish early childhood education. Early Child Development and Care, 192(1), 112-123.
Pynnönen, L. V. J., Hietajärvi, L., Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2022) Overcoming illiteracy through game-based learning in refugee camps and urban slums. Computers and Education Open, 3, [100113].
Byman, J., Kumpulainen, K., Wong, C. C., & Renlund, J. (2022) Children’s emotional experiences in and about nature across temporal–spatial entanglements during digital storying. Literacy, 56(1), 18–28.
Renlund, J., Kumpulainen, K., Wong, C.-C., & Byman, J. (2022) Stories of shimmer and pollution: understanding child-environment aesthetic encounters in urban wilds. Children's Geographies,
Kurtelius, T., & Kumpulainen, K. (2021) Alakouluikäisten lasten kokemuksia yksinäisyydestä [Children’s experiences of loneliness]. Kasvatus, 52(2), 194-208.
Kumpulainen, K., Renlund, J. A., Byman, J. S., & Wong, C. C. (2021) Empathetic encounters of children’s augmented storying across the human and more-than-human worlds. International Studies in Sociology of Education,
Wong, C. C., Kumpulainen, K., & Kajamaa, A. (2021) Collaborative creativity among education professionals in a co-design workshop: A multidimensional analysis. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 42, [100971].
Nordström, A., Kumpulainen, K., & Rajala, A. (2021) Unfolding joy in young children’s literacy practices in a Finnish early years classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, [14687984211038662].
Shafirova, L., & Kumpulainen, K. (2021) Online collaboration and identity work in a brony fandom: Constructing a dialogic space in a fan translation project. E-learning and digital media,
Pulido Rodriguez, C. M., Ovseiko, P., Palomar, M. F., Kumpulainen, K., & Ramis, M. (2021) Capturing emerging realities in citizen engagement in science in social media: A social media analytics protocol for the Allinteract study. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 20, [16094069211050163].
Hautakangas, M., Kumpulainen, K., & Uusitalo, L. (2021) Children developing self-regulation skills in a Kids’ Skills intervention programme in Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care. Early Child Development and Care, 192.
Hautakangas, M., Uusitalo, L., & Kumpulainen, K. (2021) Lapsen itsesäätelytaitojen tukeminen Muksuopin keinoin: Varhaiskasvatuksen ammattilaisten kertomuksia. [Supporting children’s self-regulation skills with Muksuoppi: Stories of early childhood education professionals]. Journal of Early Childhood Education Research, 10(2), 293–328.
Nordström, A., Kumpulainen, K., & Rajala, A. (2021) Unfolding joy in young children’s literacy practices in a Finnish early years classroom. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, [14687984211038662].

Kumpulainen, K., & Kajamaa, A. (2020). Sociomaterial movements of students’ engagement in a school’s makerspace. British Journal of Educational Technology, 51(4), 1292–1307. 

Kumpulainen, K., Byman, J., Renlund, J., & Wong, C. (2020). Children’s augmented storying in, with and for nature. Education Sciences10(6), [#149].

Kumpulainen, K., Kajamaa, A., Leskinen, J., Byman, J., & Renlund, J. (2020). Mapping digital competence: Students’ maker literacies in a school’s makerspace. Frontiers in education5, [69].

Kajamaa, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2020). Students’ multimodal knowledge practices in makerspace learning environment. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning15(4), 411-444. 

Kumpulainen, K., Sairanen, H., & Nordström, A. (2020). Young children’s digital literacy practices in the sociocultural contexts of their homes. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 20(3), 472–499. 

Vartiainen, J., & Kumpulainen, K. (2020). Playing with science: Manifestation of scientific play in early science inquiry. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal28(4), 490–503.

Sintonen, S., Nordström, A., Sairanen, H., & Kumpulainen, K. (2020). Pedagogisen Haltijan kuiskaus -materiaalin soveltaminen varhaiskasvatuksessa J. A. Hollon kasvatusajattelun luentana. Ainedidaktiikka4(2), 44-62.

Kajamaa, A., Kumpulainen, K., & Olkinuora, H-R. (2020). Teacher interventions in students’ collaborative work in a technology-rich educational makerspace. British Journal of Educational Technology51(2), 371-386.

Leskinen, J., Kumpulainen, K., Kajamaa, A., & Rajala, A. (2020). The emergence of leadership in students’ group interaction in a school-based makerspace. European Journal of Psychology of Education36, 1033–1053.

Ouakrim-Soivio, N., & Kumpulainen, K. (2020). Digitaalinen portfolio varhaiskasvatuksen pegagogisen toiminnan arvioinnissa. Journal of Early Childhood Education Research9(1), 147-170.

Kajamaa, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2019). Agency in the making: Analyzing students’ transformative agency. Mind, Culture and Activity, 26(3), 266–281.

Kumpulainen, K., Kajamaa, A., & Rajala, A. (2019). Oppilaiden toiminta ja oppimismahdollisuudet koulun digitaalisessa värkkääjäpajassa. [Students’ activities and learning opportunities in a school’s digital makerspace]. NMI-bulletin29(2), 11-22.

Canovi, A. G., Molinari, L., Rajala, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2019). The dynamics of class mood and student agency in classroom interactions. Journal of Classroom Interaction54(1), 4-25.

Salmi, S., & Kumpulainen, K. (2019). Children’s experiencing of their transition from preschool to first grade: A visual narrative study. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction20, 58-67.

Kumpulainen, K., Kajamaa, A., & Rajala, A. (2018). Understanding educational change: Agency-structure dynamics in a novel design and making environment. Digital Education Review2018(33), 26-38.

Marsh, J., Arnseth, H. C., & Kumpulainen, K. (2018). Maker literacies and maker citizenship in the MakEY (Makerspaces in the Early Years) Project. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction2(3), [#50].

Livingstone, S., Lemish, D., Lim, S. S., Bulger, M., Cabello, P., Claro, M., Cabello-Hutt, T., Khalil, J., Kumpulainen, K., Nayar, U. S., Nayar, P., Park, J., Tan, M. M., Prinsloo, J., & Wei, B. (2017). Global perspectives on children’s digital opportunities: an emerging research and policy agenda. Pediatrics (English Edition)140(Supplement 2), s137-s141.

Kajamaa, A., Kumpulainen, K., & Rajala, A. (2018). A digital learning environment mediating students’ funds of knowledge and knowledge creation. Studia paedagogica23(4), 49-66.

Niemi, R., Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2018). Osallistumista vai osallistamista? Osallisuuden tarkastelua monialaisen oppimiskokonaisuuden toteuttamisessa. [Participation or enforced participation? Examining participation during phenomenon-based education]. Nuorisotutkimus36(1), 22-35.

Niemi, R., Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2018). The use of a diamond ranking and peer interviews to capture pupils’ perspectives. Improving Schools21(3), 240254.

Kumpulainen, K. (2017). Picturing voice: Visual methods and children’s voices in Finnish education. IMAGE, 3(1), 210–212.

Kumpulainen, K., & Rajala, A. (2017). Dialogic teaching and students’ discursive identity negotiation in the learning of science. Learning and Instruction, 48, 23–31.

Rajala, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2017). Researching teachers’ agentic orientations to educational change in Finnish schools. In M. Goller, & S. Paloniemi (Eds.), Agency at work: An agentic perspective on professional learning and development (pp. 311-329). (Professional and Practice-based Learning; Vol. Volume 20). Springer.

Kumpulainen, K., & Rajala, A. (2017). Negotiating time-space contexts in students’ technology-mediated interaction during a collaborative learning activity. International Journal of Educational Research, 84, 90–99.

Kumpulainen, K. & Erstad, O. (2017). (Re)Searching learning across contexts: Conceptual, methodological and empirical explorations. International Journal of Educational Research, 84, 55-57.

Huhtamäki, E., Holma, H., Nokelainen, P., & Kumpulainen, K. (2017). Otos iloa – lasten näkökulmia iloa tuottavista peruskoulun oppimisympäristöistä. [Capturing joy – children’s perspectives to joyful learning environments in schools]. Kasvatus48(4), 336-352.

Hilppö, J., Lipponen, L., Kumpulainen, K., & Rajala, A. (2017). Visual tools as mediational means: A methodological investigation. Journal of Early Childhood Research15(4), 359-373.

Hilppö, J. Rajala, A., Zittoun, T., Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2016). Interactive dynamics of imagination in a science classroom. Frontline Learning Research, 4(4), 20–29. 

Kumpulainen, K., Theron, L., Kahl, C., Bezuidenhout, C., Mikkola, A., Salmi, S., Kumalo, T., & Uusitalo-Malmivaara, L. (2016). Children’s positive adjustment to first grade in risk-filled communities: A case study of the role of school ecologies in South-Africa and Finland. School Psychology International37(2), 121-139.

Hilppö, J., Lipponen, L., Kumpulainen, K., & Rainio, A. (2016). Children’s sense of agency in preschool: A sociocultural investigation. International journal of early years education.24(2), 157-171.

Rajala, A., Kumpulainen, K., Rainio, A. P., Hilppö, J., & Lipponen, L. (2016). Dealing with the contradiction of agency and control during dialogic teaching. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction10, 17-26.

Saarivirta, T., & Kumpulainen, K. (2016). School autonomy, leadership and student achievement: Reflections from Finland. International Journal of Educational Management30(7), 1268-1278.

Rajala, A., Ritella, G., Kumpulainen, K., & Wilkinson, L. (2016). Expanding conceptualizations for the study of learning. Frontline Learning Research4(4), 1-6.

Hilppö, J., Lipponen, L., Kumpulainen, K., & Virlander, M. (2016). Sense of agency and everyday life: Children’s perspective. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction10, 50-59.

Kumpulainen, K. (2016). Researching learning across contexts: From dichotomies to a dialogic approach. Qwerty, 11(1), 11-25.

Kumpulainen, K., & Mikkola, A. (2015). Researching formal and informal learning: From dichotomies to a dialogic notion of learning. International Journal for Research on Extended Education, 3(2), 5-23.

Paananen, M., Lipponen, L., & Kumpulainen, K. (2015). Hybridisation or ousterisation? The case of local accountability policy in Finnish early childhood education. European Educational Research Journal, 14(5), 395–417.

Paananen, M., Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2015). Quality drift within the narrative of investment in early childhood education. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 23(5), 395-417.

Niemi, R., Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2014). Pupils’ documentation enlightening teachers’ practical theory and pedagogical actions. Educational Action Research.

Sairanen, H. & Kumpulainen, K. (2014). A visual narrative inquiry into children’s sense of agency in preschool and first grade. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 3(2), 143-176.

Kumpulainen, K., Karttunen, M., Juurola, L., & Mikkola, A. (2014). Towards children’s creative museum engagement and collaborative sense-making. Digital Creativity, 25(2), 233-246. 

Kumpulainen, K., & Sefton-Green, J. (2014). What is connected learning and how to research it? International Journal of Learning and Media, 4(2), 7-18.

Kumpulainen, K., & Mikkola, A. (2014). Boundary crossing of discourses in chat interaction during creative collaborative writing. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction.

Saadatmand, M. & Kumpulainen, K. (2014). Participants’ perceptions of learning and networking in connectivist massive open online courses. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching, 10(1), 16-30.

Niemi, R., Kumpulainen, K., Lipponen, L., & Hilppö, J. (2013). Pupils’ perspectives on the lived pedagogy of the classroom. Education 3-13,

Kumpulainen, K. (2013). The legacy of productive disciplinary engagement. International Journal of Educational Research, 64,   215-220.

Kumpulainen, K., Lipponen, L., Hilppö, J., & Mikkola, A. (2013). Building on the positive in children’s lives: A co-participatory study on the social construction of children’s sense of agency. Early Child Development and Care.

Kumpulainen, K., Mikkola, A., & Jaatinen, A-M. (2013). The choronotopes of technology-mediated creative learning practices in an elementary school community. Learning, Media and Technology.

Saadatmand, M., & Kumpulainen, K. (2013).Content Aggregation and Knowledge Sharing in a Personal Learning Environment: Serendipity in Open Online Networks. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning 8, Special Issue: ICL2012, 70-78.

Córdova, R. A., Kumpulainen, K. & Hudson, J. (2012). Nurturing creativity and professional learning for 21st century education: ResponsiveDesign and the Cultural Landscapes Collaboratory. LEARNing Landscapes 6(1), 155-178.

Kaartinen, S., & Kumpulainen, K. (2012). The emergence of mathematizing as a culture of participation in the early childhood classroom. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 20(4), 263-281.

Lipponen, L., & Kumpulainen, K. (2011). Acting as accountable authors: Creating interactional spaces for agency work in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(5), 812-819.

Kumpulainen, K., & Renshaw, P. (2007). Cultures of Learning. International Journal of Educational Research, 46(3-4), 109-115.

Kovalainen, M. & Kumpulainen, K. (2007). The social construction of participation in an elementary classroom community. International Journal of Educational Research, 46(3-4), 141-158.

Kovalainen, M. & Kumpulainen, K. (2005). The discursive practice of participation in an elementary classroom community. Instructional Science, 33, 213-250.

Kumpulainen, K., Vasama, S., & Kangassalo, M. (2003). The intertextuality of children’s explanations in a technology-enriched early years science classroom. International Journal of Educational Research, 39, 793-805.

Kumpulainen, K., van der Aalsvoort, D., & Kronqvist, E-L. (2003). Multiple lenses to peer collaboration: Explorations on children’s thinking within a situative perspective. Educational and Child Psychology, 20(2), 80-99.

Kumpulainen, K., & Kaartinen, S. (2003). The interpersonal dynamics of collaborative reasoning in peer interactive dyads. The Journal of Experimental Education, 71(4), 333-370.

Kumpulainen, K. (2002). Yhteistoiminnallinen oppiminen vertaisryhmässä: Tutkimuskatsaus. [Collaborative learning in peer groups: Review of research]. Kasvatus, 3, 252-265.

Kaartinen, S., & Kumpulainen, K. (2002). Collaborative inquiry and the construction of explanations in the learning of science. Learning and Instruction, 12(2), 189-212.

Kumpulainen, K., Salovaara, H., & Mutanen, M. (2001). Sociocognitive processes and constructive activity in handling and processing multimedia-based science material in a small group learning task. Instructional Science, 29,   481-515.

Kovalainen, M., Kumpulainen, K., & Vasama, S. (2001). Orchestrating classroom interaction in a community of inquiry. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 36(2), 17-28.

Kaartinen, S., & Kumpulainen, K. (2001). Negotiating meaning in science classroom communities. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 36(2), 4-16.

Kumpulainen, K., & van der Aalsvoort, G. (2001). Negotiating meaning in a community of learners. Discussion. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 36(2), 74-76.

Kumpulainen, K., & van der Aalsvoort, G. (2001). Negotiating meaning in a community of learners. Introduction to a special theme issue. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 36(2), 1-3.

Kumpulainen, K., & Kaartinen, S. (2000). Situational mechanisms of peer group interaction in collaborative meaning-making. European Journal of Psychology of Education, XV(4), 431-454.

Kumpulainen, K., & Mutanen, M. (1999). The situated dynamics of peer group interaction: An introduction to an analytic framework. Learning and Instruction, 9, 449- 474.

Kumpulainen, K., & Mutanen, M. (1999). Interaktiotutkimus sosiokulturaalisen ja konstruktivistisen oppimisnäkemyksen viitekehyksessä. [Social interaction research in the framework of sociocultural and constructivist perspectives]. Kasvatus, 1, 5-17.

Kumpulainen, K., & Mutanen, M. (1998). Collaborative practice of science construction in a computer-based multimedia environment. Computers and Education, 30, 75-85.

Kumpulainen, K. (1996). The nature of peer interaction in the social context created by the use of word processors. Learning and Instruction, 6,  243-261.

Kumpulainen, K. (1994). Collaborative writing and children’s talk: A cross-cultural study. Computers and Composition, 11, 263-273.

Kumpulainen, K. (1994). Children’s talk during collaborative writing at the computer. Reading, 28, 6-9.

Book Chapters
Kumpulainen, K., Byman, J. Renlund, J., & Wong, C. C. (2023) Dialogic learning with the ‘more-than-human world’: Insights from posthuman theorising. In C. Damşa, A. Rajala, G. Ritella, & J. Brouwer (Eds.), Re-theorizing learning and research methods in learning research (pp. 47-64). Routledge.
Kumpulainen, K., Kajamaa, A., & Leskinen, J. (2023) The changing patterns of classroom interaction: Teacher interventions in students’ creative collaboration in makerspaces. In A. Thwaite, A. Simpson, & P. Jones, (Eds.), Dialogic Pedagogy: Discourse in Contexts from Pre-school to University (pp. 124-138). Routledge.
Kontopodis, M., & Kumpulainen, K. (2023) Technical mediation of children’s online worlds. In A. Kraus, & Wulf, C. (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of embodiment and learning (pp. 357-366). Palgrave MacMillan.
Kumpulainen K. (2022) Bridging dichotomies between children, nature and digital technologies. In K. Kumpulainen,, A. Kajamaa, O. Erstad, Å. Mäkitalo, K. Drotner, & S. Jakobsdóttir (Eds.), Nordic childhoods in the digital age: Insights into contemporary research on communication, learning and education (pp. 41-50). Routledge.

Renlund, J., Kumpulainen, K., Byman, J., & Wong, C. C. (2022). “I could smell the sound of winter”: Children’s aesthetic experiences in their local forest through digital storying. In Kumpulainen, K., Kajamaa, A., Erstad, O., Mäkitalo, Å., Drotner, K., & Jakobsdóttir, S. (Eds.), Nordic childhoods in the digital age: Insights into contemporary research on communication, learning and education (pp. 142-153). Routledge. 

Veum, A., Layne, H., Kumpulainen, K., & Vivitsou, M. (2022). Critical literacy in the Nordic education context: Insights from Finland and Norway. In J. Z. Pandya, R. A. Mora, J. H. Alford, N. A. Golden, & R. S. D. Roock (Eds.), The handbook of critical literacies (1st ed., pp. 273-280). Routledge.

Leskinen, J., Kumpulainen, K., & Kajamaa, A. (2022). Finnish teachers’ leadership narratives in a school’s makerspace. In K. Kumpulainen, A. Kajamaa, O. Erstad, Å. Mäkitalo, K. Drotner, & S. Jakobsdóttir (Eds.), Nordic childhoods in the digital age: Insights into contemporary research on communication, learning and education (1 ed., pp. 117-127). Routledge.

Hautakangas, M., Uusitalo, L., & Kumpulainen, K. (2022). How do children describe learning self-regulation skills in the Kids’ Skills intervention? In H. Harju-Luukkainen, N. Hanssen, & C. Sundqvist (Eds.), Special Education in the Early Years. Perspectives on Policy and Practice in the Nordic Countries. (pp. 119-134). (International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development). Springer.

Sairanen, H., Kumpulainen, K., Nordström, A., & Kajamaa, A. (2022). Young children initiating and negotiating their digital literacy practices in their homes. In K. Kumpulainen, A. Kajamaa, O. Erstad, Å. Mäkitalo, K. Drotner, & S. Jakobsdóttir (Eds.), Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age: Insights into contemporary research on communication, learning and education (1 ed., pp. 53-65). Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K., & Kajamaa, A. (2021). Makerspaces as tertiary artifacts? The meaning of material artifacts in students’ social interaction during technology-rich creative learning. In N. Muller Mirza, & M. Dos Santos Mamed (Eds.), Dialogical approaches and tensions in learning and development: At the frontiers of the mind (pp. 105-121). (Social Interaction in Learning and Development). Springer International Publishing.

Kumpulainen, K., & Kajamaa, A. (2021). The sociomaterial ecology of emotions in a school’s makerspace. In C. A. Mclean, & J. Rowsell (Eds.), Maker literacies and maker identities in the digital age: Learning and playing through modes and media (pp. 149-166). Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K., & Kajamaa, A. (2021). The transformative potential of school-based makerspaces: Novel designs in educational practice. In E. Brooks, S. Dau, & S. Selander (Eds.), Digital learning and collaborative practices: Lessons from inclusive and empoweringparticipation with emerging technologies (pp. 175-184). Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K., & Sefton-Green, J. (2020). Introduction: Multiliteracies and early years innovation: Perspectives from Finland and beyond. In K. Kumpulainen & J. Sefton-Green (Eds.), Multiliteracies and early years innovation: Perspectives from Finland and beyond (pp. 1-20). Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K., & Sefton-Green, J. (2020). Conclusions: Future directions of multiliteracies scholarship and practice. In K. Kumpulainen and J. Sefton-Green (Eds.), Multiliteracies and early years innovation: Perspectives from Finland and beyond (pp. 199-205). Routledge.

Wong, C., & Kumpulainen, K. (2020). Multiliteracies pedagogy promoting young children’s ecological literacy on climate change. In K. Kumpulainen & J. Sefton-Green (Eds), Multiliteracies and early years innovation: Perspectives from Finland and beyond (pp. 95–114). Routledge.

Vartiainen, J., & Kumpulainen, K. (2020). Makerspaces, multiliteracies and early science education: The Finnish approach. In A. Blum-Ross, K. Kumpulainen, & J. Marsh (Eds.), Enhancing digital literacy and creativity: Makerspaces in the early years (pp. 38-52). Routledge.

Kontopodis, M., & Kumpulainen, K. (2020). Researching young children’s engagement and learning in makerspaces: Insights from Post-Vygotskian and Post-Human perspectives. In A. Blum-Ross, K. Kumpulainen, & J. Marsh (Eds.), Enhancing digital literacy and creativity: Makerspaces in the early years (pp. 11-23). Routledge.

Blum-Ross, A., Kumpulainen, K., & Marsh, J. (2020). The MakEY Project: An introduction. In A. Blum-Ross, K. Kumpulainen, & J. Marsh (Eds.), Enhancing digital literacy and creativity: Makerspaces in the early years (pp. 1-10). Routledge.  

Marsh, J., Blum-Ross, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2020). Conclusions. In A. Blum-Ross, K. Kumpulainen, & J. Marsh (Eds.), Enhancing digital literacy and creativity: Makerspaces in the Early Years (1st edition ed., Vol. 2019). Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K., & Gillen, J. (2019). Young children’s digital literacy practices in homes: Past, present and future research directions. In R. Flewitt, O. Erstad, B. Kuemmerling-Melbauer, & I. Pereira (Eds), Routledge handbook of digital literacies in early childhood(pp. 95–108).Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K., Rajala, A., & Kajamaa, A. (2019). Researching the materiality of communication in an educational makerspace: The meaning of social objects. In N. Mercer, R. Wegerif, & L. Major (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education (pp. 439-453). (The Routledge International Handbook Series). Routledge.

Vartiainen, J., & Kumpulainen, K. (2019). Promoting young children’s scientific literacy as a dynamic practice. In K. Kumpulainen, & J. Sefton-Green (Eds.), Multiliteracies and Early Years Innovation: Perspectives from Finland and Beyond (pp. 77-94). (Routledge Research in Early Childhood Education). Routledge.

Nordström, A., Kumpulainen, K., & Potter, J. (2019). Positive affect in young children’s multiliteracies learning endeavors. In K. Kumpulainen, & J. Sefton-Green (Eds.), Multiliteracies and Early Years Innovation: Perspectives from Finland and Beyond (pp. 166-182). (Routledge Research in Early Childhood Education). Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K. (2019). Commentary: Research methods for the advancement of possibility knowledge and practice in science and engineering education. In G. Kelly, & J. Green (Eds), Theory and methods for sociocultural research in science and engineering education(pp. 256–263). Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K., & Theron, L. (2019). Researching resilience processes in children’s everyday lives during transitioning to school: A dialogic approach. In D. Whitebread, V. Grau, K. Kumpulainen, M. M. McClelland, N. E. Perry, & D. Pino-Pasternak (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Developmental Psychology and Early Childhood Education (pp. 80-94). SAGE.

Kagan, S. L., Melvin, S. A., Lansdberg, E., Kumpulainen, K., & Reid, J. L. (2019). Knowledgeable and supported teachers and families. In S. L. Kagan, & E. Landsberg (Eds.), The Early Advantage 2 – Building Systems That Work for Young Children: International Insights from Innovative Early Childhood Systems (pp. 94-140). Teachers College Press.

Kumpulainen, K., Rajala, A., & Kajamaa, A. (2019). Researching the materiality of communication in an educational makerspace: The meaning of social objects. In N. Mercer, R. Wegerif, & L. Major (Eds), The Routledge international handbook of research on dialogic education (pp. 439–453). Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K., & Gillen, J. (2019). Young children’s digital literacy practices in homes: Past, present and future research directions. In O. Erstad, R. Flewitt, B. Kümmerling-Meibauer, & Í. S. P. Pereira (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Digital Literacies in Early Childhood (pp. 95-108). (Routledge International Handbooks of Education). Routledge.

Kumpulainen, K., Kajamaa, A., & Rajala, A. (2019). Motive-demand dynamics creating a social context for students’ learning experiences in a making and design environment. In A. Edwards, M. Fleer, & L. Bøttcher (Eds.), Cultural-historical approaches to studying learning and development: societal, institutional and personal perspectives (pp. 185-199). (Perspectives in cultural-historical research; No. 6). Springer.

Kumpulainen, K., & Ouakrim-Soivio, N. (2019). “My treasure box”: Pedagogical documentation, digital portfolios and children’s agency in Finnish early years education. In A. Eckhoff (Ed.), Participatory Research with Young Children (pp. 105-123). (Educating the Young Child: Advances in Theory and Research, Implications for Practice; Vol. 17). Springer.

Kumpulainen, K., Sairanen, H., & Nordström, A. (2019). Young children’s agency in their digital media use in the sociocultural contexts of their homes: A case study from Finland. In R. Brito, & P. Dias (Eds.), Crianças, famílias e tecnologias. Que desa os? Que caminhos?: Children, families and technology in today’s society. What challenges? Which paths? (pp. 150-170). Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal.

Kumpulainen, K. (2018). A principled, personalised, trusting and child-centric ECEC system in Finland. In S. Kagan (Ed.), The early advantage 1: Early childhood systems that lead by example – A comparative focus on international early childhood education(pp. 72–98). Teachers College Press.

Lipponen, L., Kumpulainen, K., & Paananen, M. (2018). Children’s perspective to curriculum work: Meaningful moments in Finnish early childhood education. In M. Fleer, & B. van Oers (Eds.), International Handbook on Early Childhood Education (Vol. Volume 2, pp. 1265-1277). (Springer International Handbooks of Education). Springer.

Sintonen, S., Kumpulainen, K., & Vartiainen, J. (2018). Young children’s imaginative play and dynamic literacy practices in the digital age. In G. Oakley (Ed.), Mobile technologies in children’s language and literacy: Innovative pedagogy in preschool and primary education(pp. 15–28). Emerald.–1–78714–879–620181002 

Kumpulainen, K., Mikkola, A., & Rajala, A. (2018). Dissolving the digital divide: Creating coherence in young people’s social ecologies of learning and identity building. In J. Voogt, G. Knezek, R. Christensen, & K-W. Lai (Eds.), Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (pp. 107-119). (Springer International Handbooks of Education). Springer International Publishing.

Rajala, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2017). Researching teachers’ agentic orientations to educational change in Finnish schools. In M. Coller & S. Paloniemi (Eds.), Agency at work: An agentic perspective on professional learning and development (pp. 311-329). Springer.

Kumpulainen, K., & Hurme, T. (2016). Supporting hospitalized children’s agency through digital technologies and media. In H. Niemi & J. Jia (Eds), New ways to teach and learn in China and Finland: Crossing boundaries with technology (pp. 173–193). Peter Lang.

Mikkola, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2016). Learning as a Hybrid: Educational Engagement in the Digital Age. In O. Erstad, K. Kumpulainen, Å. Mäkitalo, K. C. Schrøder, P. Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, & T. Jóhannsdóttir (Eds.), Learning across Contexts in the Knowledge Society (pp. 163-177). [9] (The Knowledge Economy and Education; No. 9). Sense publishers.

Rajala, A., Kumpulainen, K., Hilppö, J., Paananen, M., & Lipponen, L. (2016). Connecting learning across school and out-of-school contexts: A review of pedagogical approaches. In O. Erstad, K. Kumpulainen, Å. Mäkitalo, K. C. Schrøder, P. Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, & T. Jóhannsdóttir (Eds.), Learning across Contexts in the Knowledge Society (pp. 15-35). [2] (The Knowledge Economy and Education; No. 9). Sense publishers.

Niemi, R., Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2016). Pupils’ participation in the Finnish Ccassroom: Turning the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into pedagogical practices. In J. Gillett-Swan, & V. Coppock (Eds.), Children’s Rights, Educational Research and the UNCRC: past, present and future (pp. 81-100). Symposium Books.

Kumpulainen, K., & Mikkola, A. (2016). Toward hybrid learning: Education and learning in the digital age. In E. Elstad (Ed.), Educational Technology and Polycontextual Bridging (pp. 15-37). Sense publishers.

Mikkola, A., & Kumpulainen, K. (2016). Learning as a hybrid: Educational engagement in the digital age. In O. Erstad, K. Kumpulainen, Å.Mäkitalo, K., P. Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt & T. Jóhannsdóttir (Eds.), Learning across contexts in the knowledge society (pp. 163-177). Sense Publishers.

 Erstad, O., Kumpulainen, K., Mäkitalo, Å., Schrøder, K., Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, P., & Jóhannsdóttir, T. (2016). Tracing Learning Experiences within and across Contexts: A Nordic Approach. In O. Erstad, K. Kumpulainen, Å. Mäkitalo, K., P. Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, & T. Jóhannsdóttir (Eds.), Learning across contexts in the knowledge society (pp. 1-14). Sense Publishers.

 Rajala, A., Kumpulainen, K., Hilppö, J., Paananen, M., & Lipponen, L. (2016). Connecting learning across school and out-of-school contexts: A review of pedagogical approaches. In O. Erstad, K. Kumpulainen, Å. Mäkitalo, K., P. Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt and T. Jóhannsdóttir (Eds.), Learning across contexts in the knowledge society (pp. 15-36). Sense Publishers.

 Kumpulainen, K., Mikkola, A., & Salmi, A. (2015). Osallistava visuaalinen tutkimus ja lapsen äänen tavoittaminen. In M. Böök, Mustola, M., A-V. Kärnä, & J. Mykkänen (Eds.), Visuaaliset menetelmät lapsuuden- ja nuorisotutkimuksessa (pp. 136-144). Nuorisotutkimusseura/ Nuorisotutkimusverkosto.

 Kumpulainen, K. (2015). Pienten lasten suuret ajatukset. Dialoginen merkityksenanto lasten osallisuuden ja kehityksen voimavaroina. In M. Ubani, S. Poulter, & A. Kallioniemi (Eds.), Uskonto lapsuuden kulttuureissa (pp. 56-78). Lasten keskus.

 Kumpulainen, K., & Mikkola, A. (2015). Oppiminen ja koulutus digitaalisella aikakaudella. In M. Kuuskorpi (Eds.) Digitaalinen oppiminen ja oppimisympäristöt (pp. 9-45). Suomen Yliopistopaino Oy.

 Kumpulainen, K., Mikkola, A., Rajala, A., Hilppö, J., & Lipponen, L. (2014).  Positiivisen pedagogiikan jäljillä. In L. Uusitalo-Malmivaara (Eds.) Positiivisen psykologian voima (pp. 224-242). PS-kustannus.

 Kumpulainen, K., & Mikkola, A. (2014). Researching learning across space and time in extended learning environments. In M. Kuuskorpi (Ed.), Perspectives from Finland – Towards new learning environments (pp. 9-22). Finnish National Board of Education (Vol 1).

 Niemi, R., Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2013). Lasten näkökulmia osallistavasta pedagogiikasta. In H. Juuso et al. (Eds), Tutkimusperustaisuus koulussa ja opettajankoulutuksessa (pp. 45-61). Suomen harjoittelukoulujen julkaisu. Oulun yliopisto, Oulun normaalikoulu, 978-952-62-0233-4

 Kumpulainen, K. (2013). Adaptivity as a transformative disposition for learning in the 21st century. In D. Hung, K. Lim, and S-S. Lee (Eds.), Education Innovation (pp. 31-41). Springer.

 Lipponen, L., Kumpulainen, K., & Hilppö, J. (2013). Haluan, voin ja osaan: Lasten toimijuuden rakentuminen päiväkodin arjessa. In K. Karila & L. Lipponen (Eds.), Varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogiikka (pp. 159-175). Vastapaino.

 Lankinen, T., & Kumpulainen, K. (2013). National educational policy and programs: Insights from Finland. In J. Colombano & A. Shah (Eds.), Learning from the world: New ideas to redevelop America (pp. 198-214).Palgrave Macmillan.

 Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2013). Crossing boundaries in dialogic learning: A Chronotopic analysis of learners’ agency work. In M. Cesar and B. Ligorio (Eds.), Interplays between dialogical learning and dialogical self (pp. 193-217). Information Age Pub (IAP).

 Rajala, A., Hilppö, J., Lipponen, L., & Kumpulainen, K. (2013). Expanding the chronotopes of schooling for promotion of students’ agency. In O. Erstad and J. Sefton-Green, J. (Eds.), Identity, community, and learning lives in the digital age (pp. 107-125). Cambridge University Press.

 Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2012). Crossing boundaries: Harnessing funds of knowledge in dialogic inquiry across formal and informal learning environments. In P. Jarvis, & M. Watts (eds.), The Routledge international handbook of learning (pp. 112-125). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

 Kumpulainen, K., & Lankinen, T. (2012). Striving for educational equity and excellence: Evaluation and assessment in Finnish basic education. In H. Niemi, A. Toom, & A. Kallioniemi (Eds.), Miracle of education (pp. 69-81). Sense Publishers.

 Kumpulainen, K. (2012). Visioning the next generation of research on classroom interaction. In B. Kaur (Ed.), Graham Nuthall Classroom Research (pp. 302-308).Sense Publishers.

 Kumpulainen, K., Toom, A., & Saalasti, M. (2012). Video as a potential text to be read for agency work in teacher education. In E. Hjörne, G. de Abreu, & G. van der Aalsvoort (Eds.), Learning, social interaction and diversity (pp. 349-375). EARLI Book Series.

 Lipponen, L., & Kumpulainen, K. (2010). Toimijuus ja sen kehittymisen tukeminen opettajankoulutuksessa [Agency and its development in teacher eduction]. In A. Toom & H. Linnansaari (Eds.), Akateeminen luokanopettajakoulutus (pp. 335-347). Finnish Educational Research Association.

 Kumpulainen, K., Krokfors, L. Liponen, L., Tissari, V., Hilppö, J., & Rajala, A. (2011). Oppimisen sillat vie koulun kaikkialle [Learning Bridges takes the school everywhere], In K. Pohjola (Ed.). Uusi Koulu – oppiminen mediakulttuurin aikakaudella. Jyväskylän yliopisto: Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos. ISBN 978-951-39-4397-4

 Kumpulainen, K. (1994). Word processors creating a social context for learning. In D. Wray (Ed.), Literacy and Computers: Insights from research (pp. 42-54). United Kingdom Reading Association.

Kumpulainen, K., & Lipponen, L. (2010). Productive interaction as agentic participation in dialogic enquiry. In K. Littleton & C. Howe (Eds.), Educational Dialogues. Understanding and Promoting Productive Interaction (pp. 48-63). Routledge.

 Wray, D., & Kumpulainen, K. (2010). Researching classroom interaction and talk. In D. Hartas (Ed.), Educational research and inquiry, Qualitative and quantitative approaches (pp. 170-185). Continuum International Publishing Group.

 Kumpulainen, K., Toom, A., & Saalasti, M. (2009). Video as a cultural landscape for reflection and identity work in teacher education. In M. Cesar and K. Kumpulainen (Eds.), Social interactions in multicultural settings (pp. 349-375). Sense Publishers.

 Kovalainen, M., & Kumpulainen, K. (2009). Analyzing the social practices of a classroom community. In K. Kumpulainen, C. Hmelo-Silver, & M. Cesar (Eds.) Investigating classroom interaction: Methodologies in action (pp. 43-71). Sense Publishers.

 Kumpulainen, K., & Latva-Karjanmaa, R. (2009). Oppimisen tutkimuksen edistäminen monitieteisenä verkostoyhteistyönä [Promoting research on learning via cross-disciplinary networking]. In A. Kallioniemi, A. Toom, M. Ubani, H. Linnansaari, & K. Kumpulainen (Eds.), Ihmistä kasvattamassa: Koulutus-arvot-uudet avaukset [Cultivating humanity: Education-values-new discoveries] (pp. 69-81). Finnish Educational Research Association.

 Kumpulainen, K. (2008). Oppimisen monitieteinen tutkimus oppimisympäristöjen kehittämisen välineenä [Cross-discipinary research as a tool for developing learning environments]. In P. Venäläinen (Ed.), Kulttuuriperintö ja oppiminen [Cultural heritage and learning] (pp. 21-28). Suomen Tammi ja Suomen museoliitto.

 Kumpulainen, K., Puroila, M., & Vanhatalo, M. (2006). Dialogiseen kulttuuriin kasvaminen: Digitaalisen case-materiaalin mahdollisuudet opettajakoulutuksessa [Enculturation into a dialogic practice: The possibilities of digital case-material in teacher education]. In A-R. Nummenmaa & J. Välijärvi (Eds.), Opettajan työ ja oppiminen [Teacher’s work and learning] (pp. 249-265). PS-Productions.

 Kumpulainen, K., Vasama, M., & Kovalainen, M. (2006). Käsitteellisen ajattelun kulttuurinen välittyneisyys: Lasten selitysten intertekstuaalisuus dialogisessa toiminnassa [Culturally mediated conceptual thinking: The intertextuality of explanations of young learners in dialogic practice]. In E.-L. Kronqvist, K. Kumpulainen, & H. Soini (Eds.), Oppimisen sosiaaliset ulottuvuudet [The social dimensions of learning] (pp. 25-42). Oulu University Press.

 Kovalainen, M., Kumpulainen, K., & Vasama, S. (2006). Yhteisöllisen oppimisen ohjaus [Orchestrating collective learning]. In E.-L. Kronqvist, K. Kumpuainen, & H. Soini (Eds.), Oppimisen sosiaaliset ulottuvuudet [The social dimensions of learning] (pp. 43-53). Oulu University Press.

 Puroila, M., & Kumpulainen, K. (2005). Luokanopettajaksi opiskelevien diskurssit digitaalisen case-materiaalin merkityksestä osana ammatillista kehittymistä [The discourses of pre-service teachers whilst defining the meaning of case-material for their professional learning]. In J. Multisilta et al. (Eds.), Oppiminen ja tieto- ja viestintätekniikka opetuksessa ja opiskelussa [Learning and information and communication technology in teaching and studying]. Lapland University Press.

Kumpulainen, K., & Kaartinen, S. (2004). ”You can see it as you wish” Negotiating a shared understanding in collaborative problem-solving dyads. In K. Littleton, D. Miell, & D. Faulkner (Eds.), Learning to collaborate, collaborating to learn (pp. 67-93). Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

 Kaartinen, S., & Kumpulainen, K. (2004). On participating in communities of practice: Cases from science classrooms. In J. van der Linden & P. Renshaw & (Eds.), Dialogic learning (pp. 171-191). Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Kumpulainen, K. (2004). Helping teachers to frame constructivism as practice: The possibilities of case-based learning with digital media. In N. Hall & D. Springate (Eds.), Occasional papers of the European Teacher Education Network (ETEN) (pp. 71-85). University of Greenwich Press.

 Kangassalo, M., & Kumpulainen, K. (2003). The dynamics of children’s science learning and thinking in a social context of a multimedia environment. In H. Jaakkola, H. Kangassalo, E. Kawaguchi, & B. Thalheim (Eds.), Information modelling and knowledge bases, XIV (pp.188- 197). IOS Press.

 Kumpulainen, K. (2001). Sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus ja oppiminen tietoyhteiskunnassa. [Social interaction and learning in the information society] In J. Suoranta and M. Kangassalo (Eds.), Lapsi ja tietoyhteiskunta. [Child and information society] (pp. 135-144). Tampere University Press.

 Kumpulainen, K., & Mutanen, M. (2000). Mapping the dynamics of peer group interaction: A method of analysis of socially shared learning processes. In H. Cowie, D. Van der Aalsvoort, & N. Mercer (Eds.), Social interaction in learning and instruction: The meaning of discourse for the construction of knowledge (pp. 144-160). Pergamon Press.

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