Guofang Li

Dr. Guofang Li


Tier 1 Canada Research Chair

she / her / hers 604–822–6954 PCN 2017
Research and teaching areas:

Bilingual/multilingual education

English as an additional language

International issues/perspectives

Language education technologies

Language Planning and Policy

Modern language and heritage language education

Second language reading and writing

Teacher Education


Guofang Li is a Professor and Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in Transnational/Global Perspectives of Language and Literacy Education of Children and Youth in the Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, Canada. Her recent research interests are longitudinal studies of immigrant children’s bicultural and bi-literacy development through the educational systems, immigrant children’s new literacies practices in and out of school, technology-infused ESL/EFL instructional approaches, diversity and equity issues, and teacher education and professional development for culturally and linguistically diverse children and youth. As one of the leading scholars in the field of second language and literacy education, Li has published 16 books and over 200 journal articles and book chapters in English and Chinese, given over 100 keynotes and other invited speeches regionally, nationally, and worldwide, and presented over 100 scholarly conference papers. Li is the recipient of numerous national and international awards including the 2013 and 2006 Ed Fry Book Award of the Literary Research Association (LRA) (formerly the National Reading Conference), the 2011 Publication Award from ACPSS, the 2010 Early Career Award at American Educational Research Association (AERA), and the 2008 Division G Early Career Award of AERA.



Interviewed on Aug. 21, 2022 by Weekend Mornings with Raji Sohal on linguistic diversity.

Interviewed on August 17, 2022 by Nathan Griffiths, Vancouver Sun, on Linguistic Diversity,

Interviewed on August 17, 2022 by Oscar Li, Fairchild Radio, Census Results Shows Linguistic Diversity.

Asian Heritage Month celebrates culture, but also combats racism. Calgary Herald and Calgary Sun.

Interviewed on Oct. 6, 2021 by Johna Baylon on how Filipino-Canadian families are passing on their heritage language.

Interviewed on June 9, 2021 by Sarah L. Grochowski Provincial reporter for Black Press Media on COVID-19 pandemic impact on reading.

Interviewed on April 9, 2021 by Dr. Evan Ortlieb as one of the 25 literacy experts for 2020 What’s Hot in Literacy Survey. Article released Dec. 30, 2021.

Parents will need to fight ‘COVID learning slump’ over summer: B.C. literacy experts. BC Local News.

Speak for yourself: How Rye students are relearning their mother tongues. The Eyeopener.

Centering AAPI Students in the Classroom: An Expert Interview. Facing Today.

Some parents are ditching their child’s homeschool lessons, and experts say that’s OK. CTV News.

Parenting Amid Pandemic. CTV News.

Big Questions Unanswered in Government’s Child-Care Plans. The Tyee.

Richmond Chinese-speaking students’ English grades fall behind. The Thunderbird.

The Lost Art of Play: Crossing cultures to build connections. CBC.

Newcomers to Canada Session 1 | Spotlight on Community. Moksha Canada Foundation


Vaillancourt, T. (PI, March, 2024-2025) & Li, G. et al. (Co-PI).
Learning loss in Canada. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Connection Grant, $50,000.00. Funded

Li, G. (2024).
Exploring longitudinal associations between Chinese-Canadian children’s bi-literacy development in early and upper elementary years. UBC Bridging Funding, $7,500.00, funded.

Li, G., & Gick, B. (2024-2025).
AI in the Classroom. Continuous Learning Advancement Fund,UBC, $48,160.00. Funded.

Nelson, R., Verma, M., & Li, G. (2024-2025).
Racing Readers, TELUS Future Friendly Foundation, $14,600.00, funded.

Marom, L., Li, G., Ragnarsdottir, H., Rakhochkine, A. & Wimmer, R. (Collaborator, 2023-2025).
IET recertification as a site for overlapping discourses of migration and diversification. SSHRC Insight Grant, $74,296, funded.

Liang, Y. (PI) & G. Li et al. (Co-Is). (May 2023-April 2025). 
Multilingualism/multiglossia in GBA: From theory to practice [Project No.: #04A41]. HK$ 3,595,190.00, Central Reserve Fund for Strategic Development. The Education University of Hong Kong

Yin, X. R., & Li, G. et al. (Co-PI).
国际中文教师的多元文化能力比较研究. 教育部中外语言交流合作中心/世界汉语教学学会, 200,000RMB. Funded.

Li, G. (2022-2029).
Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) in transnational/global language and literacy education for children and youth, Canada Research Chairs Program, CAD1,400,000.00. Funded

Heydon, R., Li, G., McKee, L., Viczko, M., Zhang, Z., Eaton, C., McTavish, M., Murphy, S., Neeganagwedgin, E., & Ott, M. (2022-2027).
Reading pedagogies of equity: Networked literacy pedagogues as resources for academic reading praxes in teacher education. SSHRC Insights Grant, $293,819. (Submitted September 16, 2021, funded April 2022).

Yin, X., & Li, G. (2021-2022).
Information literacy of international Chinese teachers (国际中文教师的信息素养研究), Center of Language Education and Cooperation, China [grant number 21YH24C], 50,000 yuan (CAD10,000), funded.

Li, G., & Brunner, L. (2021-2022).
‘Ideal’ immigrants: Mapping the capital accumulation of international post-secondary students in Canada. Small Grants for Faculty-Graduate Student Research Collaborations, UBC Center for Migration Studies, $1,100. Funded.

Werker, J. F. (PI), with Li, G. et al. (co-PIs). (Mar. 2020-2027).
Ensuring full literacy in a multicultural and digital world. SSHRC Partnership Grants, $2.5 million, funded.

Li, G., Anderson, J., Hare, J., & McTavish, M. (2019-2020, PI).
Supporting teachers to work with racially, culturally and linguistically diverse students, families, and communities. SSHRC Connection Grants, funded.

Yin, X., Li, G., Guo, W., & Zhou, D. (2019-2021, Co-PI).
新疆维吾尔族贫困家庭学前儿童的语言能力发展研究 (Xinjiang low-SES Uyghur kindergarten children’ early literacy development), 200,000 (Chinese Yuan) The National Social Science Fund of China (NSSFC, 中国国家社科基金), funded.

Li, G., & Gunderson, L. (PI).
Behind the model minority mask: Identifying early factors in Cantonese- and Mandarin-speaking children’s divergent literacy and academic trajectories in Canadian schools. SSHRC Insight Grant, 2018-2023.

Zhu, G. (Texas A & M University), & Li, G. (Senior Research Collaborator)
Examining the relationship between student teachers’ emotional labor strategy, teaching achievement goal, and self-efficacy. International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT), Collaborative Research Grant, 2018-2019.

Li, G. (PI).
Home language environment and bilingual children’s language and literacy development: A review of literature, HSS Seed Grant, UBC, 2017.

Li, G. (PI).
The effects of variation in home language input on low-SES bilingual children’s school readiness. Research Infrastructure Support Services Program, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 2017

Li, G., Kraemer, R., & Dolean, D. D. (PI).
Home language environment and bilingual children’s language and literacy development: A multi-sited, cross-linguistic study. RITS Seed Grant, Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 2017.

Li, G., & Gunderson, L. (PI).
Chinese Immigrant Students’ Biliteracy Development Trajectory in Canada: A Longitudinal Study of Within-ethnic Variance. RITS Seed Grant, Department of Language and Literacy Education, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, 2015.

Li, G. (PI).
Pre-service teachers’ preparation for teaching English Language Learners: A mixed methods study. Department of Teacher Education, College of Education, Michigan State University, 2014.

Keck, S., & Li, G. (Co-PI).
A Comprehensive Professional Development Plan for Teachers of ELLs in Lansing School District. Stimulus Title 1 Funding, Office of Chief Academic Officer, Office of State and Federal Programs, Lansing School District, 2009-2010.

Wei, P., & Li, G. ( Co-PI).
Media Literacy: Engaging Youths and Parents. Families and Communities Together Coalition (FACT), MSU, 2008-2009

Li, G. (PI).
Pathways to bilingualism: E-Learning and the teaching of modern foreign languages. U.S. Department of Education (P017A060079), 2007-2010.

Certo, J., Li, G., Wibbens, E. & Martin, N. (Co-PI).
Learning to Teach Writing to Preadolescents: A Collaborative Action Research Study in Three Urban Elementary Classrooms. MSU/COE Professional Development Network Grant. 2006-2007

Li, G. (PI).
Examining immigrant parents’ beliefs and expectations about literacy. Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo, 2003.

Li, G. (PI).
Asian immigrant children’s school and home literacy connections. A post-doctoral research fellowship grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2000-2002

Awards & Honours

Stanford/Elsevier World’s Top 2% Scientists by career and year 2023, 2024

Invited International Panel Member, What’s Hot in Literacy Research 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

Carol Weinstein Outstanding Research Award, AERA’s Classroom Management SIG, AERA, 2016

Mid-Career Award, Second Language Education SIG, AERA, 2016

Selected Mentor, Northern Illinois University PI Academy, 2015

Ed Fry Book Award, Literacy Research Association for Culturally contested literacies: America’s “rainbow underclass” and urban schools (Routledge), 2013.

Publication Award for Model minority myths revisited: An interdisciplinary approach to demystifying Asian American education experiences (with L. Wang, IAP, 2008), Association of Chinese Professors of Social Sciences in the U. S. (ACPSS), 2011

Early Career Award, American Educational Research Association (AERA), 2010.

Early Career Award, Division G: Social Context of Education, American Educational Research Association, 2008.

Ed Fry Book Award, National Reading Conference for Culturally contested pedagogy: Battles of literacy and schooling between mainstream teachers and Asian immigrant parents (SUNY Press), 2006.

Leadership in Education Tour to Japan, invited and sponsored by the Japan Society, New York, 2006.

Young Investigator Achievement Award, University at Buffalo (university-wide award for junior faculty research achievements), 2004.

Finalist, American Educational Research Association Outstanding Book Award for “East is East, West is West”? Home literacy, culture, and schooling (Peter Lang), 2004.

Best Article Award, Margaret Gillett Award, McGill Journal of Education, 2001.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) post-doc fellowship, 2000-2002.

Second Place, Canadian Association of Curriculum Studies Dissertation Award, 2001.

Doctoral Thesis Scholarship, College of Graduate Studies and Research, University of Saskatchewan, 1997- 2000.

Dr. Kay Whale Memorial Book Prize Award, 1998.

Honorary Award, Women’s Studies and Research Unit, University of Saskatchewan, 1998.

Lownsbrough Memorial Scholarship in Education, University of Saskatchewan, 1997.

Honorary Award, Women’s Studies and Research Unit, University of Saskatchewan, 1997.

Selected Publications



Sun, Y., & Li, G. (Forthcoming). Transcending marginality: Asian women enacting critical language education for social justice.Part of the book series The Critical Approaches in Applied Linguistics (CRITAL). De Gruyter Mouton.

Gu, M. M., Lee, C. H. J., & Li, G. (Forthcoming), English language education in Asia: Perspectives of applied linguistics. Springer Nature.

Edwards, P., Compton-Lilly, C., & Li, G. (Forthcoming). International handbook of literacies in families and communities. UK: Edward Edgar Publishing.

Downes, P., Li, G., Praag, L. V., & Lamb, S. (2024)
Handbook on promoting equity in education for inclusive systems and societies. New York: Routledge. DOI:
Li, G., & Edwards, P. (Eds., 2010).
Best practices in ELL instruction. New York: Guilford Press.
Zhao, Y., Lei, J., Li, G., He, M. F., Okano, K., Megahed, N., Gamage, D., & Ramanathan N. (Eds., 2011).
Handbook of Asian education: A cultural approach. New York: Routledge.

Li, G. (2019).
Languages, identities, power and cross-cultural pedagogies in transnational literacy education (In Y. Sun’s series, Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development-Selected Works of Renowned TESOL Experts). Shanghai, China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.

Li, G., & Ma, W. (2017).
Educating Chinese-Heritage Students in the Global-Local Nexus: Identities, Challenges, and Opportunities. New York: Routledge.
Ma, W., & Li, G. (Eds., 2016).
Chinese-heritage students in North American schools: Understanding hearts and minds beyond test scores. New York: Routledge.
Li, G., & Zhong, L. J. (2015).
玩比学重要:美国华裔妈妈教你快乐早教 [More play, less study: A Chinese American mother’s advice on early education] [in Chinese]. Beijing: Beijing University Press.

Li, G. (Ed., 2009). Multicultural families, home literacies, and mainstream schooling. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Li, G. (2008). Culturally contested literacies: America’s “rainbow underclass” and urban schools. New York: Routledge. (Winner of 2013 Ed Fry Book Award, Literacy Research Association, formerly NRC)

Li, G., & Wang, L. (Eds., 2008). Model minority myths revisited: An interdisciplinary approach to demystifying Asian American education experiences. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. (Winner of the Publication Award, Association of Chinese Professors of Social Sciences in the U. S., 2011)

Li, G. (2008). Culturally contested literacies: America’s “rainbow underclass” and urban schools. New York: Routledge.

Li, G. (2006). Culturally contested pedagogy: Battles of literacy and schooling between mainstream teachers and Asian immigrant parents. Albany, NY: SUNY Press. (Winner of Ed Fry Book Award, National Reading Conference, 2006).

Li, G., & Beckett, G. (Eds., 2006). “Strangers” of the academy: Asian women scholars in higher education. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Li, G. (2005). Asian-American education across the class line: A multi-site report. Buffalo, NY: GSE Publications and SUNY Press.

Li, G. (2002). “East is East, West is West”? Home literacy, culture, and schooling. New York: Peter Lang. (Finalist, American Educational Research Association Outstanding Book Award, 2004).

Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Li, G., Lin, Z., & Mei, Z. (in press). Language ideologies in glocal contexts: A longitudinal study of Cantonese-Canadian families’ divergent paths toward childhood bidialectalism, Urban Education.

Li, G., Lin, Z., & Shen, S. (in press, accepted, March 24, 2024). Negotiating intracultural teaching in Canada: Chinese heritage language teachers’ cognition and practices,全球中文发展研究 (Journal of Global Research on Chinese Development)

Qin, K., & Li, G. (in press). Antiracist teacher education for multilingual learners: Praxis, challenges, and future directions. In H. Hong & A. C. Da Silva Iddings (Eds.), Empowering Multilingual Learners: Innovative Approaches to Foster Equity and Inclusivity in Teacher Education. Routledge.

Li, G., Lin, Z., & Shen, S. (in press). Negotiating intracultural teaching in Canada: Chinese heritage language teachers’ cognition and practices. Teacher Education in Teaching Chinese as an International Language (TCIL), co-edited by Drs Yan Jing, Dr Huang Hui and Dr Cheung Lin Hong.

Li, G., Shen, S., Lin, Z. (in press). Chinese heritage language teachers’ perceptions and practices of intracultural teaching in Canada: A survey study. In R. Valijärvi (Ed.), Perspectives on home, heritage, and community language education. Uppsala University Press. Uppsala University Press.

Li, G., Yeung, H. H., Ferreira, J., Mei, Z., Inomoto, S., & Nelson, R.  (in press).  Now I’ve started to like reading [in English only]!”: Promises and pitfalls of a university-community-school partnership program for superdiverse students’ literacy motivation and engagement. For P. Edwards, C. Compton-Lilly, and G. Li (Eds), International Handbook of Literacies in Families and Communities. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Li, G., Lin, Z., & Shen, S. (in press). Characterizingminority and heritage language education. In P. Romanowski (Ed.), Cambridge handbook of multilingual education. Cambridge University Press.

Li, G., Lin, Z., & Shen, S. (in press). Characterizingminority and heritage language education. In P. Romanowski (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Multilingual Education.

Li, G. (in press). Unveiling the hidden capital of family prolepsis for school: Non-dominant students’ opportunities for positive futures. In C. Brock et al. (eds.), Literacies, diversities, and opportunities for learning: critical conversations and international perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Li, G., Mei, Z., & Zhen, F. (2024) Friend or foe? Examining the impact of digital devices use on Chinese-Canadian children’s heritage language learning. Digital Studies in Language and Literature.
Li, S., & Li, G. (2024) Revisit English learner autonomy among Chinese non-English major students during the COVID-19 lockdown. Sage Journal, 14(4),
Li, G., & Locher-Lo, C. (2024) Culture, language, and race: An AsianCrit perspective on newcomer Chinese transnational adolescents’ navigation of intersectional discourses in Canadian schools. International Multilingualism Research Journal, DOI: 10.1080/19313152.2024.2335094
Li, G., & Bian, Y. (2024) Creating a dialogic online space for preparing critically reflective TESOL professionals. In F. Karam & A. Kibler (Eds.), Critical dialogic TESOL teacher education: Preparing future advocates and supporters of multilingual learners (183-204). Routledge.
Li, G., Fu, S., Qiu, T. (2024) A conversation with Guofang Li on the past, present, and future of literacies research with immigrant communities. Journal of Education for Multilingualism, 1(1), 145-156.
Sah, P., & Li, G. (2024) Toward linguistic justice and inclusion for multilingual learners: Implications of selective translanguaging in English-medium instruction classrooms. Learning and Instruction, 72,
Li, G., & Qin, K. (2024) Supporting and advocating for immigrant and refugee students and families in America’s urban schools: Educators’ agency and practices in everyday instruction. Urban Education, 59(2), 600-628.
Downes, P., Li, G., Praag, L. V., and Lamb, S. (2024) Editors’ introduction: multi layered equitable inclusive systems: The emergence and expansion of a global framework to eliminate socioeconomic and sociocultural exclusion in education. In P. Downes, G. Li, L. Praag, & S. Lamb (Eds.). Handbook of promoting equity for inclusive systems and societies in education (pp. 1-16). New York: Routledge.
Downes, P., Li, G., Praag, L. V., and Lamb, S. (2024) Editors’ conclusion: key emerging conceptual movements to underpin the multilayered framework of equitable inclusive systems in education. In P. Downes, G. Li, L. Praag, & S. Lamb (Eds.). Handbook of promoting equity for inclusive systems and societies in education (pp. 521-543). New York: Routledge.
Li, G., & Moram, L. (2024) Framing and practicing equity, diversity, inclusion and decolonialization in inclusive education systems: Progress, Tensions, and Ways forward. In P. Downes, G. Li, L. Praag, & S. Lamb (Eds.). Handbook of promoting equity for inclusive systems and societies in education (pp. 19-34). New York: Routledge.
Sah, P., & Li, G. (2024) School as agency of language policy and social reproduction. In P. Downes, G. Li, L. Praag, & S. Lamb (Eds.). Handbook of promoting equity for inclusive systems and societies in education (pp. 219-231). New York: Routledge.
Inomoto, S., Sugihara, Y., & Li, G. (2024) Becoming Japanese (only) in transnational spaces and systems: A narrative inquiry of familial language ideology of Japanese-Vietnamese mixed-heritage students. In Paul Downes, Alirezi Behtoui, Lore van Praag, & Jim Anderson (Eds.), Promoting inclusive systems for migrants in education (pp. 124-140). London: Routledge.
Li, G., & Lin, Z. (2024) Toward an inclusive language education system in the age of superdiversity: Parents’ and teachers’ perspectives and practices of supporting bilingualism for Chinese-Canadian children. In Paul Downes, Alirezi Behtoui, Lore van Praag, & Jim Anderson (Eds.), Promoting inclusive systems for migrants in education (pp. 45-65). London: Routledge.
Li, G., Lin, Z., Zhen, F., Gunderson, L., & Ji, X. R. (2023) Home as a gendered space for early biliteracy development: The case of Chinese-Canadian first graders. Bilingual Research Journal,
Li, G., & Shen, S. (2023) Early bidialectal maintenance among Chinese heritage learners in Canada: A family language policy perspective. Researching and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, 4(1), 49-72.
Li, G., Zhen, F., Lin, Z., & Gunderson, L. (2023) Bilingual home literacy experiences and early biliteracy development among Chinese-Canadian first graders, Educational Sciences, 13, 808.
Sun, Z., & Li, G. (2023) Rethinking Chinese heritage language (CHL) teaching in translocal realities: Pedagogical adaptations and missed opportunities to bridge transcultural gaps in Canada. In R. Zaidi, U. Boz and E. Moreau (Eds.), Transcultural pedagogies for multilingual classrooms: Responding to changing realities in theory and practice. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Jee, Y., & Li, G. (2023) Teaching EIL as a tool of social and ideological manipulation in South Korea: Does school and student socioeconomic status (SES) matter? In Ahmed Sahlane and Rosalind Pritchard (Eds.), Critical intercultural literacy and English as an international language education (Part V: Decolonising the ELF Curriculum Discourses, pp. 468-481). UK: Palgrave/Macmillan.
Li, G., Tian, Z., & Hong, H. (2023) Language education of Asian migrant students in North America. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. doi:
Li, G., & Zhen, L. (2023) In and out of the unknown: Lessons from immigrant families promoting multiliteracies during the COVID-19 pandemic. For special issue, Family Literacy, in The Reading Teacher,
Li, G., & Sun, Z. (2023) “COVID has brought us closer”: A proleptic approach to ESL teachers’ approaches to teaching ELLs in and after the pandemic. For special issue, Post-pandemic classroom literacies. Language and Literacy, 25(1), 32–56.
Li, G. (2022) Foreword. In C. Compton-Lilly et al., Children in immigrant families becoming literate. New York: Routledge
Li, G., Sun, Z., Zhen, F., Ji, R., Gunderson, L. (2022) Home literacy environment and Chinese-Canadian first graders’ bilingual vocabulary profiles: A mixed methods analysis. Sustainability, 14, 15788.
Li, G., & Zhen, L. (2022) “Two schools, two languages”: Chinese-Canadian parents supporting dual online-offline learning and biliteracies during COVID-19 school closure. In K. Fox (Ed.), Family Literacy Practices and Home School Connections: Perspectives from a Year at Home.
Robertshaw, J., & Li, G. (2022) “I had no idea what I was doing”: Case study of a secondary ELL teacher’s (mis)conceptualization of genre-approach to academic writing in Canada". In T. Hodges (Ed.), Handbook of research on writing instruction practices for equitable and effective teaching (pp. 185-205). Hershey, PA: IGI-Global.
Li, G. (2022) Toward inclusive translanguaging in multilingual classrooms. Teaching English as a Second Language Electronic Journal (TESL-EJ), 26(3),
Gong, Y., Lai, C., Gao, X., Li, G., Huang, Y., & Lin, L., (2022) Preservice teachers' cognition in teaching intercultural communicative competence: A study on Chinese as an additional language teachers in Hong Kong. Frontier in Education,
Zhou, W., & Li, G. (2022) Chinese dual-language bilingual education teachers’ pedagogical and languaging practices in the US. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 43(6), 569-583.
Ji, R., Li, G., & Gunderson, L. (2022). Validation of the PPVT–5 for Chinese-English bilingual learners: Application of cross-classified mixed effects model. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics,1(2), 1-11.
Bin, A., Li, X., & Li, G. (2022) When city meets rural: Exploring pre-service teachers’ identity construction when teaching in rural schools, SAGE Open, 12(1), 1-10.
Li, G., Yin. X., & Ji, X. R. (2022) Early bilingual vocabulary development among minority preschoolers in Xinjiang, China: The case of Uyghur and Kazak children. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (CJAL), 1-18.
Li, G., & Qin, K. (2022). Supporting and advocating for immigrant and refugee students and families in America’s inner city: Urban educators’ agency and practices in everyday instruction. Urban Education, 0(0), 1-29.
Brunner, L., & Li, G. (2022) ‘Canadian ‘edugration’ and capital: the conflicting aims of university admission and immigration selection criteria. In Antje Ellermann, Matthew Wright and Gaoheng Zhang (eds.), UBC Centre for Migration Studies, Working Paper Series.
Li, G. (2022) Tales of diversity within diversity: Urban educators’ narratives of working immigrant and refugee students and families in unsettling times. In H. Hong, P. C. Doran, and Y. Zheng (Eds.), Using reflective narrative to prepare teacher for English learners, families, and communities. New York: Springer.
Fincham, N., & Li, G. (2021) Online English learners’ metacognitive knowledge development about writing: Implications for second language writing pedagogy, Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, 1(1),
Li, G., & Jee, Y. (2021) Pan-diversity integration as an equity trap: Lessons from pre-service teachers’ experiences of preparation for teaching English language learners in the U.S. Teachers College Record, 123(12),
Li, G., Gunderson, L., Sun, Z., & Lin, Z. (2021) Early Chinese heritage language learning in Canada: A Study of Mandarin- and Cantonese-speaking children’s receptive vocabulary attainment. System. DOI:
Li, G., & Gao, H. (2021) An equity perspective on Chinese (CSOL) teacher preparation for global contexts: Domestic and international pre-service teachers’ experiences. Beijing International Review of Education, 3, 464-488.
Li, G., Gunderson, L., Lin, Z., Sun, Z. (2021) Mandarin- and Cantonese-speaking bilingual children’s English vocabulary and oral language development in Canada: Implications for instruction in the early years . The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL, 10(2), 125-152.
Li, G. (2021) Terminating the intersectional harm of triple pandemics for Asians: An educational imperative. Educational Research and Development Journal (special issue on Dismantling Systems of Racism against Asians and Asian-Americans), 24(1), 21-28.
Zhen, L., & Li, G. (2021) Rethinking the child and childhood: A posthumanism perspective on early literacy. Journal of Childhood, Education & Society, 2(1), 69-86. DOI: 10.37291/2717638X.20212169
Byers-Heinlein, K., Li, G., Orena, A.D., Levesque, K. (2021) Benefits of Being Raised Bilingually. RSC COVID-19 Series, Publication #72. Royal Society of Canada.
Li, G., Grâce, R.D., Sun, Z., Haslip, M., Burchell, D., Dexter, J.R., Chen, X. (2021) Promoting Second Language Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Parents’ and Teachers’ Coping Strategies. RSC COVID-19 Series, Publication #71. Royal Society of Canada.
Jee, Y., & Li, G. (2021) The ideologies of English as a foreign language (EFL) educational policy in Korea: The case in teacher recruitment and pre-service teacher education. In Raza et al., (Eds.), Policy development in TESOL and multilingualism: Past, present and the way forward (pp. 119-133). New York: Springer Nature.
Fang, Z., & Li, G. (2021) Writing in school science for EAL students: Linguistic challenges and pedagogical response. In A. Golden, L. A. Kulbrandstad, and L. J. Zhang (Eds.), Crossing literacy borders: Writing and evaluating texts (pp. 64-83). UK: Multilingual Matters.
Li, G., & Bian, Y. (2021) Preparing all teachers for ELLs? Teacher educators’ voices and praxis. In E. Rui and I. Lee (Eds.), Becoming and being a TESOL teacher educator: Research and practice (pp. 145-164). New York: Routledge.
Li, G., Yan, C., & Wang, Q. (2021) English as an additional language (EAL) education and the preparation of EAL teachers in China. In Nihat Polat, Laura Mahalingappa, & Hayriye Kayi-Aydar (Eds.), Preparation of teachers of English as an additional language (EAL) around the world: Research, policy, curriculum, and practice. UK: Multilingual Matters.
Sah, P., & Li, G. (2020) Translanguaging or unequal languaging? Unfolding the plurilingual discourse of English medium instruction (EMI) in Nepal’s public schools. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism,
Yin, X., & Li, G. (2020) Language solidarity, vitality and status: Sibe family language attitudes in North-western China. Current Issues in Language Planning, DOI: 10.1080/14664208.2020.1785751
Li, G. (2020) 国际化和本地化枢纽中海外华裔学生教育的核心问题和新兴趋势 (Chinese heritage students’ education in the global-local nexus: Core issues and emerging trends), 西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)(Journal of Southwestern Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), 21(3), 30-45.
Zhu, G., Rice, M., Li, G., & Zhu, J. (2020) EFL Student Teachers’ Professional Identity Construction: A Study of Student-Generated Metaphors Before and After Student Teaching. Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2020.1777872
Qin, K., & Li, G. (2020) Understanding immigrant youths’ negotiation of racialized masculinities in one U.S. high school. Special issue on Gender in Language Education: Critical Cultural Perspectives, Sexuality and Culture, 24,1046–1063.

Li, G. (2019). Resource diversity in Asian immigrants and refugees: Implications for language arts instruction. Language Arts, 96(6), 370-383.
Yin, X., & Li, G. (2019). 锡箔家庭语言态度的代际差异研究【 Family language attitudes of the Sibe (Xibo) ethnic group in Xinjiang, Northwestern of China】, 语言战略研究 (Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning), 4(2),31-41.
Gibb, B., Li, G., Schwartz, T. (2020) Improving ELLs’ scientific writing through co-teaching: Collaboration between ESL and science teachers in a secondary school in Canada. In M. Dover and A. Honigfeld (Eds.), Co-teaching for English learners: Evidence-based practices and research-informed outcomes. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Li, G., Bian, Y., & Martinez, J. M. (2019) Learning to teach English Language Learners as “a side note”: TESOL pre-service teachers’ perspectives of their professional preparation. In S. Keengwe and Grace Onchwari (Eds.), Handbook of research on assessment practices and pedagogical models for immigrant students. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Fincham, N., & Li, G. (2019) Metacognitive knowledge and EFL Learning in web-based distance learning context: A multiple case study. In S. Keengwe (Ed.), Handbook of research on cross-cultural online learning in higher education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Li, G., & Sun, Z. (2019) Asian immigrant family school relationships and literacy learning. In S. Sheldon et al., (Eds.), Handbook of Family, School, Community Partnerships in Education.
Li, G., Sun, Z., & Li, H. Y. (2019). Metalinguistic transfer: Exploring cross-language facilitation of literacy skills among Chinese-English bilingual children. In L. Moll (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education (OREE), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Li, G., & Sah, P. (2020) Critical pedagogy for preservice teacher education: An agenda for a plurilingual reality. In S. Steinberg et al., (Eds.), Handbook of critical pedagogy (pp. 884-898). New York: SAGE.
Li, G., & Sah, P. (2019). Immigrant language policies and programs in an era of Change: Promises, contradictions, and possibilities. In S. Nawyn & S. Gold (Eds.), International handbook of migration studies (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
Li, G. (2018) From stigma to strength: A case of ESL program transformation in a greater Vancouver high school. BC TEAL Journal, 3(1), 63-76. Retrieved from
Deng, L., Zhu, G., Li, G., Rutter, A., & Rivera, H. (2018) Student teachers' emotions, dilemmas, and professional identity formation amid the teaching practicums. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 6(26), 1-13.
Li, G. (2018) Divergent paths, same destiny: A Bourdieusian perspective on refugee families’ transitional experiences with urban schooling. European Journal of Education, 0(0), 1-12.
Li, G., Anderson, J., Carr, W., & Hare, J. (2018). Supporting teachers with diversity-plus competencies for working with culturally, linguistically, and racially diverse students, families and communities [Special issue]. Journal of Family Diversity Education, 3(1), 1-91.
Li, G., Hinojosa, D., & Wexler, L. (2018). Beliefs and perceptions about their preparation to teach English language learners: Voices of mainstream pre-service teachers. International Journal of TESOL and Learning, 7(1&2),1-21.
Li, G., Jee, Y., & Sun, Z. (2018). Technology as an educational equalizer for EFL learning in rural China? Evidence from the impact of technology-assisted practices on teacher-student interaction in primary classrooms. Language and Literacy, 20(3), 159-184.
Sah, P., & Li, G. (2018). English medium instruction (EMI) as linguistic capital in Nepal: Promises and realities. International Multilingual Research Journal, 12(2), 1-15.
Li, G. (2018) Foreword. In A. Lazar and P. Schmidt (Eds.,), Schools of promise for multilingual students. NY: Teachers College Press.
Li, G., Bian, Y., Martinez-Hinestroza, J., (2018). “I don't have the resources to learn, or… the time to do that”: Teacher educators’ perspectives and practices of preparing pre-service teachers for English language learners. In A. E. Lopez & E. L. Olan (Eds.), Transformative pedagogies for teacher education: Moving towards critical praxis in an era of change. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Li, G., & Sah, P. (2018). Programs, policies, and processes for immigrants’ host language acquisition: An international review. In S. Nawyn & S. Gold (Eds.), International handbook of migration studies (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge.
Gibb, B., & Li, G. (2018). From words to thematic text analysis: Collocation activities as academic vocabulary building strategies in the middle school ELA classroom. In L. C. de Oliveira, K. Obenchain, R. Kenney, & A. Oliveira (Eds.), Approaches to teaching the content areas to English language learners in secondary schools. New York: Springer.
Li, G. (2018). Moving toward a diversity plus teacher education: Approaches, challenges, and possibilities in preparing teachers for English language learners. In A. Polly (Ed), Handbook of research on analyzing practices for teacher preparation and licensure. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
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Li, G., & Huh, S. (2018). Implicit curriculum in EIL. In J. I. Liontas, T. International Association and M. DelliCarpini (Eds.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching (online). Wiley Publications. doi:10.1002/9781118784235.eelt0822
Sun, Z., & Li, G. (2018). Language acquisition in the home. In T. Shakelford and V. Weekes-Shakelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (pp. 1-5). New York: Springer. DOI:
Yin, X., & Li, G. (2017). 国外家庭语言规划研究综述:2000-2016 (An overview of international research on family language policy:2000-2016). 语言战略研究 (Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning), 2(2), 58-68.
Li, G., & Sun, Z. (2017). 加拿大华人家庭语言政策类型及成因 (Chinese immigrants’ family language policies in Canada), 语言战略研究 (Chinese Journal of Language Policy and Planning),2(2), 46-56.
Li, G. (2017). From absence to affordances: Integrating “old” and new” literacies in school-based instruction for English learners. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 61(3), 241-246.
Zhou, W., & Li, G. (2017). The effects of shared singing instruction on Chinese immersion kindergarteners’ spoken vocabulary recall and retention. Frontier of Education in China, 12(1), 29-51.
Li, G. (2017). Preparing culturally and linguistically competent teachers for EIL education. TESOL Journal, 8(2), 250-276.
Li, G., Hinojosa, D., Wexler, L., Martinez-Hinestroza, J., & Bian, Y. (2017). Using multimodal modules to address pre-service teachers’ knowledge gap in learning to teach English language learners. The Tapestry Journal, 8(1), Available at:
Li, G. (2017). Reading “the word” and “the world”: Promoting learner agency through an engagement model of literacy instruction. English Language Learning [英语学习(教师版)], 2, 24-34.
Li, G. (2017). International Chinese teachers training: Challenges and future developments. In J. Wu et al., (Ed.), Proceedings of International Symposium on Cultivating Chinese Talents in Southeast Asia under the One Belt One Road Initiative (pp. 88-96). Guangzhou, China.
Li, G., & Ma, W. (2017). Chinese-heritage learners de/re-territorializing transnational social field: Identities, conflicts, and possibilities. In G. Li and W. Ma (Eds.), Educating Chinese-heritage students in the global-local nexus: Achievement, challenges, and opportunities. New York: Routledge.
Ma, W., & Li, G. (2017). Introduction: Understanding Chinese-heritage learners’ lived educational experiences in the global-local nexus: languages, cultures, and identities. In G. Li and W. Ma (Eds.), Educating Chinese-heritage students in the global-local nexus: Achievement, challenges, and opportunities. New York: Routledge.
Li, G. (2016). Learning to become an online instructor of teacher education: From a technicist paradigm to a culturally reflective approach. International HETL Review, 6. Available at:
Li, G. (2016). Social class, culture and Asian children’s home and school literacy connection: The case for cultural reciprocity in early literacy education. In J. Anderson, A. Anderson, J. Hare, & M. McTavish (Eds.), The intersection of culture, language and learning in early childhood in the contexts of communities, families and schools (pp. 103–122). New York: Routledge.
Wen, M., & Li, G. (2016). Conclusion: Looking beyond the stereotypes and moving forward: Cultivating the hearts and minds of Chinese-heritage learners. In W. Ma, & G. Li (Eds.), Chinese-heritage students in North American schools: Understanding hearts and minds beyond test scores. New York: Routledge.
Li, G., & Ma, W. (2016). Introduction: Understanding “difference within differences” in Chinese-heritage students’ educational experiences across school, home and community contexts. In W. Ma, & G. Li (Eds.), Chinese-heritage students in North American schools: Understanding hearts and minds beyond test scores. New York: Routledge.
Wen, K., & Li, G. (2016). Chinese students' heritage language learning in the United States: Issues and Challenges. In W. Ma, and G. Li (Eds), Chinese-heritage students in North American schools: Understanding hearts and minds beyond test scores. New York: Routledge.
Li, G. (2016). Foreword: Who should be concerned about Asian American stereotypes in textbooks, and why? In H. Nicholas & D. Scott (Eds.), Asian/American Curricular Epistemicide: From being excluded to becoming a model minority (pp xi-xiv). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Li, G. (2016). Foreword: Dispelling the myths about metacognitive reading strategies instruction. In K. Mokhtari (Ed.), Improving reading comprehension through metacognitive reading strategies instruction (pp. ix–xii). New York: Roman & Littlefield Publishers.
Zhou, W., & Li, G. (2015). Chinese language teachers’ expectations and perceptions of American students’ behavior: Exploring the nexus of cultural differences and classroom management. System, 49, 17–27.
Li, G., & Yang, L. (2015). Asian immigrant children’s reading achievement in the early years: Trends from the ECLS-K data. Frontiers of Education in China, 10(1), 110–131.
Li, G., & Wen, K. (2015). East Asian heritage language education in the United States: Practices, potholes, and possibilities. International Multilingual Research Journal, 9(4), 274–290.
Zhou, W., & Li, G. (2015). Pedagogical challenges in cross-cultural Chinese language teaching: Perceptions and experiences of Chinese immersion teachers in the U.S. In P. Smith & A. Kumi-Yeboah (Eds.), Handbook of research on cross-cultural approaches to language and literacy development (pp. 159-183). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Zhou, W., & Li, G. (2015). Chinese language teachers’ pedagogical adjustment and classroom management in cross-cultural contexts. In J. Ruan, J. Zhang, and C. Leung (Eds.), Perspectives on Chinese as a foreign language education (pp. 211-230). New York: Springer.
Keck, S., Timms, S., & Li, G. (2015). Engaging families for academic and social success: The power of an inner-city school district’s partnership with community organizations for supporting refugee students. In M. P. Evans and D. Hiatt-Michael (Eds.), The power of community engagement for educational change (pp. 165-178). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Li, G. (2015). Subject matters of language, culture, identity, and power. In M. F. He, B. Schultz, W. H. Schubert (Eds.), The guide to curriculum in education (pp. 61-67). New York: SAGE.
Li, G. (2015). Best approaches to literacy instruction to English language learners: Cultural conflicts and compromises. In T. H. Some & P. Orelus (Ed.), Immigration and schooling: Re-defining 21st century America (pp. 109-124). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Keck, S., Timms, S., & Li, G. (2015). Engaging families for academic and social success: The power of an inner-city school district’s partnership with community organizations for supporting refugee students. In M. P. Evans & D. Hiatt-Michael (Eds.), The power of community engagement for educational change (pp. 165–178). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Zhou, W., & Li, G. (2015). Chinese language teachers’ pedagogical adjustment and classroom management in cross-cultural contexts. In J. Ruan, J. Zhang, & C. Leung (Eds.), Perspectives on Chinese as a foreign language education (pp. 211–230). New York: Springer.
Zhou, W., & Li, G. (2015). Pedagogical challenges in cross-cultural Chinese language teaching: Perceptions and experiences of Chinese immersion teachers in the U.S. In P. Smith & A. Kumi-Yeboah (Eds.), Handbook of research on cross-cultural approaches to language and literacy development (pp. 159–183). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Li, G. (2015). Best approaches to literacy instruction to English language learners: Cultural conflicts and compromises. In T. H. Some & P. Orelus (Ed.), Immigration and schooling: Re-defining 21st century America (pp. 109–124). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, Inc.
Li, G. (2015). Subject matters of language, culture, identity, and power. In M. F. He, B. Schultz, & W. H. Schubert (Eds.), The guide to curriculum in education (pp. 61–67). New York: SAGE.
Li, G. (2015). Low-SES ELLs’ new literacies outside school: Attitudes, access, and agency. In P. Schmidt & A. Lazar (Eds.), Reconceptualizing literacy in the new age of multiculturalism and pluralism (2nd ed., pp. 255–272). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Newspaper and Newsletter Articles

Li, G. (2018, May 6). Teaching English with a different mindset: From EFL to EIL. Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA) ELT Forum. Available at

Li, G. (2017). Immigrant children’s play can clash with mainstream culture. The Conversation (

Li, G. & Zhong, L. (2015). 0-5岁教育的六项主张 (Six tips for early literacy education for kids 0-5)。美国世界日报教育特刊 (The World Journal Special Issue on Education ),pp. 92-94.

Li, G. (2015). Preparing pre-service teachers to teach English language learners: Issues and perspectives. Advancing the Conversation, for Second Language Research SIG, AERA, Spring 2015.