Wendy Carr

Dr. Wendy Carr

Professor of Teaching Emerita

wendy.carr@ubc.ca 604–928–9994
Research and teaching areas:

French Language Education

Literacy education

Teacher Education


Implementation, dissemination and evaluation of an elementary mental health literacy intervention in four Canadian provinces
University of Calgary One Child Every Child Catalyst Grant (Principal Applicant), 2024-27.

Developing, evaluating, disseminating and sustaining a school-based mental health literacy intervention for Indigenous youth
CIHR Project Grant (Co-Investigator), 2020-25

Enhancing inclusive pedagogical practices of instructors in teacher education through mentoring and leadership
UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funds (Co-Investigator), 2019-20

SOGI-inclusive cultures, practices and resources in the Faculty of Education
Jane Rule Endowment for the Study of Human Relations (Principal investigator), 2018-19

Building digital citizenship and critical digital literacies in French program teacher candidates through open educational repositories
UBC Teaching and Learning Enhancement Funds (Co-investigator), 2018-19

Mental health & high school curriculum guide: Planning for adapting, evaluating & disseminating for Indigenous youth
CIHR Project Grant. (Pedagogical Advisor), 2018-19

Teacher Education For All: Creating learning environments inclusive of sexual and gender diversity
UBC Educational Innovations for Social Justice Initiative (Principal Investigator), 2016-18

Community Work

2nd Vice President, Retired Educators-RTOERO, Mainland BC District

Advisor, Youth Substance Use Advisory Council, BC Ministry of Health

2015 – 2023
Director, Past Vice-President, National Board of Directors, Canadian Parents for French

2017 – 2020
Chair, BC Provincial Mental Health Literacy Professional Development Steering Committee

2016 – 2018
Assn of BC Deans of Education representative, Teacher Education Program Working Group (BC Teachers’ Council)

Canadian Expert Representative, European Centre of Modern Languages

2005 – 2015
Past Vice-President & Director, Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers
Past President & Director, BC Association of Teachers of Modern Languages

Selected Publications

Wei, Y., Sha, L., McWeeny, R., Johal, R., Easton, C., Baxter, A., Cao, B., Greenshaw, & Carr, W. (2024). Evaluating the effectiveness of a school-based mental health literacy intervention from a comprehensive demographic and cognitive perspective. Scientific Reports. 14, 5901, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-56682-2
Leadbeater, B., Walker, M., Bowen, F., Barbic, S., Crooks, C., Mathias, S., Moretti, M., Sukhawathanakul, P., Pepler, D., Angelius, K., Carr, W., Schonert-Reichl, K., et al. (2023) Disseminating evidence-based preventive interventions to promote wellness and mental health in children and youth: Opportunities, gaps, and challenges. Canadian Journal of Community Public Health, 42(4), 91-136.

Carr, W., Kutcher, S., Wei, Y., & Heffernan, A. (2017). Preparing for the classroom: Mental health knowledge improvement, stigma reduction, and enhanced help-seeking efficacy in Canadian preservice teacher education. Canadian Journal of School Psychology. doi.org/10.1177/0829573516688596


Carr, W., Wernicke, M., & Daniels, B. (2023). Official and Indigenous languages education discussion paper. Ottawa: Canadian Parents for French.

Carr, W. (2022). Early language learning for a brighter bilingual future. In Learning French in the early years. Ottawa: Canadian Parents for French.

Carr, W. (2021). Online all the time. In Logging in to learn: Advocacy-oriented research brief. Ottawa: Canadian Parents for French.

Carr, W. (2020). Supporting linguistic security for language learners. In Building linguistic security: Research brief. Ottawa: Canadian Parents for French.

Masson, M., Larson, E., Desgroseilliers, P., Carr, W., & Lapkin, S. (2019). Accessing opportunity: A study on challenges in French-as-a-second language education teacher supply and demand in Canada. Ottawa: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

Wei, Y., Kutcher, S., Baxter, A.., & Carr, W. (2022). Mental health literacy in schools. In E. Hennessy, C. Heary, & M. Michail (Eds.). Understanding youth mental health: Perspectives from theory and practice. Open University Press, U. of Dublin.

Early, M., Dagenais, D., & Carr, W. (2017). Second language education in Canada. In N. Van Deusen-Scholl, & S. May (Eds.) Encyclopedia of language and education: Vol.4, Second and foreign language education (3rd ed., pp. 313–326). Springer Science.

Carr, W. (2013). Learning French in British Columbia: English as additional language learner and parent perspectives. In K. Arnett & C. Mady (Eds.) Minority populations in Canadian second language education (pp. 22-37). Bristol: UK: Multilingual Matters.

Teaching Resources

Carr, W., & Anderson, B. (2015). Échos Pro 3. [French second language teaching resource collection]. Toronto, ON: Pearson Education.

Carr, W., & Anderson, B. (2014). Échos Pro 2. [French second language teaching resource collection]. Toronto, ON: Pearson Education.

Anderson, B., & Carr, W. (2013). Échos Pro 1. [French second language teaching resource collection]. Toronto, ON: Pearson Education.

Anderson, B., Carr, W., Lewis, C., Salvatori, M., & Turnbull, M. (2009). Échos. [French second language literacy collection]. Toronto, ON: Pearson Education.

Anderson, B., Carr, W., Lewis, C., Salvatori, M., & Turnbull, M. (2008). Effective literacy practices in FSL: Making connections. Toronto, ON: Pearson Education.

Awards & Honours

2018 – Prix Robert Roy Award – Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers

2018 – Assoc of BC Deans of Education Teacher Educator of the Year Award

2018 – BC Teachers’ Federation Honorary Life Membership for Outstanding Service to BC Education

2018 – BC Assoc of Teachers of Modern Languages Honorary Life Membership

2015 – Faculty of Education’s 100 Alumni, Outstanding Contribution Award

2010 – Murray Elliott Outstanding Contribution to the Teacher Education Program

2008 – Faculty of Education Excellence in Teaching – Sessional Instructor