Dr. Marianne McTavish
Professor of Teaching Emerita
she / her / hers
Digital literacies
English language arts
Literacy education
Multiliteracy and multimodality
Reading pedagogies of equity: Networked literacy pedagogues as resources for academic reading praxes in teacher education.
SSHRC Insights Grant. Amount: $293,819.
Heydon, R., Li, G., McKee, L., Viczko, M., Zhang, Z., Eaton, C., McTavish, M., Murphy, S., Neeganagwedgin, E., & Ott, M.
Supporting teachers to work with racially, culturally and linguistically diverse students, families, and communities.
SSHRC Connection Grant.
Principal Investigator – Guofang Li; Co-Investigators – Jim Anderson, Jan Hare, Mariane McTavish
Assessing and supporting children’s oral language and writing development through play in K-2 classrooms, daycares and at home.
2013 – 2020
SSHRC Partnership Grant.
Principal Investigator – Shelly Stagg Peterson (OISE); Collaborators – Jim Anderson (LLED), Maureen Kendrick (LLED), Marianne McTavish (LLED)
Young children’s engagement with digital tools and technology at home and in the community.
2014 – 2017
SSHRC Insight Grant.
Principal Investigator- Jim Anderson; Co-Investigators -Ann Anderson (EDCP), Jan Hare (LLED), Marianne McTavish (LLED); Collaborator – Susan Nichols (U South Australia).
The intersection of language, learning and culture in early childhood: Home, school and community contexts.
2011 – 2013
SSHRC Workshop Grant.
Principal Investigator: Jim Anderson; Co-Investigators – Ann Anderson (EDCP), Jan Hare (LLED), Marianne McTavish (LLED)
Building Capacity and Disseminating Knowledge in Indigenous Early Childhood Education and Development.
FOE 2011 Indigenous Education Project Grant.
Principal Investigator: Jim Anderson. Co-investigators: Jan Hare, Ann Anderson, Candace Galla, Marianne McTavish.
Thinking critically about early childhood education: A pan-Canadian perspective.
2011 HSS Seed Grant.
CO-PIs Jim Anderson, Jan Hare, Ann Anderson, Marianne McTavish.
Awards & Honours
ABCDE Teacher Educator Award, 2021
AERA SIG Crir Award, 2013-2014
Murray Elliott Service Award for Outstanding Service to the UBC Teacher Education Program, 2017-2018
Selected Publications
Books (Edited)

Selected Book Chapters

*Anderson, J., Moffatt, L., McTavish, M., & Shapiro, J. (2013). Thinking critically about early childhood language education: Socio-cultural perspectives. In O. Saracho & B. Spodek (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children/3ed. New York: Routledge. (pp. 117-134).
*McTavish, M. (2012). “I get my facts from the Internet”: A case study of the teaching and learning of information literacy in school and out-of-school contexts. In K. Pahl & J. Rowsell (Eds.), Early Childhood Literacy, Volume 4: New Directions in Early Literacy Policy and Practice (pp. 239-262). Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA. [reprint]
Selected Journal Articles
Purcell-Gates, V., McTavish, M., Lenters, K., & Anderson, J. (2014). Working with different cultural patterns and beliefs: Teachers and families learning together. Multicultural Education [Special Issue: Family, school and community partnerships], 21(3/4), 17-22.
McTavish, M. (2014). “I’ll do it my own way!”: A young child’s appropriation and recontextualization of school literacy practices in out-of-school spaces. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 14(3), 319-344.
Lenters, K. and McTavish, M. (2013), Student planners in school and out of school: Who is managing whom?. Literacy. 47(2), 79-87. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-4369.2012.00679.x
McTavish, M., Streelasky, J., & Coles, L. (2012). Listening to children’s voices: Children as participants in research. International Journal of Early Childhood [Special Issue: Children’s perspectives 44.3, 249-267]. DOI: 10.1007/s13158-012-0068-8
McTavish, M. (2012). Troubling government discourse on early learning websites: A critical analysis. Canadian Children (Special Issue: Transitions. 37,2, 5-12.]
Purcell-Gates, V., Anderson, J., Jang, K., & Gagne, M., Lenters, K., & McTavish, M. (2012). Measuring Situated Literacy Activity: Challenges and Promises Journal of Literacy Research, 44 (4), 396-425. First published on August 16, 2012 as doi:10.1177/1086296X12457167
Anderson, J., Purcell-Gates, V., Lenters, K., & McTavish, M. (2012). Real-world literacy activity in pre-school. Community Literacy Journal, 8,2, 75-95.
McTavish, M. (2010). Affordances and recontextualizations: A multiple case study of young children’s engagement with information literacy in school and out-of-school contexts. Unpublished doctoral thesis. The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
McTavish, M. (2009). “I get my facts from the Internet”: A case study of the teaching and learning of information literacy in school and out-of-school contexts. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy. 9(1), 5-30.
McTavish, M. (2008). What were you thinking?: The use of metacognitive strategy during engagement with reading narrative and informational genres. Canadian Journal of Education. 31(2), 405-430.
Anderson, J., Lenters, K., & McTavish, M. (2008). Constructing families, constructing literacy: A critical analysis of family literacy websites. The School Community Journal. 18(1), 61-78.
McTavish, M. (2007). Reconciling the mismatch between home and school genres: Combining authentic texts with authentic activities. Canadian Children. 32(2), 4-6.
Chapman, M., Filipenko, M., McTavish, M., Shapiro, J. (2007). First graders’ preferences for narrative and/or information books and perceptions of other boys’ and girls’ book preferences. Canadian Journal of Education. 30(2), 531-553.
McTavish, M. (2007). Constructing the big picture: A working class family supports their daughter’s pathways to literacy. The Reading Teacher. 60(5), 476-485.
McTavish, M. (2009). “What does this say?”: A small request with huge implications. In S. Israel (Ed.), Literacy breakthroughs. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Wiley, 103-106.
McTavish, M. (2008). The Sears catalogue comes to school. In V. Purcell-Gates (Ed.) Authentic literacy instruction K-3: A handbook for Teachers. http://cpls.educ.ubc.ca/content/research.html , 1-9.
Selected Conference Presentations
McTavish, M., Anderson, A., Anderson, & J., Hare, J., (July, 2017). Early childhood educators’ use of digital technologies in the classroom: A paradox? Paper presented as part of a symposium entitled, Accessing, using and understanding digital technologies and media across communities, contexts and social demographics: Cases of young children, youth, families and teachers for the 20th European Literacy Conference, Madrid, Spain.
McTavish, M. & Filipenko, M. (July, 2017). Is it all about the image?: Teacher candidates’ production choices in multimodal Literacy autobiographies. Paper presented at the European Literacy Conference, Madrid, Spain.
McTavish, M. (2017, May) Young children’s multimodal re/productions in private spaces. Paper presented as part of a symposium entitled, Multimodal Literacy Learning in Transcultural Cosmopolitan Times for the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference, May 2017, Toronto: ON
McTavish, M. (December, 2016). Invited chair. Articulating the body in literacy research. A symposium for the Literacy Researchers’ Association Conference by Merchant, G., Burnett, K., Taylor, R., Daniels, K., Johnson, E., & Kontovourki, S. Nashville, TN
McTavish, M., Anderson, A., Anderson, & J., Hare, J. (accepted). Early childhood educators’ use of digital technologies in the classroom: A paradox? A paper presentation accepted for the Canadian Society of Studies in Education (CSSE) conference, Calgary, AB, June, 2016
McTavish, M. & Harrison, E. (May, 2016). “i”Babies: Infants’ and toddlers’ emergent language and literacy in a digital culture of iDevices. A presentation at the Equity in Digital Literacies: Access, Ethics and Engagement Conference. Vancouver, BC.
McTavish, M. & Filipenko, M. (December 2015). Re-Imagining understandings of literacies: Assemblages and compositions of pre-service teachers’ digital literacy autobiographies. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Literacy Research Association (LRA), Carlsbad, CA.
McTavish, M. (July, 2015). Young children’s personal textual re/production in private spaces. Paper presented as part of a symposium entitled, Toward Multimodal Approaches to Transcultural, Cosmopolitan Literacy Learning (with Jennifer Rowsell, Jim Anderson, Linda Coles) for the 19th European Conference on Literacy, Klagenfurt, Austria.
McTavish, M. & Filipenko, M. (May, 2015). Ensembles of words, music and images: Affordances and constraints of digital compositions in teacher candidates’ literacy autobiographies. Paper presented at the Annual Canadian Society of Studies in Education (CSSE) conference, June 2015, Ottawa.
McTavish, M. & Filipenko, M. (April, 2015). Pre-service teachers’ digital literacy autobiographies: What can we learn from their composition? Proposal submitted to the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Researcher Association (AERA), Chicago.
McTavish, M. ( 2014, May). I wish to use a multimodal approach to teaching”: Teacher candidates (re)conceptions of 21st century literacy learning. Paper presented at the Annual Canadian Society of Studies in Education (CSSE),St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.
Filipenko, M. & McTavish, M. (2013, December). Literacy Autobiography: Teacher Candidates’ beliefs and understandings of literacy in the 21st Century. Paper presented at the 63rd annual conference of the Literacy Researchers’ Association. Dallas, TX.
Anderson, A., Anderson, J., Hare, J., & McTavish, M. (2013, August). Literacy Research with Young Children and Their Families in Aboriginal, Immigrant and Refugee Communities: Perspectives, Issues and Challenges. Paper presented at the 18th European Conference on Reading, Jonkoping, Sweden. August 6-9, 2013.
McTavish, M. (2013, June). Meaning-making through reproduction: A young child’s multimodal remix of informational text. Paper presented at the Annual Canadian Society of Studies in Education (CSSE) Pre-Conference of Language and Literacy Researchers of Canada (LLRC), Victoria, BC, Canada.
Lenters, K. & McTavish, M. (2012, December). Organizational tool or literacy object for regulation: Tracing the student organizer across home-school contexts. Paper presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Literacy Researchers Association, San Diego, CA.
Lenters, K., McTavish, M. (April, 2012). Student Planners in School and Out-of-School: Who’s Managing Whom? A paper presented at the American Educational Researchers Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, CAN.
Hare, J., Smythe, S., Purcell-Gates, V., Jang, K., Lenters, K., McTavish, M., Anderson, J., Kim, J. (April, 2012). A Place for Indigenous, Immigrant and Refugee Cultural Contributions to Family Literacy. A session presented at the American Educational Researchers Association (AERA) Annual Meeting. Vancouver, BC, CAN.
McTavish, M. (2011, November). Sudanese refugee mothers’ support of their preschooler’s developing early literacy knowledge. Poster presentation as part of the International Innovative Community Group’s Literacy in International Contexts session at the 61st Annual Meetingof the Literacy Researchers Association, Jacksonville, FL.
McTavish, M. (2011, August). “I’ll do it my own way…”: Children’s remix of information literacy (IL) practices across school and out-of-school contexts. Paper presented as part of the symposium: Listening to children’s voices: Children as participants in research. 17th European Conference on Reading:Literacy and Diversity. Mons, Belgium.
McTavish, M. (2011, June). Troubling official discourse on early learning websites: A critical analysis. Paper presented as part of a symposium with members of the Canadian Network for Early Years Research: Transitions and Transformations in the Early Years Landscape throughout Canada. CSSE Annual Conference, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
McTavish, M. (2010, December). Changing the rules changes the game: Young children’s appropriation and recontextualization of school and out-of-school information literacy practices. A paper presented at the 60th annual meeting of the National Reading Conference (NRC), Fort Worth, TX. December, 2010.
McTavish, M. (2010, October). Changing the rules changes the game: Young children’s appropriation and recontextualization of school and out-of-school information literacy practices. A paper presented at the Critical Perspectives on Understanding Literacy in a Technological Age symposium, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Burnaby, BC.
McTavish, M. (2010, June). Mapping the early childhood Landscape: Challenges, Promising Practices, and Nonnegotiables. Invited keynote at the University of Prince Edward Island Invitational Symposium on the Early Years. Charlottetown, PEI, Canada.
Selected Media/Knowledge Mobilization Pieces
Interview on radio CKNW (AM) “The Bill Good Show” (September 11, 2013). “Should handwriting be taught in today’s schools?”
Interview (joint with Jim Anderson). (January, 2013) with Ryan Stuart for an article in Canadian Living.com on parents’ role in teaching children to read.
Interview for the “”The Arena” with John Robson (May 7, 2012). Is handwriting becoming obsolete? Vancouver, BC. Canada
Interview for CBC Online with Claire Penhorwood.(April 29, 2012). Does handwriting have a place in today’s tech driven classrooms?