Dr. Margaret Early
Associate Professor
Associate Dean, Strategic Programs and Planning
Bilingual/multilingual education
Decolonizing pedagogies and knowledges
English as an additional language
Multiliteracy and multimodality
Race and antiracism
Teacher Education
Investigating Alternative Accountability as a Viable Measure of Expanded Notions of Literacy
Principal Investigator: SSHRC funded project 2006-2009.
Academic Performance and Educational Mobility of Youth of Immigrant Origin
Co-investigator: Canadian Council on Learning 2007-2008.
Literacy Attainment among Newcomer Students
Co-investigator: Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network 2007-2008.
From Literacy to Multi-Literacy: Designing Learning Environments for Knowledge Generation
Principal Investigator: SSHRC-INE funded project 2002-2006.
Disseminating Literacy Practices in Diverse Communities
Principal Investigator: SSHRC-INE funded project 2004-2006.
Listening to Diverse Learners
Co-Investigator: SSHRC funded project 2003-2006.
Integrating Language Teaching and Content Teacher – A Resource Book
To write a revised and updated version of a resource book; to help teachers of ESL students to integrate language and content. (Ministry of Education)
Use of Graphics in ESL Classroom Instruction
To describe our understanding of the effect of graphics as an aid to integrating the teaching of language and the teaching of content. (SSHRC)
How Students Respond to Teachers’ Use of Questions
Examines the effects of the functions of English as a Second Language teachers’ questions on ESL classroom discourse. (UBC-HSS)
Primary-Grade NS ESL Students’ Awareness of Four Text Structures: Effects on Recall of Expository Texts
To examine primary grade NS and ESL students’ awareness of four expository texts (collection, comparison/contrasts, causation, problem/solution) and their recall of text written in those structures. (UBC-HSS)
Language Proficiency/Academic Achievement
To investigate the interrelationship of variables which influence English as a second language students’ success or failure in school. (UBC-HSS)
ESL/Computer Project
To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of a strategy for using graphics- oriented computers with ESL students to develop the language and thinking skills needed for school success. (Ministry of Education)
Discourse Analysis in Second Language Curriculum Research
To produce a discourse analyses for L2 learning of a social studies course. (Cdn. Intl. College)
English as a Second Language (ESL) Literacy for Northern Women
To investigate the implementation of an English as a Second Language literacy program for Northern Natives. (Arctic Alpine Resource Committee)
Selected Publications
Cummins, J., & Early, M. (Eds.). (2011). Identity Texts: The Collaborative Creation of Power in Multilingual Schools. Trentham Books, U.K.
Cummins, J & Early, M. (2011). Introduction. In Identity texts: The collaborative creation of power in multilingual schools. Stoke-on-Trent:Trentham Books. pp. 3-19.
Cummins, J, Early, M. & Stille, S.(2011).Frames of reference: Identity texts in perspective. In J. Cummins & M. Early (Eds). Identity texts: The collaborative creation of power in multilingual schools. Stoke-on-Trent:Trentham Books. pp. 21-43.
Cummins, J., Early, M., Leoni, L. & Stille, S. (2011). “It really comes down to the teachers, I think”: Pedagogies of Choice in Multilingual Classrooms. In J.
Cummins & M. Early (Eds). Identity texts: The collaborative creation of power in multilingual schools. Stoke-on-Trent:Trentham Books. pp. 153-163.
Norton, B. & Early, M. (2011). Researcher Identity, narrative inquiry, and language teaching research. TESOL Quarterly, Special Issue- Narrative Research in TESOL Quarterly, 45, 3, 415-439.
Early, M. & Yeung, C. (2011). Creating Picture Books and Performance as Identity Texts in a Core French Classroom. In J. Cummins & M. Early (Eds). Identity texts: The collaborative creation of power in multilingual schools. Stoke-on-Trent: Trentham Books. pp. 72-75
Early, M., & Yeung, C. (2009). Producing multimodal picture books and dramatic performances in core French: An exploratory case study.Canadian Modern Language Review, 66(2), 299–223.
Early, M. (2008). From literacy to multiliteracies: implications for lifelong learning and work. In D. W. Livingstone, K. Mirchandani & P. S. Sawchuk (Eds.), The future of lifelong learning and work. Toronto, Canada: Sense Publishers.
Early, M. (2008). Second and foreign language teaching in Canada. In N. V. Deusen-Scholl, & N. Hornberger (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of language and education. Vol. 4. New York, NY: Springer.
Reeder, K., Shapiro, J., Early, M., & Kendrick, M. (2008). Listening to diverse learners: The effectiveness and appropriateness of a computer-based reading tutor for young language learners. In F. Zhang & B. Barber (Eds.), Handbook of research on computer-enhanced language acquisition. Hershey , PA : Information Science Reference.
Early, M. (2008). Developing academic literacies. SPELT Journal of the Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers, 24(1), 2-29.
Early, M. & Marshall, S. (2008). Adolescent ESL students’ interpretation and appreciation of literary texts: A case study of multimodality. Canadian Modern Language Review, 6(3), 377-398.
Asselin, M., Early, M., & Filipenko, M. (2006). Assessment, accountability and new literacies in the Canadian context. Canadian Journal of Education. 28(4), 1-29.
Early, M. (2005). From literacy to multiliteracies: Implications for lifelong learning and work . Available at http://lifelong.oise.utoronto.ca
Early, M., Potts , D., & Mohan, B. (2005). ESL students’ socialization into academic discourse: A Canadian Perspective. Prospect: The Australian TESOL Journal, 28(3) 1-26.