Venue: Online via Zoom
Presenter: Dr. Meike Wernicke
Zoom Link: 690 7699 3360
Password: 12345
Abstract Writing with Dr. Meike Wernicke
Do you want to submit an abstract for a conference/journal?
Do want to learn more about the components of a good abstract?
Then this workshop is for you!
During the first half of this one-hour virtual workshop, Dr. Meike Wernicke will share her experience with the audience and provide some tips on how to craft a standard abstract. In the next half, Dr. Wernicke will respond to your questions about abstract writing.
About Dr. Wernicke
Meike Wernicke is assistant professor in LLED with a research focus on French language teacher education, teacher identity, and intercultural education. She has published peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and contributed to professional teacher publications. She is co-editor of a recently published TESL Canada Journal special issue and a forthcoming edited volume with Multilingual Matters on multilingualism and teacher education. Her current research projects focus on teacher professionalization and the integration of intercultural approaches in second language curriculum implementation, with an emphasis on decolonizing and plurilingual pedagogies.