Critical Conversation with Dr. Muzna Awayed-Bishara

Organized by the Global Research Collective for Anti-Oppressive Practices in Language Education (GRC):
Critical Conversation with Dr. Muzna Awayed-Bishara

Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Location: Online via Zoom

Muzna Awayed-Bishara currently holds a tenure track position in the Program for Multilingual Education, School of Education at Tel Aviv University; and is an honorary associate professor linked to the center of Applied Linguistics at University College London. Her research interests are multilingualism and minority education with special emphasis on Palestinians in Israel, Southern applied/sociolinguistics, and EFL education. She also examines how power imbalances are (re)produced and/or contested through semiotic means.  She has authored articles in leading peer-reviewed journals and a book EFL Pedagogy as Cultural Discourse: Textbooks, Practice, and Policy for Arabs and Jews in Israel (Routledge, 2020).