Modern Languages Education (MLED)

All students in British Columbia’s elementary, middle and secondary schools learn a second or additional language as one of their regular school subjects. Most learn French in Grades 5 to 8, and many continue to Grade 12. Other languages are taught as well, especially at the Grade 9-12 level: Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin, German, Punjabi, Russian (in interior BC) and Korean (online). Those interested in teaching a language other than French as one of their teachable subjects at the secondary level are invited to select Modern Languages as an option.

Admission & Advising Information for the BEd Degree – Teacher Education Program for Modern Languages
Visit the Teacher Education Office website for information on DELF/DALF.

LLED’s Graduate Programs integrate courses of study in applied linguistics, language, literature, culture and curriculum. We offer specialized, individualized and interdisciplinary graduate programs in French Immersion and other FSL approaches, as well as Asian and other languages education. These programs involve study in second language curriculum, assessment, acquisition, bilingualism and intercultural education.

Graduate Programs in Modern Languages Education

We offer specialized, individualized and interdisciplinary graduate programs in French immersion, French as a Second or Foreign Language [FSL, FFL], Asia-Pacific and the other modern languages education. These programs involve study in second language curriculum, assessment, second language acquisition, bilingualism and intercultural education.

Although there are formal course requirements for the advanced degrees, students in the graduate programs are encouraged, with the aim of individualizing each program of studies, to take graduate courses in the Departments of Anthropology/Sociology, Psychology, and Linguistics in the Faculty of Arts, as well as in the Departments of Educational Studies, Curriculum and Instruction, Administrative Education, and Educational Psychology in the Faculty of Education. In this way, each program is individually tailored to suit students’ talents and interests. The MEd and MA degrees are available on a part- or full-time basis and have no residency requirement, and the PhD has a two-year residency requirement. Research fellowships as well as a variety of scholarships are available for part-time and full-time students.

Recent thesis topics include teaching, instruction, acquisition, curriculum development, evaluation, language planning, interlanguage pragmatics, sociolinguistic and other applied linguistic approaches to modern languages education as well as post-structural, critical theory and feminist approaches to Asia-Pacific literature. Autonomous learning, multi-media, distance education, language acquisition, the role of the L1 and L2 in teaching, and the study of language loss are additional recent thesis topics.

The Modern Languages Education MEd, MA degrees and the LLED PhD offered through the Department of Language & Literacy Education, are also for students interested in developing educational programs in the teaching of Asian languages and cultural understanding, as well as in second language acquisition in the Asia Pacific context. The University of British Columbia is particularly well-situated, academically and geographically, to act as a Canadian hub of Asia Pacific Studies, with degree programs, research centres, institutes, and special library collections in various aspects of this growing field of inquiry.

Pour savoir plus sur notre maîtrise en éducation en français, visitez le site web du programme




Punjabi / India






Asia Pacific Resources

Asia-Pacific Specialization Students are encouraged to take additional courses in other Departments and Faculties (eg. Anthropology and Sociology, Asian Studies, Adult Education Educational Studies and Educational Psychology and Special Education) as their individualized program of studies requires.

Asia Pacific Educational Studies in Language, Culture and Curriculum

Asia-Pacific General Sites

Asia-Pacific Studies/Research Sites