Dr. Sandra Zappa-Hollman
Associate Professor
Director of Academic English Programming, Vantage College
she / her / hers
Bilingual/multilingual education
Discourse Analysis
English as an additional language
Instructional approaches
Language Ideologies
Multiliteracy and multimodality
Literacy education
Second language reading and writing
Systemic Functional Linguistics
I am an applied linguist with a special interest in teaching English for academic purposes (EAP) and researching academic (English) discourse socialization of multilingual students in higher education contexts where English is the main instructional language. Other related areas of interest include language and content integration (CBI/CLIL), intercultural competence, feedback on L2 writing, curriculum and materials design, and language program evaluation. My work draws on socio-cultural theory (particularly Second Language Socialization), Social Network Theory, and the notion of Communities of Practice. More recently, my research as well as materials design and teaching are informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics and genre-based pedagogies.
For the past decade I have also been involved in academic program development and administration. Since 2014, I’m the director of the Academic English Program at UBC Vantage College (http://vantagecollege.ubc.ca/), a first year university program for international multilingual students at the University of British Columbia.
Academic socialization of bi/multilingual students: A multi-site case study at three Canadian universities Current
2021 – 2024
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Insight Grant
Co-Investigator; PI Heike Neumann (Concordia); Co-I Saskia Van Viegen (York)
Graduate Research Assistants (UBC site): Serikbolsyn Tastanbek (UBC), Masaru Yamamoto (UBC)
A case study of Canadian university instructors’ beliefs, dispositions, and perceptions of ability towards working with emergent multilingual undergraduate learners Current
2020 – 2022
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Insight Development Grant
Principal Investigator
Graduate Research Assistants: Serikbolsyn Tastanbek (UBC), Dmitri Detwyler (UBC), Greta Perris (UBC)
Project contact email: Teaching.Multilingual.Students@ubc.ca
Project status: data collection completed; currently engaged in data analysis
Underground literacies: The use of private academic support services by international EAL students Current
2020 – 2022
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Insight Development Grant
Co-Investigator; PI Joel Heng-Hartse (SFU), Co-Investigator Tim Anderson (UVic)
Graduate Research Assistant (UBC site): Alexandra Ross
Vantage corpus of student texts across the disciplines (Pilot Project) Completed
2020 – 2021
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Explore Grant
Principal Investigator
Co-investigators: Alfredo Ferreira (UBC), Laura, Baumvol (UBC)
Collaborators: Simone Sarmento UFRGS)
Graduate Research Assistants: Greta Perris (UBC), Sara Van Dan Acker (UBC), Marine Matte (UFRGS)
Mapping the landscape: Colloquium on language in the Canadian university Completed
2017 – 2018
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) – Connection Grant
Co-Investigator; PI Saskia Van Viegen (Stille) (SFU), Penny Kinnear (UofT), Li-Shih Huang (UVic)
Collaborators: Bruce Russell (UofT), Julia Williams (U Waterloo), Roumi Ilieva (SFU), Tanya Missere-Mihas (U Waterloo)
Graduate Assistant: Dmitri Detwyler (UBC site)
Supporting in-service teachers` implementation of a functional approach to English for academic purposes Completed
2014 – 2016
UBC Department of Language and Literacy Education – Rits LLED Seed Fund
PI: Steven Talmy; Co-investigator: Meike Wernicke
A critical examination of collaboration between English for academic purposes and subject-area instructors embracing a content and language integrated learning model Completed
2015 – 2016
Hampton New faculty Awards
Principal Investigator
Examining the effectiveness of content and language tutorials (VANT 140) in supporting international students’ academic English development Completed
2014 – 2016
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Fund (SoTL) – UBC
Principal Investigator
Graduate Research Assistant: John Haggerty (UBC)
Vantage College Program Evaluation Study Current
Principal Investigator
Co-PI: Joanne Fox (UBC), Brian Wilson (UBC)
Graduate Research Assistants: Laura Baumvol (UBC); Dmitri Detwyler (UBC)
Writing in the STEM disciplines: advancing graduate academic literacies Current
2021 – 2023
Advancing Education Renewal, Office of the Provost and VP, UBC
PI: Patty Kelly
Co-investigaors: Alfredo A. Ferreira, Jodie Martin, Joanne Fox, Jonathan Otto, Jacqui Brinkman
Graduate Assistants: Kwesi Yaro, Angela Rutakomozibwa, Susan Sechrist, Reena Titoria, Greta Perris
Development of online learning modules as an innovative approach to teaching a Vantage College introductory engineering design course with embedded language and technical communication components Current
2019 – 2021
Small Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Innovation projects, UBC
PI: Vladan Prodanovic
Co-investigators: Gabriel Potvin, Juan Abello, Saloome Motavas, Sandra Zappa-Hollman, Alys Avalos-Rivera
Cultivating success for English as an additional language students: A library flexible learning partnership Completed
2014 – 2015
Small Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Innovation projects, UBC
With Sarah Parker (UBC Library), Amber Shaw (Vantage College),
Collaborators: Simon Neame, Aleteia Greenwood, Anne Olsen, Jennifer Walsh-Marr, Eilidh Singh
A global campus: Tandem language learning at UBC. Completed
2012 – 2013
Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF)
PI: Andrew Scales
Co-investigators: Monique Bournot-Trites
Graduate Research Assistants: Rachel Wang, Robin Ryan
Selected Publications

Zappa-Hollman, S., Bournot-Trites, M., Wang, R. & Ryan, R. (2014). UBC Tandem Language Learning Handbook. University of British Columbia. Available online: http://www.tandemubc.ca/#!handbook/c18pd
Duff, P. A. & Zappa-Hollman, S. (2013). Critical discourse analysis of popular culture. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Duff, P. A. & Zappa-Hollman, S. (2013). Pop culture and second language teaching and learning. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
Sellick, A., Bournot-Trites, M., Reeder, K., Scales, A., Smith, M., Zappa-Hollman, S. (2011). Key strengths of an innovative volunteer ESL workshop. Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 37 (2), 1-18.
Zappa-Hollman, S. (2007). Academic presentations across post-secondary contexts: The discourse socialization of non-native English speakers. Canadian Modern Language Review 63, (4), 455-485. (Recipient of CMLR Best Graduate Student Paper Award).
Zappa-Hollman, S. (2007). EFL in Argentina’s schools: Teachers’ perspectives on policy changes and instruction. TESOL Quarterly, 41, (3), 618-625.
Nicol, C. Yusyp, M., Zappa, S., Sasges, M., & Moore, J. (2004). Living action research: Authoring identities through YaYa Projects. Educational Action Research, 12, (3), 311-328