Awards & Honours
Best Research Article on Rhetoric, Writing Studies or Discourse Studies, 2014, Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse and Writing, for Starke-Meyerring, D., Paré, A., El-Bezre, N. & Sun, K.Y. (2014). Probing normalized institutional discourses about writing: The case of the doctoral thesis. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 8 (2): 13-27.
Professor Emeritus, McGill University, June 2014
Selected Publications
Paré, A. (2018). Thinking rhetorically: A pragmatic approach to texts. In S. Carter & D. Laurs (Eds.). Giving feedback on research writing: A handbook for supervisors and advisors (pp. 224-30). London, UK: Routledge
Paré, A. (2017). The once and future writing centre: A reflection and critique. Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie, 27, 1–8.
Paré, A. (2017). Re-thinking the dissertation and doctoral supervision / Reflexiones sobre la tesis doctoral y su supervision. Journal for the Study of Education and Development / Infancia y Aprendizaje, 40: 407-428.
Allen, D., Badro, V., Denyer-Willis, L., Macdonald, M. E., Paré, A., Hutchinson, T., Barré, P., Beauchemin, R., Bocti, H., Broadbent, A. & Cohen, S.R. (2015). Fragmented care and whole-person illness: Decision-making for people with chronic end-stage kidney disease. Chronic Illness, 11(1): 44–55.
Paré, A. (2014). Writing together, for many reasons. In C. Aitchison & C. Guerin (Eds.). Writing groups for doctoral education and beyond: Innovations in theory and practice. London, UK: Routledge.
Starke-Meyerring, D., Paré, A., El-Bezre, N. & Sun, K.Y. (2014). Probing normalized institutional discourses about writing: The case of the doctoral thesis. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 8 (2): 13-27.
Paré, A. (2014). Rhetorical genre theory and academic writing. Journal of Academic Language and Learning, 8 (1): 83-94.
Aitchison, C. & Paré, A. (2012). Writing as craft and practice in the doctoral curriculum. InReshaping doctoral education: Changing programs and pedagogies. A. Lee & S. Danby (Eds.). London, UK: Routledge.
Starke-Meyerring, D., Paré, A., Horne, M., Artemeva, N., & Yousoubova, L. (Eds.) (2011)Writing in Knowledge Societies. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. Available at http://wac.colostate.edu/books/winks/
Paré, A. (2011). Publish and flourish: Joining the conversation. In Connecting the local, regional and global in doctoral education (pp. 172-190). A. Lee & V. Mallan (Eds.). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press.
Starke-Meyerring, D. & Paré, A. (2011). Introduction. In Writing in knowledge societies. D. Starke-Meyerring, A. Paré, M. Horne, N. Artemeva, & L. Yousoubova (Eds.). Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. Available at http://wac.colostate.edu/books/winks/
Paré, A., Starke-Meyerring, D., & McAlpine, L. (2011). Knowledge and identity work in the supervision of doctoral student writing: Shaping rhetorical subjects. In Writing in knowledge societies. D. Starke-Meyerring, A. Paré, M. Horne, N. Artemeva, & L. Yousoubova (Eds.). Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. http://wac.colostate.edu/books/winks/
Paré, A. (2011). Speaking of writing: Supervisory feedback and the dissertation. In Doctoral education: Research-based strategies for doctoral students, supervisors and administrators. L. McAlpine & C. Amundsen (Eds.). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
Paré, A. (2010). Making sense of supervision: Deciphering feedback. In The Routledge Doctoral Student’s Companion: Getting to Grips with Research in Education and the Social Sciences (pp. 107-15). P. Thomson & M. Walker (Eds.). London, U.K.: Routledge.
Paré, A. (2010). Slow the presses: Concerns about premature publication. In Publishing pedagogies for the doctorate and beyond. C. Aitchison, B. Kamler & A. Lee (Eds.). London, UK: Routledge.
Paré, A. (2010). Discourse and social action: Moffett and the new rhetoric. Changing English 17(3): 241–250.
LeMaistre, C. & Paré, A. (2010). Whatever it takes: How beginning teachers learn to survive.Teaching and Teacher Education,26 (3): 559-564.
Paré, A., Starke-Meyerring, D., & McAlpine, L. (2009). The dissertation as multi-genre: Many readers, many readings. In Genre in a changing world. C. Bazerman, A. Bonini, and D. Figueiredo (Eds.). Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. Available at http://wac.colostate.edu/books/genre/
McAlpine, L., Paré, A., & Starke-Meyerring, D. (2008). Disciplinary voices: A shifting landscape for English Doctoral Education in the 21st century. In Changing Practices in Doctoral Education. D. Boud & A. Lee (Eds.). London, UK: Routledge.