LLED 454/002 – Adolescent Literacies: Processes and Practices

This blended course will focus on the literacy processes and practices among adolescents in schools (at the upper intermediate through secondary levels) and out of schools. Topics include critical issues in adolescent literacies, fluency and comprehension, supporting struggling readers, literacy support for second language learners, reading and writing across the curriculum, multimodal, media and digital literacies, assessment, and policy related to adolescent literacy practices. 500 level credit will include additional requirements.This course will be 75% on line with 25% of classes (early and late in the term) to be conducted face to face for local students and via web conferencing for distant students

This course is cross-listed with LLED 565G/062

Code: LLED 454
Section: 002
Title: Adolescent Literacies: Processes and Practices
Credit: 3
Term: 2
Start/End Date: 01/04/2016 – 04/08/2016
Day(s): R
Time: 04:30 pm – 07:30 pm
Location: ON LINE / PComm 1002
Instructor: Theresa Rogers
Course Link: